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I'll read comments here before we take stage tonight in NoLa for the final show.

TL;DR: the dresden dolls stream from last night was epic and it's up here: 



**I'm on my way right now to meet up with the New Orleans patrons - if you missed the memo, info here: Jackson Sq....Michael and I should be there by around 5:30. We'll get photos for you. Thread on the shadowbox: https://forum.theshadowbox.net/t/new-orleans-meet-up-weekend-of-6-23-25/11429/35**


And....that's a New Orleans killer-ass stream wrap.

(This and header photo by Michael McComiskey)

We sleighed in New Orleans a second night, this time on camera. 

I am fucking exhausted, Brian is fucking exhausted, and after a long nap and a short field trip to the Music Box Village today (they opened up for us! thanks Leah!!!), we are headed to do show #3 in New Orleans. THE LAST SHOW OF THE SEASON. It's been an invcredible run of dates, and we are flattened and joyful. I will write more about the tour wrapping up and what it all means...in the Althing, which I'll try to get out mid-week.


The stream last night was just SO SO SO astoundingly good, all the feedback has been stellar....and I wanted to thank you all for funding it so that the global community could watch the band FOR FREE!!!!!!

We didn't send the link public, but about 4,000 people tuned in, and about 7,000 have watched it since last night (!!!) ....here is the unlisted link again  - GO SEE!!!!



IT WAS EPIC. I've asked someone from the team, to grab the timestamps and put them down in comments, or if anyone wants to be helpful, go for it in comments.

GOOD DAY (The Dresden Dolls) 21:22
SEX CHANGES (Yes, Virginia) 27:02
MISSED ME (The Dresden Dolls) 37:56
BACKSTABBER (Yes, Virginia) 46:59
ULTIMA ESPERANZA (No, Virginia) 53:26
MODERN MOONLIGHT (Yes, Virginia) 58:51
MRS. O (Yes, Virginia) 1:04:32
MY ALCOHOLIC FRIENDS (Yes, Virginia) 1:10:36
NECESSARY EVIL (Yes, Virginia) 1:13:33
ASTRONAUT (Who Killed Amanda Palmer) 1:19:18
WELCOME TO THE INTERNET (Bo Burnham cover) 1:26:17
BAD HABIT (The Dresden Dolls) 1:34:15
GLASS SLIPPER (A is for Accident)   1:42:43
AMSTERDAM (Jaques Brel cover) 1:51:06
FIGHT FOR YOUR RIGHT (Beastie Boys cover) 2:01:18
THE PERFECT FIT (The Dresden Dolls) 2:09:42
BOYFRIEND IN A COMA (new) 2:17:30
MANDY GOES TO MED SCHOOL (Yes, Virginia) 2:25:38
COIN-OPERATED BOY (The Dresden Dolls) 2:33:20
WAR PIGS (Black Sabbath cover) 2:37:53
HALF JACK (The Dresden Dolls) 2:51:15
GIRL ANACHRONISM (The Dresden Dolls)  3:02:03........

HOW LONG WILL IT STAY UP? I Dunno. I was gonna ask you guys.

You paid for this (and it wasn't cheap :)

We are gonna leave it up for at LEAST another 5-6 days while we decide whether or not we wanna flip it public or take it down.

I don't speak fluent internet anymore and don't even know how to deal with these things. 

Leave it unlisted? Leave it up and pimp it to social media? Make it disappear and YOU HAD TO BE THERE? 

Grab two or three of the strongest clips and put them on YouTube, standing alone? 

I don't fuckin know. You tell me. Seriously. What should we do? I'm reading comments. Nobody seems to know anything anymore. It all feels random.

I posted this up before I went to sleep last night:

Holy fuckballs …. and that’s a wrap internet and New Orleans. That’s the sickest show the dolls have played possibly in the history of being a band and my god I am fucking tired and have taken a shower and goodnight and I am slowly ever so slowly remembering who I am and what I am capable of when I am not forcing myself to be quiet. My fucking god I love my band and Brian Viglione so fucking much. That man is incapable of phoning any fucking thing in ever and I am a very very very lucky musician. Goddddamnnnnn and good night

(I also sent this short little voiceramble into the $5+ patrons' ears this morning. I was so happy and floating down the streest on cloud nine.....)


Some last night fun photos.....

Brian warming up on a loaf of sliced bagged bread backstage right before stage time, photo by Michael:

A bit about our very special speaker-guest; Amy Irvin.....

She's the co-founder and former executive director of the New Orleans Abortion Fund, we met shortly after I got to NoLa through the various activists here.

She talked to the crowd about the very sorry state of Abortion rights here in Louisiana.


Abortion care is pretty much criminalized here in this state, and people have to far hundreds and sometimes thousands of miles (and spend hundreds and sometimes thousands of dollars) out of state to find options.

Amy's outfit, Creative Community League, "utilizes cultural strategies for movement building, supporting artists, storytelling, and other dynamic community involvement in fostering conversations about sexual and reproductive health, rights and justice in creative spaces." Basically: it's a community network to help progress in the Repro Rights area.

READ MORE: and donate. I just did.


The set list, as it began....

(Except, that wasn't the actual set list, see above).

Incredible uke-gift from wonderful fan Kristine Dupuy (GeminiPearl73).....

And more stunning photos from Friday's show by Whitney Tucker.....

and by Michael McComisky.....












1. if you are a patron and new to my work, don’t forget your patronage allows you access to ALL of my patreon releases to date. HERE is the link to download my latest big solo record, “There Will Be No Intermission”, and HERE is a link to download the PDF of the art/essay book that goes with it.

2. if you’re a patron reading this post via an email notification, please click through to comment on this post. at the very least, if you’ve read it, indicate that by using the heart symbol. that's always nice for me to see, so i know who's reading.

3. see All the Things (over 200 of them) i've made so far on patreon:


4. JOIN THE SHADOWBOX COMMUNITY FORUM, find your people, and discuss everything: https://forum.theshadowbox.net/

5. are you new to my music and TOTALLY OVERWHELMED? TAKE A WALK THROUGH AMANDALANDA….we made a basic list of my greatest hits n stuff (at least up until a few years ago, this desperately needs updating) on this lovely page: http://amandalanda.amandapalmer.net/

6. general AFP/patreon-related questions? ask away, someone will answer: patronhelp@amandapalmer.net

2023 Tour Dates:


June 23rd, 24th, & 25th - New Orleans, LA - Toulouse Theatre *SOLD OUT*

Aug 31, Sept 1 & 2 - Woodstock, NY - Colony - *SOLD OUT*

Oct 24, 25, 27, 28 - NYC - Bowery Ballroom - *ALMOST SOLD OUT*

All tickets at: https://amandapalmer.net/events/




i say leave it up or make it public. patreons got to see it first and live! now it can run wild in the great outdoors. thanks for asking. ❤️

Teresa Toro

These New Orleans shows have been Peak Fucking Dolls. I vote leave it up, and let the link be private for now. You can isolate/dole out specific songs later when you feel like it’s good timing. I don't feel really strongly about it, though — publish the link if you want. I think the show was too fucking good to not be OUT THERE for all eternity (or whatever passes for it online). In other news that was me saying hi when you got on the plane! I was happy to see you're able to at least manage verticality after three of the best fucking shows ever. Amanda, you're amazing and so is Brian. Your combined energy, the way you rely on each other and elevate each other onstage, how you are so thoroughly in sync and revel in each other – it is a privilege to be in the same room. (And the same plane lol)

Hayley Rosenblum

The YouTube link is private, so it can't be rewatched even now in the buffer "5-6 days" mentioned above ("We are gonna leave it up for at LEAST another 5-6 days while we decide whether or not we wanna flip it public or take it down.")


Watched it live, and watching it for the third time today. Leave it up! :)


Glad it's not just me, I watched half of it last night and was planning on watching the rest tonight


damn, the video went private again before I had a chance to finish the show this morning! what I caught of the show was fucking fantastic, thank you for sharing it with us. :)


Watched it live, I was at the Tacoma show in April which was amazing, but a completely different Amanda was on stage on this livestreamed Dresden Dolls show!!!!!


I just wanted to rewatch it, but it now says it's private and I don't have access to it anymore 😢

Christina C.

I missed it too. I was there but I wanted to see it again when I got home from my trip. Guess it will have to live on in my memory only.


I am too busy the next couple weeks to be able to watch this now… hope the full show will be left up!


thank you for drawing my attention to the update! <3 \|/


Leave it up. It's so worth keeping there.


Great show! My vote would be leave it up and make it public in a few weeks.

Hayley Rosenblum

Yeah it works now, but unfortunately another hiccup - it has ads on it, which interrupt continuous play. Hopefully that'll be turned off soon!


Are you sure? I'm watching it right now via the YouTube link in the post above... hope you manage to watch it, good luck 🤞🏼


It's working again since this morning, but I couldn't access it anymore last night. I'm glad it's working again! 😍 But thank you very much for your comment!!


I'm watching it right now on replay, what a fantastic show - well done Amanda & Brian 👏 Thanks for sharing the recording link for those of us who couldn't make it live. I'd love to shout from the rooftops and share it publicly on social media, but I don't want to do anything that's not etiquette with an unlisted video... so I'll wait to see if you make it public, Amanda. I vote to share the love ❤️


I vote to leave it up and leave it unlisted except to us patrons (new and old) so we can have a spot of sunshine when we need it. <3


I would love if the show could stay accessible to us for longer than five or six days. I haven't had a chance to watch it yet and won't really for another few days...I'm worried I'm going to miss my chance! I wanted to go to Nola so bad but couldn't swing it. I'm not sure how private links/videos work, but if there's a way to keep it limited to the patrons, at least for a larger chunk of time, that would be cool. Maybe cut out the new track, if that feels like something you want to keep closer to home for now? As a patron I would be super down it with making it public too, just not sure where you and Brian land with that. Those are my thought rambles for now. Thank you for doing this!! I can't wait for my next chance to come alive in the crowd of a Dolls show.

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2023-06-30 13:37:08 Please leave it up if possible. I work crazy hours and won't have a chance to watch for at least a few more days <3
2023-06-28 15:09:27 Please leave it up if possible. I work crazy hours and won't have a chance to watch for at least a few more days <3

Please leave it up if possible. I work crazy hours and won't have a chance to watch for at least a few more days <3

Zena Darling

Just came back to this and realized the set list is missing GRAVITY at 31:40 ! One of my favs :)