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Good morning loves. Pre-first-sip-of-coffee selfie for ya. Greetings from my house in Bearsville, NY….with an Irish mug.

How are you all doing? Drop me a comment. It’s been a moment.

I’ve been more offline than usual for a while..summer, family, breathing, rebuilding the undercarriage of this here Patreon and gearing up to write new records and books this coming year. Tilling my soul and getting ready for planting. Rest time. Kid time.

I currently gotta house full of grandads and moms and four kids under 9 and I’m just quietly re-assessing my whole life plan while making endless sandwiches and doing endless dishes. I like it. It’s weirdly calming.

I’m simplifying as much as I can in certain departments while digging into the necessary complicated.

This is my first cup of coffee today but not my fucking last. Our little passion community speakeasy/cabaret - Graveside Variety, which is being partly funded by ALL Y’ALL - is opening for community coffee hour today (Sunday Aug 6th) from 9:30-1, I’ll be down there with the kids if you wanna come say hi. 33 Rock City Road, Woodstock. More here: gravesidevariety.com

Bring me a story and bring muffins and baked goods for everyone.

We will make coffee and tea.

Tonight I’ll be at the venue with Lance Horne and co for “Party Around a Piano” (our dorky musical theater piano singalong/karaoke night) and it always fills up, so get a ticket now if you’re coming - 6pm doors 7pm show.

I’m thinking of doing a song from The Greatest Showman….

I love you all a lot.

I’m brewin’ an essay/piece - if I can manage to find writing time this week - about broken and repaired things. I keep wanting to make things and not quite getting there.

I’ve been very slow over there, but it’s cranking back up this fall.

Just a slow, slow, season. But I’m still recovering from so much horror. I’m letting myself off the hook.

This week I get some work time. Got a list of things to do as long as my eyeballs. Along with trying to write and figure out the 2024 year of touring and releases, I gotta schedule some webcasts for you and clean up the Patreon, it’s been messy and it’s time to weed.

There’s a lot to do. But I’m learning - finally - how to also relax and fall into to glorious mess a little bit more. Arms of love all around me. Enjoying that is the key to life. Let the dishes sit.

I’m happy. So much is falling apart and uncertain, but funnily, I don’t mind.

It’s just like that.

More soon.


I love this shot. This is Ash this morning with his best friend from New Zealand, Aya, and his cousin Alana. Aunt Donna at the fridge. All the generations.

…and that’s Holly and Lisa G at graveside two nights ago, opening up for Joan As Policewoman. I’ll do a big old graveside post later this month. It’s been so so so good.

Currently reading:

And here’s a buncha friends at my house, helping move donated furniture :)






Hello back at you my lovely! I'm currently in BC Canada visiting my parents (89 and 91)- which is a novel in itself. I closed the shop on June 24th in Tasmania and spent a 10 days stocktaking, packing, moving, taking stuff to auction or storing it or donating it. Spent a week sorting the stuff I'd had to just pile up at home because I had to be out of the shop. Spent a week preparing for a festival. Did the festival. Got ready for an overseas trip and flew out exactly one month from the final trading day. I'm a bit dazed and confused (coffee is my saviour). Also excited about next steps. Oh how I wish I could add a couple of days to my trip and drop into Graveside - but I'm not flying that way around the world. Keep on doing all the things, hugs to all. Big love!

Kelly Goodwin

Added the death of the artist to my holds list at the library…. spoiler alert: artists will never die!

Jenny Hippensteal

I’m not functioning so well at all to be honest. Upset that I haven’t even had the energy really to keep up with your amazing self and everything you do. I just got the print in the mail and I love every single little thing about it. You take the time to take care of us. 🖤 Just kind of taking everything a day at a time, trying desperately to find an appropriate place to live when my lease is up in January…bullet came through my living room window and is lodged in my wall. Random man allegedly relieving himself behind my apt building the next day…in broad daylight. I’m sure he isn’t mentally stable and that also makes me sad because maybe he can’t get the care he needs for one reason or another. There’s more but I don’t want to ramble on too long. Waiting to see my best friend James from PA and head to Woodstock to see you perform again 🖤 it’s helping me keep my shit together. Sending you all the hugs that I have. 🖤🖤🖤

Leah Ben Ari

I wish I could help with your house cleaning, donating and general clearing of energy and spaces — I’m doing same on west coast, and getting pretty good at it 🌻