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I'm not a fan of WIPs and more used to make big surprises to people by uploading my artworks in fully finished state but I really needed to share this because I faced some problems and don't know when this thing will be finished at all. 

I started that sculpture about 4 months ago right after finishing my first little sculptural portrait of Sleepy. I liked that type of work, photomanipulating with plasticine sculptures and coloring them digitaly seemed fun and I thought it could be good to try it again. Good way to deal with lack of realism in my drawings with small effort. I did only torso and actually enjoyed the result, of course, with such big tits and those cannon nipples it's hard to not enjoy, but then I got busy with lots of things, commissions, spooktober, commissions again, Christmas ideas etc. So, Pitu le Pew body was left covering in dust for a long time but I decided to finish it at last during my art-freedom month. And I finished it as you can see. 

I can say it was really hard. Plasticine is not the best choice for real sculpture at all and there were lots of problems, I just didn't supposed to make sculpture a final product. The final product is retouched, smoothed, filtered and digitaly colored photos. That's how I thought. While making those photos I was pretty much excited about forthcoming work with coloring. Yes, conditions were not the best, I have not a single goddamn lamp in my house and it forced me to be creative, haha. I used MS Paint to fill my screen with acid pink and cyan colors and used my monitor for aesthetic lighting. It worked out really well, indeed. 

But then unfortunate problems set in. I tried to color photos in program and....It doesn't work. Coloring Sleepy's portrait worked out well because there were light colors but it's impossible to make white look like black on photo because light spreading works different in real life. You know, white colors reflect the light and black consumes the light. So, there is no easy ways. The only thing I can do is to paint a REAL sculpture itself. Well, it means there is a plenty of work ahead and I don't know when I will do it. I feel tired and want to take a break from sculpting and draw something else until my commission month started.
So, I wanted to make you enjoy some more buffness performed by me before the January end, at least in such state. Hope it makes your day and also hope to finish it as soon as possible. 



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