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(patron only - please do not share the youtube link, it's unlisted on purpose)

hallo loves!!

super quicksies, from backstage at the national gallery of victoria where i'm about to play a sold out gig in a david hockney exhibit (WHAT IS MY LIFE? pretty fucking fantastic today if i do say so myself and they even put blueberries on the backstage rider for the baby....)

AND - there's an exciting new surprise video from the amanda/edward record coming tomorrow. watch for it.


the stream last night live from the gasometer in melbourne went great (here's the whole thing: https://www.facebook.com/amandapalmer/videos/10154671049603375) BUT unfortunately the patron-only bit was cut short...luckily the footage was saved and we're gonna pop it up here for a couple of days (i'll take this unlisted link down on monday during the australian afternoon - i feel too fragile about all the mistakes to leave it up for too long)...go have a look and watch me vulnerably stumble thorugh a few unfinished songs: 


none of the new songs are titled yet. and please be kind. they are works in progress, not finished tunes. it's about 45 min long.

massive thanks to guy jukes, a patron, for offering to stream the show. we had a few techincal problems but overall it looked and sounded wonderful...

and THANK YOU to all of you oz-folk who came to any and all of the shows on this tour...sniff....tomorrow is my last show in oz, in cairns. (there are still tickets - tell your friends in cairns! why do you have friends in cairns??)

i love you.




-----------THE NEVER-ENDING AS ALWAYS-----------

1. if you’re a patron, please click through to comment on this post. at the very least, if you’ve read it, indicate that by using the heart symbol. i know, i know. 

2. see All the Things i've made so far on patreon: http://amandapalmer.net/patreon-things/

3. join the official AFP-patron facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/afpland/

4. AFP-patreon-related questions? ask away, someone will answer:




hey friend, thank you for giving any & all of whatever you can from the patreon feed of funds to refugees! you are magical & rock-the-fuck-on. blessings&much love, peace,kim g.


Love the mix of styles on the new songs. Thanks for sharing them with us.


Really great to hear you testing out some new stuff - it will be great to remember this when you bring out the finished songs when they are ready. I joined the Patreon because I believe that artists are important to their community and can help us understand ourselves and should be supported as such and able to eat. Having said that I think this might be one of my favourite bonuses I've had as a Patreon, so thank you!


The thing I carried through every song you played on this night it how passionate you are. Whether it's a slow, sad song, or an upbeat, punchy song, you give it the same recognition and passion. And that's why we love you! Also, I already donate to a few charities and I feel slightly guilty at supporting your Patreon, rather than giving to another charity, but knowing that you donate to charities when you can makes it all the better. You're an Angel in disguise! I can't wait to see this finished video. Much love. Xx


Loved loved loved this so much... The intimacy of the web-cast made me feel like I was right there with you. Your new material is absolutely fabulous. Such a rich mix of emotions! So passionate! Thanks so much for sharing this shit show -- just loved it.


Hey just a friendly reminder, I have to pull this video offline in just under 6 hours everyone.


Thank you for streaming this, Amanda. The real-time event took place as I was winding down from poring over photos for my lovely bride's memorial service; I needed the grounding of music, and you just...appeared.


oh :( i cannot believe i missed it :'( i have just read my emails from weekend and i found out about this. not a great start of my Monday :( is there any chance to see it somehow, please? pretty please

Melanie Meilleur

Seconded. But I understand if it's impossible, too. I have no good excuse - I just didn't want to listen through my phone and so waited until I got back around my computer... 10 hours too late.


Oh My! I miss those songs. Yesterday I've listened to the video in repeat and today I've singed all day 'Who was a fuckable fifteen Oh Oh Oh OH!' at my job, shaking my shoulders. Please let this songs come out soon, their all So good! Thank you <3 Be Proud


Totally missed the hidden link but I loved getting to see your show. It's so hard to catch you live (I'm in Texas) and there's magic in your live shows that isn't on the CDs. (The stopping and talking, the stories, the laughing, and I love it all!) YAY STREAMS! :D


I had tickets to experience you at MOMA & THE GASO, life & my body took turns to say no. It felt excruciating, but acceptance ya know 😊 In any case, this clip from the Gaso was such a brilliant thing - thank you thank you & thank you x x


Missed out on the hidden treasure, but grateful for you, your art, and the community.