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Hallo loves...calling all $10+ patrons....

This is a little reminder to get yourselves over to the crowdcast NOWWWWW! START CHATTIN.


There's already a lively little chat, about 100 people RSVP'ds, and we are AT GRAVESIDE VARIETY itself trying and hoping that the piano will work and sound beautiful.

Michael is here (he and I are juggling email mountain together in Woodstock this week) and Brendon is gonna mix the sound and we are gonna go for broke and I also have a little book of Charles Bukowski poems so WATCH OUT.

GET INTO THE CHAT and also please start filling up the Q&A box with questions.

If anybody has a (short! 1-2 minute max) poem they wanna read, we may have time....





Pamela Kirsch

I might be able to pop in for a few mins between clients I hope 🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷sending so much love love love love love

Deniz Bevan

I see the Bukowski! Same copy as mine ❤️