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My first attempt on drawing by color pencils. I decided to use them for various reasons. Thought it could be more pictorial than just flat color filling I used on my classic b/w drawings, also I wanted to speed up the whole process thinking that drawing with color pencils will be much easier and quickier. But it was much harder than expected, I even thought it will be my first and last time I'm trying them, but later changed my mind after bying aquarell pencils instead of my old cheap ones. Anyway, my first drawing with them was quite not bad and I finally realized my idea to try adding digital colors to color pencils drawing. And the result really impressed me a lot. I got thirsty for bright colors while drawing old cartoon characters with their calm pallete and that acid portrait of Bernard satisfied me a lot, probably the brightest artwork in my gallery now.
That's all about technical stuff.
About art itself, well, it's just Bernard, that famous cartoon werewolf daddy from OK K.O.! show which I will never watch probably, but who knows. Anyway, Bernard is sexy af for me, he is purple werewolf after all. And as a big lover of spooky stuff and Halloween I had nothing to do but draw him for my first spooktober art to celebrate my first Halloween in fandom. As you can see, that apron is canon, I noticed him just by case while looking for some references for another idea and that one suddenly inspired me to draw something different. 



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