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Hello loves

Greetings from a plane from Santa Fe to NY via Dallas. I am fucking exhausted but spiritually overfilled to the brim because my band is just so goddamn good and we fairly slaughtered all six of our shows these last two weekends in Denver and Santa Fe.

I am drowning in footage and photos and patron meet-up goodness and I’ll get to all of it. The Althing will probably be chock fullllll.

For now - this one, omg -

Taken by Cody last night at Meow Wolf i. Santa Fe. Says it all. I broke down crying - seriously, broke down - telling the crowd how deeply musically and soul-understood I felt by Brian Viglione, and how lucky any of us are to find one person in this life who understands and supports us this deeply. Who knows what would have happened to me if I had not met this man.

Who knows. Nobody understood me, not really, til this guy. My songs just scared people.

He lifted me, I lifted him, we lifted each other into the stratosphere. We became so much larger than the sum of our parts.

Michael got this great shot from side of stage.

I still haven’t found a good way of gathering all your gorgeous photos. Patreon blows in this regard. I’m working on it and lost as usual. For now tag me on IG or post to a FB post.

So…there is SO much to catch up on BUT RIGHT NOW: a tiny local piece of news for my Woodstock/NY area patrons.

Hudson Valley locals: KEEP YOUR EARS & EYES PEELED, HERE for some possible meet-up/show/ninja plans this weekend in Woodstock, okay? HIJINX ARE AFOOT. I’ll have more news for you tomorrow / Wednesday latest. It is juicy.

Mom Mode for a moment:June 8th - for people / kiddos of all ages!!!! 🎈♥️🎉

Andy from Tinker St Cinema just told me he got ahold of an original print of The Red Balloon and Ash still has never seen it - and it’s one of my all-time fave kiddo movies. It’s in French, but it’s 99% non-dialogue. If you’re an American kid of a Certain Age who Took French, you almost definitely watched this heartbreaking shit in French Class. There’s also a children’s book version of the film that became popular for a while. I won’t spoil the plot.


It’s only 35 minutes long, so we tacked the Ugly Duckling on, too. June 8th, 5:30-6:30pm. Tix are $10 and all the money just goes to support the cinema. And there’s popcorn and Fruition chocolate in the lobby.

AND - if you score tickets, tell me in the comments. I may have a secret place for us/y’all to gather before or after the film, wink wink nudge nudge knowhatimean.

Ticket link here, and please spread the word and tell local families!!!


I’ll bring my ukulele, as usual. Always giving hugs. I’d love to sell the place out. It seats about 100.


Much more soon. For now just get Balloon tix.


P.s. just a little lite reading on the plane from Sophia Giovannitti - it’s a slightly heavy read but a good one for artists and anti-capitalist sex workers alike.



Natalie Rose Apar

Photo sharing us definitely tricky because everyone uses different cloud storage nowadays, but maybe something like Yogile? The band would have to have a paid account ($45/year), but then of you sent the link out to fans, they don't even need an account to add unlimited images to the albums. I'll keep looking about it.

Gabrielle Shearer

The bond between you and Brian moves me to tears. It is healing for me, this level of kinship and understanding. I love the music too, of course, but it's the alchemy that feels so precious--especially now. Thank you.

Laura Morland

Fabulous photos! I hope you are now able to get some REST. I love what you do for your Woodstock-area community. QUESTION: WERE YOU ABLE TO MAKE THE MEETUP IN SANTA FE?


Ugh, I am soooo envious seeing all those photos as I am in fucking GERMANY!!! Could you give us a tiny little hint IF or IF NOT you are going to come to Europe to play (so we can start or stop dreaming about it...)?!? 😆😘

Lynn Robinson

Feel your energy so much in this post . So wonderful for you to have Brian and your music to help pick you up after all the 💩of the last few years . The Red Balloon 🎈- I remember seeing it but sadly not the detail of the film . What another brilliant event to put on. Have fun . Much love ❤️🤗

Nicolai Giedraitis

Another album title idea: “Maybe, Virginia”


How odd, I always thought it was a little girl. I love "The Red Balloon " as a young boy and probably saw it more times than any otger single elementary student in California from 1979 to 81. My moms job had us moving constantly and as an adult I realized I had attended between 23 and 28 different schools from K to 12. And whenever I went there was a old projector and a movie can with the Red Balloon in it. I have no wish to watch it again.

Jen Kiaba

Love, love, love 🥹


Yes! Loved Red Balloon, exactly!!


What a great idea! I want to watch the Red Balloon now. Looks like I can. Thank you for the rec! Love you ♥️