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Hi loves.

HEADS UP: THERE IS HUGE NEWS in the NEW ZEALAND AND AUSTRALIA - and music - dept coming tomorrow. Get excited.

Here's a video for ya....AND I just published a little piece of writing on The Substack.

I gave an impassioned short speech at a benefit called "Remembering Sinéad" at City Winery in NYC a few weeks ago, and I followed it playing a ukulele version of "Black Boys on Mopeds" with Stephin Merritt (The Magnetic Fields), John Cameron Mitchell (Hedwig), Martha Wainwright, and Joy Askew.

You can read (AND PLEASE SHARE) the entire speech here:



You patrons understand more than anybody what I am talking about here.

So.....I hope this touches you.

You are the answer, for me.

You care for and about me. You support me through so much. Artistically, mentally, financially, musically, emotionally....

You keep me held steady.

So thank you.

If only Sinéad had had direct access to and with the people who loved her, and her voice, and her music.

Who knows.....


A reminder...! I use substack as the publishing house for my random writing, essays, advice column...and whatever. It's currently called "Ask Amanda" but I'm thinking of rebranding the title, since the writing has gotten....expansive. I also sent this video to the $5 substack subscribers.

The substack writing is funded BY THE PATREON, usually, and I encourage you to follow the substack for free if you want. The paid side of the substack subscription is for people who want to support me financially but don't want to get the usual BARRAGE of Amanda-posts from patreon.

This isn't a "Paid Thing"...this was just something I really wanted to get out into the world.

If you feel moved, please please share it on socials.

HEre's also a great write up of the show in Magnet Magazine:


And some great photos by Ehud Lazin from the night....(he also took the header photo)

