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(patron-only post)

hello my loves.

GODAAAMN.... and i have a LOT to catch you up on and a few things to ASK YOU so bear with me here. tons of links, and an ask at the end that i hope you get to - i need contacts / advice.

GOOD NEWS....look, i can embed multiple photos in my patreon blogs now!!! NO MORE WAITING FOR THE END OF THE POST FOR THE IMAGE!!! MANY IMAGES ERUPTING AT YOU FORVER!!! here i am, ten minutes ago, in front of the amazing gothic cement mixer truck outside the mona museum... 

(EDIT: apparently these photos are working only on some platforms. COMMENT AND TELL ME IF YOU SEE THEM! and tell me what you're reading - mobile/desktop/what platform)

you can read about this artist's (wim delvoye's) work here, and see more. it's pretty phenomenal: https://www.wimdelvoye.be/work/gothic-works 


last night's recording at the mona museum - and the vocal i cut at the green room studios in the afternoon - was really incredible. i'm keeping everything about the content of what i'm creating now basically secret, because...well, i like surprising you, but i'll give you a hint:

one is a new song, another STRING cover collaboration with jherek - BUT NOT BECAUSE ANYBODY DIED...finally. it's a cover of a classic, and it's politically pertinent. it was one of those random-amanda ideas that mushroomed, and i'm trying to make the film clip that i'm seeing in my head to go along with it before leaving australia. ticking time may prevent it but i'm trying.

and one is a *spanky brand new* song, newly written by me and just piano and vocals. it had a strange beginning, and is being brought into the fore because i also had an idea for a video and think i've found the perfect collaborator to make it happen. more on all of this soon, but ART IS HAPPENING and it's happening fast. for this is the time to make art.

i tracked this last one AT the mona museum, per the email you got yesterday, and i DID manage to periscope at the very and of the night after me and michael were both delrious after five hours of tracking.

the MONA museum is an amazing place when illumated by flashlight only...you can see the periscope here (it's about 15 minutes long and yes those are real womens vulvae cast in plaster....and a real machine that makes human-kinda poops!):


...but all of this makes me just believe that i need to do a better-lit cast from the museum, so stay tuned for that. maybe before or after one of the concerts tomorrow or the next day....


some news from the community:


i am really proud to call senator elizabeth warren MY SENATOR! massachusetts FTW!!! she's been a hero for a long time and she's stepping it up hardcore, if you haven't been following the news:


i really hope she keeps it up and becomes the main face of the trump-resistance. LIZ 2020. we've got four years.


my good friend and collaborator THOR HARRIS just got banned from twitter, you can read about it here:


thor actually sent me this video when he made it and asked me to share it on socials and i didn't because i'm too much of a compassionate pacifist. but i still thought it was hilarious, and i'd defend his right up and down to be able to share his witty and barbed brand of thor-humor. if you're missing him on twitter (and hopefully he'll be BACK....) go follow him on instagram: @thorharris.


the LEONARD COHEN prints look beautiful and we still have a handful left. this was a limited edition print of 150 - all hand-printed and signed by vladamir zimakov, the artist. and ALL THE MONEY goes to pen america.

go get one if you haven't.





last but not least...i have a favor to ask.

i was in talks with the UNHCR for the past few weeks trying to see if we could squeeze in a last minute trip to a refugee camp, where i could do a similar kind of goodwill-ambassador trip that neil did a few years ago. i was planning to visit for a few days, gather information, see what i saw, document, and maybe make artwork and Thing there for charity if possible. there were 20 emails back and forth, a trip to rwanda was planned, a trip to rwanda was canceled, a trip to lebanon was planned, a trip to lebanon was canceled, and the long and short of it is that the whole thing has fallen through because it's too last minute, and i now have a patch of time i wasn't expecting to have on the route back from australia to the US. i need to go via europe, and there were a few places i wanted to visit on the way (bali, in particular, to visit a green school and some architects i met at TED)...but instead of kaibashing the idea to link up with the UNHCR, i thought i'd throw it out to the patreon family to see if you guys had any contacts or ideas.

i know cookie (many of you UK fans know her) gave up her life in brighton to go help with the refugee situation in greece, and i've sent a flare out to her, i thought we might go see what she's up to.....

but! LET ME KNOW if you have ideas: if you are in/near/have contacts in the middle east/europe/africa working on this, or you work/know someone who works for a non-profit who might benefit (maybe benefit MORE than the UNHCR, which already has plenty of visibility with the incredible work they're doing) from the exposure of a me-type-person with a big social media reach shining a human light on what's happening (or maybe more to the point: what is going on in their part of the world where the mainstream media is not reaching). 

it's a we are the media moment: i'm wide open to ideas. it doesn't need to be refugee-specific...there's a lot going on right now. the trip needs to be safe enough to bring ash and not imperil his health or existence. 

the window of time is basically the second half of march - and the location could pretty much be anywhere on the path from australia to europe. (that's basically all of asia, africa, europe or the middle east).

i trust you guys to help me come up with some possibly good ideas.

if nothing works out....well, it's not the end of the world - i can spend more time being a mom with a baby somewhere calm...which actually might be better for the state of the world than me hanging out with a bunch of refugees and finding out their stories and sharing them in some bizzaro way.  

who knows. but i'm throwing it out to the universe, because you never know what the universe will throw back. i feel quite guilty that i got as far down the path as i did with the UNHCR but then the scheduling just didn't work out. i was getting mentally and creatively ready to DO SOMETHING and now i feel like it's karmically important to fill that void.

anyway: hit me in the comments below, i'm reading, and if you've got a specific contact (or the contact is YOU) please include your email so i can reach back in private. i don't want to show up somewhere totally cold-style - i know i could reach out to various non-profits and proffer myself up, but i'd really rather do this through the fanbase community and do something less by-the-book, because that's the way i do shit.


and to be continued.

i love you.



p.s. THE SHOWS are doing great...everything is rolling right along, but ADELAIDE still needs help - we've only sold about 800 of 1600 tickets. any help with that greatly appreciated as well.


-----------THE NEVER-ENDING AS ALWAYS-----------

1. if you’re a patron, please click through to comment on this post. at the very least, if you’ve read it, indicate that by using the heart symbol. i know, i know. 

2. see All the Things i've made so far on patreon: http://amandapalmer.net/patreon-things/

3. join the official AFP-patron facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/afpland/

4. AFP-patreon-related questions? ask away, someone will answer:




Hi Amanda, here is that happened in the south of France some days ago: <a href="https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10210457782454665&amp;id=1047401526&amp;set=p.10210457782454665&amp;source=48" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10210457782454665&amp;id=1047401526&amp;set=p.10210457782454665&amp;source=48</a> We have a small mountain village called Breil-sur-Roya , the people there help actively the refugees. This is what happen on the frontiere France/Italy : <a href="https://www.amnesty.fr/refugies-et-migrants/actualites/frontiere-franco-italienne-des-controles-aux-frontieres" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.amnesty.fr/refugies-et-migrants/actualites/frontiere-franco-italienne-des-controles-aux-frontieres</a>


Take the muther fucking donut... and run!!!!.... or sleep.... hahaha. Follow your heart's bliss Amanda! Go deep into silence... and find your deep place again... from that all good art springs forth! Eat the muther! xxxxxxxxx&lt;3 just sayin.... ;-)

Mary Alice Fraughton

Coming to this a bit late because I'm traveling in Ethiopia right now, but I ran into a pretty amazing thing here last week. The Ploughshare Women Craft Training Centre in Gondar is a program that's been running for twenty years now. It focuses on single mothers (often those who are HIV positive and trains them in the craft of their choice (weaving, pottery, etc). They're trying to raise money to have a kindergarten on the property, but internet access is really restricted here, and there doesn't seem to be a lot of IMO about them online. If you're still looking for something, I can't recommend this place highly enough, and the woman who's spent the last twenty years working there is a total joy. I can give you her contact info if you're interested...I believe you can fly directly to Gondar, and it's so far been an extremely safe trip for us.


I'm sorry I'm late but... I just wanted to say: I live in Paris, and if you need any volunteer here, please let me know. I recently chose to volunteer in a LGBT+ organization among all the possibilities I had (refugees, women and homeless people were my other priorities) because it was where I thought I could be the more useful. But I want to help. Here is my mail: zoe.grin@gmail.com Love.


(also if you are not Amanda but a patron here and you need an occasional volunteer, send me a message! I would be glad to help if I can)


I'm late to this too, but I wanted time to read all those comments and check out most of those organisations. Because I'm stuck in germany with a deply rooted sense of fernweh and a desire to help. I just want to say thank you to everyone who offered ideas and is doing the work out there. Maybe one of these organisations mentioned here will finally let me do what I've been longing to do for years. Even as a nurse it is not easy to get in. So thank you!!! I love all of you for doing this. Anyone here willing to advise me further, share their story and experience? feel free to contact me in the comment


Hi Amanda. Just got to your email today, women for women international <a href="http://www.womenforwomen.org.uk/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://www.womenforwomen.org.uk/</a> (UK or US) run programs for women survivors of war, training and educating them for a year and you sponsor a "sister" and are encouraged to write letters to her. It's a great program which I have been supporting for nearly 10 years. They have projects in Bosnia that you could visit, or Rwanda. They're also in Afghanistan and Iraq, but probably not where you'd want to go with Ash.


that's beautiful shot


My cousin Tracy is living in South Sudan not sure if it's okay to visit or not but here is a link to her Facebook


<a href="https://m.facebook.com/tracythompson01?lst=812483619%3A1007244615%3A1487609817&amp;pn_ref=story&amp;fref=nf" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://m.facebook.com/tracythompson01?lst=812483619%3A1007244615%3A1487609817&amp;pn_ref=story&amp;fref=nf</a>


Also not a place to visit but check out this awesome bike mobility combo that this San Francisco family is fundraising to get for their kid <a href="https://bikes.friendshipcircle.org/coltrane" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://bikes.friendshipcircle.org/coltrane</a>


Kitchen on the Run (<a href="http://www.kitchenontherun.org/)" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://www.kitchenontherun.org/)</a> -- What better way to connect refugees and locals than through cooking and eating together? I was lucky enough to take part it when it was in Gothenburg, Sweden, last summer. I don't think the project will be going on during your requested time frame, but keep it in your back pocket! Also, after having read (and then Googled) your comment on green school and Bali, I'm curious to know what you think about unschooling. A good friend of mine who lives in Bali is planning to start up an unschooling school there. I think it'll be based somewhat on the Sudbury Valley (of Framingham) model.