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Finished commission for my good friend UncommonTree. It was very nice to find another person in fandom who has so much similar tastes with me, extremely cute fursona and the will to get lots of comms. Really, it's not an everyday thing to see a deer/tree hybrid in fandom and I actually love such idea a lot! Also I'm a big deer lover, already mentioned it before in my old commission with Sterling deer but they're rare animals in cartoons and modern furries do not really much like to use toony deers for sonas, prefering more anthro ones. I don't have nothing against anthro but toony things will be always more desirable for me, so it was very nice to see such a nice fellow of that kind.
We decided to chose extreme obesity with tube feeding for the first time and it was really fun to work with it. I also did special sloby version for him with chocolate dripping on his body.
And for that drawing I used a little bit more filters than before. Most of times it was just one copy of main graphic layer, a little bit blured and toned to add slight tint to shadow zones, sometimes I also did second copy with the darkest shadow zones to make these spots deeper and with slightly changed color as well. Now I did three layers, where the first one is very much blured and gives very mild light shades going far outside main pencil tone, the second is middle blured layer and the third is that layer for darkest areas. Together they make very good effect. You can see it on the last 4 pictures where the first one is just a pencil layer with color layer under it (hard to imagine that my early works were all like that) and then it starts to gradually change as I turn on the layers one by one. 



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