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Hi loves.

I just posted a variation of this to social media as well, and I just sent out emails to the people who were backstage at the shows, and those who were registered for this week’s upcoming movement workshop (Coco is still leading, but we are offering refunds).


I have covid, for the second time. (I had it last August, right after coming home from New Zealand). I tested positive the day after my birthday. This photo was taken right before I found out. I was so, so tired. Happy birthday Amanda.

My shows in NY and Boston were intimate, messy, and beautiful emotional triumphs (I am so grateful to all of you who came - thank you, my god it was special) and then…boom. I tested positive as soon as I got home. If you were there - especially if you hugged me, or Manta - get tested. (He’s positive, too).

Other parts of my life have been ravaging my piece of mind, but these shows - and Vancouver and Tacoma - had started to set me free again, as did the substack piece I published about TED (and the ensuing ego-flattering interest it drew from editors and publishers.)

I was just starting to feel normal. Getting back to work. Feeling ready to write, to make, to engage. To rip in. Hooray. Times.

Dude. There will be no intermission.

Here is what I have learned from the last three years of being gripped by circumstances and bad actors - human and governmental and viral - out of my control. You do this: you stay on stage, but lie down. Sit it out. Go slow. Go slower. Stop. Still. Still. Be still.

Now, instead of posting up oodles of writing and photos from the shows, and rehearsing like mad for the upcoming dolls tour, I’ll let it…wait. I’ll rest for a bit while my body fights off this virus for the second time.

And oh, my friends.

I don’t think I have ever been more grateful for these friends who know me, who hold me, who see me, who weep when I tell them stories; not out of any kind of pity, but out of an earnest compassion for just how dark-deep some human hearts can plummet. How much empathy we need to have for the unloved, the scared, the lashing-out, the wounded.

How these moments draw us together, bind us together, how the fragile moment makes us raw, but makes us love.

These Anam Cara friends. Anthony-like. Scattered, but present, who know the difference between patience and stagnation, wisdom and bullshit, heart and ego. These friends who bring soup. Who pen birthday poems that make me cry in a bookshop. Who sing me songs. These friends who hold the entirety of all the jagged souls in our wakes, who bow heads in recognition of just how far we have to go as a family to dig out from all this inherited pain.

These loves.

I kvell in their presence.

Wish us a speedy recovery. Manta doesn’t have bad symptoms. I’m on paxlovid, and my symptoms ain’t too bad. Coughing. Tired. Sleeping. Hydrating.

We are making teas and vegetables.

I should be good to go by Denver.

If you were at the shows….say hi. I’m reading comments.

I am extra grateful now that I didn’t squeeze in a patron-gathering on Sunday morning - as I was kind of tempted.

I would have given you all Covid!!

Aie Aie Aie.







Oh no, so sorry to hear you are sick. I hope you feel better soon! The Boston show was so very wonderful and helped me lick my own wounds from recently losing a childhood kitty (she was 22 years old) the previous day. Thank you for being you ❤️


hi hi! both shows last weekend were amazing. sending healing restful energy for your tired self. I'm still going to the workshop with Coco! looking forward to the min-vaca. negative covid test today, and I'll test again tomorrow before I leave for Woodstock. 🩷


Happy belated birthday Amanda! So sorry you got the Rona. Wishing you a speedy recovery. Sending you much love and healing juju! ~~~💕 Looking forward to seeing the Dolls in Denver! Thank you for all you do, and for just being the Amazing You that you are!

Issa Rodri

wishing you a speedy recovery and lots of rest, Amanda! hang in there ✨️


Hi Amanda. Sending you love and all the virtual soup. Hi Manta, feel better too! The universe is telling you/us to slow down. Please rest. 💜💜💜


Drink oodles of hot tea, Amanda. Also: sleep. Sleep as much as you can. Sleep 12+ hours a day. I would come up and take care of you if I could 🌷


I'm so sorry you're sick. Sending you healing social distanced 🤗 hugs.

Stacy Litwin

I was at the Tacoma show and get together, I wanted to stay at the end of the Patreon event to possibly get a hug or just say how amazing you are but I was a little too over peopled and slightly overwhelmed but I did want to let you know how amazing it all was and that photos and videos don't do you justice because you're even more gorgeous in person. I hope you get some good rest during this forced break and get back to the things that you love quickly. ♥️


I was at the show in Poughkeepsie. I didn't get covid. I got tonsillitis though. So, I'm right there with ya. The show was gorgeous.


I've had Covid 3x but would catch it 100 more just to have had that hug with you Amanda. (But I feel fine!) So much to write here but not ready yet. Sleep and rest well - take good care of yourself. Sending much love. Julian/Alan xxx


Sleep. Hydrate. Sleep some more. Remember even a mild case feels like shit for 2 weeks, and then the tireds last a bit after that. No need to push. Rest. xoxo through the safety of the internet.


So sorry to hear this! I was at the Poughkeepsie show! Such a big heart feeling experience, so grateful to have been there. I have been overly shoving down my feelings about the last three years & you so helped me release some. Sending healing vibes from Greenfield, MA.


I hate to hear you're ill again. I have one friend that caught it twice and another that's had it three times. I'll wave branches for you!

Allan Vanuga

Hope you feel better. Happy Birthday.


This was helpful to read. I've got COVID for the first time and about 2.5 weeks in at this point. I feel like I'd get over it faster if I could just sleep all day for a couple of days, but who has that luxury? 😅😷


My husband and I were at your show Friday. You were amazing! Show was fabulous. Loved the long sad songs especially. Looking forward to hearing about the residency and pop-ups in Woodstock! We will definitely participate as we are only about an hour away max.Re: Covid. Ugh. So sorry to hear it got you again :( Hoping you are feeling better. And Happy Belated Birthday xo


First of all, I hope you feel better very soon… The Boston show was incredible and so healing 💛💛💛 sending you good thoughts and lots of love!


Happy Birthday Amanda! Betsy from the Omega crew here... Shitty birthday present - but we will celebrate again at Omega. We will have a whole week to celebrate to make up for it. We were at Tacoma and I was sitting next to you at the conservatory. I lent you my fur coat to sit on and sang the titanic song. I'll teach it to you on the beach at Omega if you like. We will be at Denver, so hopefully we will see you soon all rejuvenated and refreshed and back in the high spirits you were in just a few days ago. Wrapping you in light, my dear.


May you find deep healing in your stillness. More birthday wishes. Sending you love. 🧡

Rebecca Ryan

Hope you’re feeling a little better than you were yesterday 💜 no fun..much love x

Anna Bruce

Hope you are starting to feel a little more normal today. So sorry you got sick, Again. Ugh this is still the Worst and we just pretend it's over. :(


Sending so much love, and well wishes for your recovery.

Erinn Baldeschwiler

“How these moments draw us together, bind us together, how the fragile moment makes us raw, but makes us love.” Indeed. Grateful for this Truth. Love you Sister Dear Heart. xoxo 💜 P.S. “ we tightened” (by ‘we’ I mean the social fabric, the ‘weavers of the web’ 🕸️🌈✌🏼)