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Hi, all! I've got some changes coming to my Patreon:

- Replacing the various character sketch tiers will be two condensed tiers! They will be $75 for 1 colored character, and $150 for 2 colored characters.

- Commission slots are no longer available from the $5 tier. To get a commission, you MUST sign up for the new commission tiers. $5 and $10 rewards are otherwise the same as before, just without commission access.

- Little Acres will now only be available from the $5 tier and upwards.

- New patrons are now billed upfront. This means faster rewards for new patrons, and less look-and-run-without-paying patrons for me.

I've decided to implement these changes for a few reasons. I haven't been able to work on Little Acres with the amount of work I am doing, so I am cutting down and raising prices to give myself more time and energy for Little Acres. Pages are coming, I absolutely promise. Also, my commission system is currently too overwhelming for me. I will be taking less commissions, but 100% effort will be put in each piece, so you can expect quality increase. Commission slots with backgrounds will become available with time.

***This month will be a little weird in terms of integrating the new setup. I can either publish the new commission tiers now, or wait until December is coming up. Thoughts?***

Feedback is always appreciated, hope you've all had a good week!<3



Wait until December to impliment them.

Winfrey Reed

Will the Bagel Bites tier still exist?


I would vote until December considering I just got charged for my tier on patreon


I’m sorry, but I don’t think I can afford the $75 tier for a colored character. You do amazing work, so it’s totally understandable you need to make these changes. And I’m sorry to hear people have been scamming you lately. I only wish you the best, and hope your new tier system works out for you. &lt;3



Winfrey Reed

The $75 a month tier is going to be a bit much for many of us I think. I’ll try to keep it.