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Dear ones

Too busy for a long one so here’s the basics

These rain-soaked beauties were spotted by Deana while we were walking in the woods with the boys yesterday.

I fried them with garlic made an Omelet.

This resonated this morning:

Off to the last day of dolls rehearsal before tour !!!! wish us luck and see many of you soon in Florida / Louisiana.

Here is a video of Brian slaughtering “Necessary Evil” from the dolls’ second record “Yes, Virginia”.


We finished arranging two new songs. I’ve been waiting for this for so many years.

I’m so very tired but so very fucking happy right now. I started a beautiful,

soul-soaked poem on waking. There’s love and gentle delight flowing in from all directions. I’ve been holding my heart’s breath for so long. I’ve owed you all a poem for a while, time to finally get on that. Inspiration is mushrooming.

More soon






Dahlia Graham

You and Brian are a magical band pair. Love your happiness, love your rockstarness, also love your realness and down to earthness. We had a baby fawn in our yard a few days ago too. Very sweet to watch. Have the best time on tour!! Still not quite sure you picked Orlando and NOLA in June, but hey, free outdoor sauna. Enjoy.


Ha! I started mushroom growing months ago, thought I was in the wrong group for a sec. Enjoy


Can't wait to hear the new songs!!! See you in NYC this fall.

Steve Devitt

Looks nice and new songs yay


Have you ever had freshly harvested puffball mushrooms, perferably with a side of fiddleheads, both friend in butter? My Gran used to take me foraging in the spring for them (in the Don Valley of all places.. Americans - imagine forging in Central park, but wilder). Best damn meal I've ever eaten.


I miss the Don Valley, haven't been back to T.O. since before the pandemic 🩵 probably Aug or Sept

Anna Bruce

Im So happy to hear you SO Fucking Happy 🖤🖤

Kristen W.

Looks delicious, really. No better meal I can think of that represents going back to “roots” besides downing a mud/magic pie! 😝 Funny how that works sometimes. Anyway, so amazingly excited for you both. You’re gonna kick ass, here in FL and beyond! I’ll see you on the 18th! I have yet to see deer that close, which is a crying shame. They are such precious creatures. I’ve heard that Key West has these small deer that just come up to you like seagulls, seeking sweet, golden fries from the fast-food gods. 😅


I have been dealing with some illness and I'm so fucking anxious, but so fucking excited for tomorrow night. I'll be up early in the morning, driving across the state with my lovely daughter (of which I can not wait to share this experience with). I never got to see you all back when I first started listening many moons ago, so this is a dream come true. Fuck my MS, the show must go on! ❤


I can't wait to see you guys tomorrow! But, I can't remember what platform the tickets were sold on and I can't find the email. Can anyone remind me?


It was through tkx. I had search my email to find it because I couldn’t remember either.


With a full heart, I can say that it was one of the very best nights of my life. Certainly the best show I've ever been to and I don't say that lightly. It was rough getting there yesterday, but by last night, we had wished we had tickets for all 3 nights. I didn't want to take away from other people getting to go when I initially bought them though. What a gut wrechingly cleansing experience...for both myself and my daughter. I am so grateful.


I'm always in awe of drummers. My brain can't fathom how they can get all 4 limbs to do different things. Amazing.