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Hey everyone! We are glad to announce that the OATS server is up and running once again! 

The server is Patron exclusive for the time being while we run some testing and sort out some of the server’s features, but we expect a public launch very soon! 

You can join using the IP: play.oats.gildedgames.com The server is running on the latest Jenkins build of Aether II: https://jenkins.gildedgames.com/blue/organizations/jenkins/The-Aether-II/activity/ 

You just need to click on the latest commit, then click on the top right button labelled "Artifacts" and download the "Universal.jar" file (Not the api-jar!) 

Any time the server is updated, you will receive a message here in the #patrons channel on the Aether's discord server (discord.gg/Y98GAFe

Please send your Minecraft username to our server admin Indrì Nappus#9078 on Discord so you can be added to the server whitelist. 

Have fun and enjoy the server! 

