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I made that artwork being strongly inspired from "The Case of the Nervous Sheriff" episode of "Hound for Hire" cartoon which has some story behind it. Though it looks like classic US 60s cartoon it was made by Australian animator Phill Davis and produced in Zagreb, Yugoslavia. Nowdays it's one of those old lost and forgotten cartoons, there is not much info about it, no wikipedia article, no physic media purchasable (amazon still have open lot from 2010 but the item is unavailable), for a certain time it was impossible to watch any of 10 listed episodes, "The Case of the Kangeroo Kid" was uploaded to YouTube 7 years ago, "The Case of the Speechless Senator" 3 years ago and now one good person uploaded another 4 but still we have 4 missed.
Some articles say Hound for Hire is known as one of the cartoons from "Worst Low Budget cartoons" list for various reasons. Well, I'm not so much fastidious person and can find appealing sides in lots of things other people find unattractive. And so, Hound for Hire really got me hooked, I fell in love with it's characters, especially Sam Bassett himself, that dog detective with deadpan face and deep manly voice. Lucky me, the first episode I watched was about Wild West and it had that stunning wolf bandit guy Black Bart. Being always crazy for Western stuff and cowboys I easily got the spark to draw those guys together. Actually, I really miss good Western styled content in fandom, old fashioned things are not much popular here in general so I apparently have no way but fix it only by myself, that was a good extra stimulation for me to draw it.
I chose such funny lines for characters refering to actual dialogue which feels a little bit strange and improvised

Also some stuff behind the scene here again. I got used to do little tricks with graphic layers and probably can't do without it anymore. I already posted similar screenshots before in my posts about Duck Twacy Playing Dick Racing and T-bone and Razor artworks where I used my method for the first time. Here I wanted to nail that complex palete of old film with cold and warm color tints, it didn't looked like that with just simple coloring under graphic layer. So I did two blurred copies of pencil tone, colored them in peach and green and it gave all necessary nuances. It's easy to see it in attached xcf files. 



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