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Dear ones.

TR;DL: Yesterday's livestream (many of you guessed it: the special guest was Glen Hansard, of "The Commitments"/The Frames/"Once"/Falling Slowly fame) is UP and you can rewatch/listen here

Big question to the patreon: should we do more of these casts?



Also coming into (all!) your boxes a moment: a separate post with a video I took of Glen playing "Falling Slowly" (at my HOUSE! at MY HOUSE!!!!! I rarely fangirl. My time came.)









Overlap notes: Holly was also the head tech cast-wizard and sound mixer. She lifted a heavy load and I owe her one for this. Elizabeth Grammaticas was the webcast fairy and cast around the socials while we focused on the live work.

The cast was also peppered with Q&As from the audience, and most of the discussions were between me, Nathan and Sophie....with chime-ins from the rest of the room.

Extra credit to EVERYONE for helping helm the camera, especially Holly's out-of-town filmmaker friend, Mikel.

NOTE: am thinging/charging for THIS post, as I forgot to charge for yesterday's cast post. (Oops, but whatever).



So again, here's the link to re-watch/re-listen, and you have to be logged into your patreon: 


If you're going to rewatch the cast (do!!), there are some moments where the camerawork is a little shaky, and the wobble kicks in, and the resolution leaves MUCH to be desired. BUT: it works GREAT as a listen, so I'd recommend tuning into just the audio.

There were some really fantastic questions, discussions, and tangents. 

I played Ampersand (the audio was a bit off), Runs in the Family, Thing about things (which Glen loved, insert heart emoji), and sat in with Gracie and Sxip to underscore Sophie's reading, which made us all pretty emo. It was a good way to end. New song....soon. I promise.


It was attended by about 800 patrons, which is pretty wonderful considering there's 10,000 of you. The comments themselves were a work of art.

If you were there, or have thoughts/ideas/feedback, I'm reading. TALKA TO ME.

There were tech problems galore (we know) but we learned - we think - everything we need to know for next time, and the main question is about whether we should try to make this a monthly event. SHOULD WE TRY?

I bet we can get it working...we are just gonna have to invest in some GEAR. But the resounding screams from the comments were that YES, this kind of thing - an all-community, all-patron webcast, with a rotating set of guests - is a really beloved idea.

So...this one was rough n ready, and it's archived, but honestly, and more importantly, it HAPPENED. Loose cables, pixelated pictures, wobbly cameras, weird sound, volunteer light-holders...and nothing really working perfectly....

And still - it was perfect.

Because it was a perfect day. For me, at least.

I had a Perfect Fucking Day yesterday.

Somehow, between noon and midnight, I managed to write an entirely new song (which I didn't ultimately perform on the webcast, it just wasn't baked yet...but it's ALMOST there), run a webcast with 10 guests, AND perform a guest slot at Glen Hansard's show in Woodstock. I AM TIRED TODAY.

But not too tired to come here and post a ton of photos and thing this THING and bask in the afterglow of a couple jobs well done...or at least...done.

Here's my new writing space for the Dolls record. I officially moved in yesterday, and I christened the space but sitting down and not even taking my coat off because the heat wasn't on but my house was filled with people prepping for the webcast so there was no place to privately play piano and guess the fuck what, I got my song written. Cheer me, please. It's the second one I've written since getting home in June. It's a melodic and tempo twin to "Another Christmas", but this one is about the Titanic and Houdini. It needs a few more washes to sound right.



Tons of photos, in no particular order...

Glen on the Viking Hall piano...

And Glen brought along Raquel Acevedo Klein...who I just met.

Want a small world story?

She was literally in the midst of working on a project with SXIP when she mentioned that she might be coming upstate to sing at Glen Hansard's show.

What the fuck? I'm used to this from New Zealand but how does New York also have only like 26 people in it???

Raquel is a really gifted vocalist (AND composer, AND conductor) and she SHONE with Glen...and did some improv with Sxip and Coco as well.

(Some/most of these pictures were taken by me, on my phone, some by others, on their phones, some came in via text but they're all mixed up, so excuse the lack of credits this time round):

Holly on the board, me, Sophie, Nathan....

Nathan reading from my copy of "Russian Sleeper Cell":

Holly and I look weird, but look at Coco's beautiful face....fuckkkk....

I didn't get a good shot of Gracie playing live (she crushed it), but here's her during soundcheck.

Mikel holding the camera...the sweet man:

Coco dancing while Sxip and Raquel play...and Gracie mans the camera:

Sxip and Holly collab:

Gracie and I underscoring Sophie's readings about Ghostpipe:

Gracie listening to Glen...


AND THEN....for my second stunt....

I drove over to Glen's show (which was why he was in town) at Levon Helms Studios (yes, where I debuted "Another Christmas") and managed to get "The Ride" into playable form.

I was so filled with love and emotion from watching Glen play his set, and watching all my friends bear their hearts all day...I brought it, people.

A bit of a final hoot with Glen and more guests...

(photo by Anthony Mulcahy)


While We are doing THE LOVE....

Raquel, Sxip, Coco, Glen...



We awoke.


CAN WE TALK ABOUT THE BREAKFAST NATHAN MADE FOR US THIS MORNING.  Don't get me started with how I feel about men who truly love a kitchen. 

He cooked up a full southern FEAST for us....grits, biscuits, gravy...I made some greens, Elizabeth whipped up some heavy cream for the Banana Bread invention we won't talk about....

This is Sophie's dog, Baba Ganoush (and Coco and Sxip's beautiful 3-year-old, and Ash's pal, Thelonious):

I regret that I didn't get any photos of Buddy, who came to the house for the entire cast, and had to keep shifting to different rooms. (He had a bone. He was happy.)

Mount Guardian.

This is what it's all about.

Sophie calls us "Oddkin".

Here we are.

The Oddkin.

I love you all.



Nathan Williams

Does a bear have fur? YES! Do more! I reallllly super duper enjoyed the webcast and spent the eve checking out more Gracie and racheal


OK!!! Yes - their music is sublime. And Gracie loves right down the street from me. I predict many more collabs.

Michele Peters

It was so lovely and genuine. And intimate. I truly felt like a part of it. Annnd, I was able to watch it live from 30,000 feet in the air on a flight from Seattle to Phoenix. (I have proof on my FB page @mlpeterswrites, low-res images because, well, I was on a plane.) I thought it was perfect in it's imperfection. It was real. And I loved the diversity of it all. Thank you for letting us be a part of you and your people. Love, love, loved it. ❤️ Also, Sxip's "dead man marbles" and Holly "Scooby-doo-ing" things still bring me joy still today.


Absolutely do more. I thoroughly enjoyed it! And I ended up doing more of a listen as I putzed around and eventually pulled up a Zoom chat for that Daily Beans, it was great background. I'll possibly play it for my drive to Chicago tomorrow. (Just don't stop doing the webcast tier webcasts... I love how intimate those are. It's like getting together with a group of close friends.)


Yes please! These give me life every time you do them, and this one was no exception! Cried my face off, laughed, chatted with the oddkin…it’s medicine and we need it.

Lewis Webb

It was such a great way to spend an afternoon, I absolutely need more of these. The Dresden Dolls show on May 26th didn't feel nearly so far away until last night.


So wonderful

Carmen J

Yesterday's stream was EVERYTHING. Thank you so so much! I'd been feeling rather off after my birthday this week. I don't mind getting older but the side effects suck. So early morning Oddkin stream (YAS!) and then a rare day out with my bestie, doing what we do so well together... laugh. I'm so in for monthly Oddkin streams (in whatever form they take). Yesterday's line up was soul filling in every way. Nathan, your cooking skills ROCK! So so much love to you all! <3

Laura Morland

I echo everything you wrote, Suzanne. (1) I enjoyed it! (2) Do more! (3) Don't let these replace webcast-tier webcasts!

Andrea Thomas

I will be at any stream you offer. It’s healing magic for all of us. Even if we aren’t in the room, we feel it.


Yes yes yes more of these Oddkin @ Viking Hall streams!


an enthusiastic YES to regular variety shows as other activities permit! thanks again to all involved, it was truly soup for the Friday night soul. regarding "thoughts/ideas/feedback, I'm reading. TALKA TO ME." --were the individual feeds all recorded (with the intent of mixing them)? The phone recording can't be remixed later (that I'm aware of?) but maybe that's alright for a livestream. Phone tech is so good these days, the concurrent instagram live looked and sounded amazing! Maybe for future LRLs it's enough to mic the ambient space with a couple high quality mics rather than every instrument. Could become a cool recording studio too, but the physical space is on the small side for that much cowbell! :)

Rebecca Starodub

I vote yes for more websites. It allows you to do your bringing together of artists, but on your turf since you're in more of a stay in one place phase with Ash.

Jemima Louise Johnson

I loved the webcast! The sound the levels the resolution all took effort but it was worth it. It's funny. I feel like we're all so used to the zoom party or cottage industry YouTubers that we have expectations on quality that don't really acknowledge how much tech is involved: ring lights, cameras and microphones and that's just for a single voice. It was kind of untimely to see people who perform in BIG spaces trying to squish themselves into an internet stream. There is value for me in just being there together at the same time. The levels will come with practice.


💜Glad to hear it. Can't wait to see you next month.

Dina Lindemann

I didn't get to watch live but watched the whole beautiful thing today and I loved every minute. It was a kind of magic. Yes. Do more. Please.

Len Tower Jr.

Best of Oddkins. Awesome songwriting aerie!!! Yes to THINGing this webcast. Yes to regular Living Room Livecasts. (Consider pausing them, the months you are touring.) Love, Len

Amanda Eckert

I never mind mess/glitches—it just feels more behind the scene-y. And oftentimes the perfect is the enemy of the good anyway ❤️ Thanks for welcoming us into your living room!

Erika Blumberg

Last night was so full of joy and love and collaboration and beauty, and hundreds of us will love to see as many of these events as you want to do. And if you decide to have a studio audience, you know I am only two miles away ❤️

Jennifer Harnage

I love you guys!!!! The webcast was excellent!!!!! ♡


I am utterly sad that work interfered and I was unable to watch this live. Can’t wait to watch the archive ,and yes please do more if the opportunity is there. Thank you!

Melanie Meilleur

Yes, please, do these as often as possible! I don't have words for how impactful and life affirming it was, but it feels like joy that's necessary in this dark, hard world. It's like getting to breathe hope for a few hours, and it's so, so good.

Catherine Cantin (edited)

Comment edits

2023-03-19 10:19:38 This was amazing - I cried. I miss community and art and togetherness, I don't have much of that where I live - this felt like such a welcome into a much needed space. Thank you &lt;3
2023-03-19 07:05:07 This was amazing - I cried. I miss community and art and togetherness, I don't have much of that where I live - this felt like such a welcome into a much needed space. Thank you <3

This was amazing - I cried. I miss community and art and togetherness, I don't have much of that where I live - this felt like such a welcome into a much needed space. Thank you <3

Matthias Ervens

Love you fellow oddkins ♥️ The show was amazing and it seems you had a tremendously good time following that as well. I'm slightly envious to be honest 😅 Keep on doing cool stuff like this, it touches us all.


Yes pls do more because they're beautiful and make you happy! Currently away on a respite weekend with my love but couldn't help peeking. Can't wait to give the cast the proper watch/listen it deserves ❤

Grace Beaster

Heaven-sent Hansard. Oh, yes, do please bring on more of this stuff. I mean, who wouldn't want to vicariously live in this space with you and your talented friends?

Cait Agosta

This was so beautiful, I loved every moment..yes please more! ❤️

Dahlia Graham

Can’t wait to hear the new song! Love the Oddkin. Do more, if nothing else because it makes you happy. Plus, how cool is it to have 800 people tuned in together from around the globe?!

Alexa Julier

More more more 🙏❤️

Jo VanEvery

Can I just say, partly because this is what I do, that monthly might be too ambitious. Yes more but cut yourself some slack. You e got a tour and a kid and we’d rather you didn’t burn out. 💕

Gabrielle Shearer

I was unable to watch live because work and also my 17 year old daughter came home for spring break! Yay! So I'm watching this morning with coffee, and teary sniffling. It is beautiful, and intimate, and somehow evolves the whole NZ era "we got you, and each other, and art" spirit into today. Clearly still need it, maybe always will and always did. ❤️


Yes, definitely do more of these casts. You фтв фдд нщгк еуфьare so wonderful and talented. I always admire your work Amanda!

Alexandria Stuart

More. Casts. Please. On the anniversary of When Everything Changed in 2020 I find myself a little melancholy and yearning for those feelings of togetherness-from-far-away that the Internet helped us cultivate during the first chaotic and terrifying days/weeks of lockdown. A lot of us are still keeping it tight or living in lockdown as a means of self-preservation. I wish we could recapture that feeling of connectedness. Casts help. Thank you.

Anthony Rogers

I offer a vote in favor of more casts/little concerts/get togethers. My favorite part of this Patreon

And Steiner

My favorite moment during the whole cast was when somehow no one was directly on the mic. The camera/phone was panning the room. There was lots of random shuffling, smiling, and chit-chatting. the sounds were coming in muffled and and in spurts. There was such an air of creativity and happiness. I loved it. And then The Settling and The Show recommenced, after lots of wiggling back into positions. It was a Thing to me. A Beautiful Thing. I admit that I am there for the community as much as the art. Creating community is Art as well. Thank you Amanda and company for making this container. Thank you community for filling it was love. It was joyful interacting with all of you. 💜

Andrew Funk

Such a beautiful time had by all participating and witnessing. I can't imagine there's a human in existence that doesn't want more of this love. ❤


Simply amazing photos, looks like you had a wonderful time. You are all such beautiful people!

Jacqui Jantzen

I loved every minute. It somehow felt more intimate, being "in" your Viking hall with you and the other amazing artists that convened there, than even seeing you live at a big venue. Seeing all of the tweaking and effort behind-the-scenes--much of which was not really "behind" anything--made it more magical, more human. I think at this stage so many of us need to feel that human connection more than ever before. And what is more human than art (and imperfection even)? So yes, more plz. So long as it feels good. ❤️

Erinn Baldeschwiler

This was so wonderful! The Love resonated and rippled through the cosmic waves straight to my Heart. I mean the whole cast was amazing, but five words invoked a hearty-out-loud-belly-HA! ... "You're all my invisible Daddies!" ~ Sophie (Yaaaassss!) 😂😆😂 As for making this a regular 'thing'. I would definitely belly-up to the Oddkin's table and feast on the Soul-food you're all cookin'. (Seriously, what I wouldn't give to have been a guest at breakfast the following morning.) This whole healing gathering just made me warm and fuzzy and hopeful for all our tomorrows. Grateful and thankful for ALL who participated and of course AFP for being THE hostess with the mostest. Much love to you All. ✌🏼🫶🏼 🕊️

Aleisha Hobson

I love this so much - I attended a show in Melbourne last year called 'sing a song of sixpence' which gave me a very AFP vibe - 5 amazing musicians singing their own songs for each other in the round, with harmonies by the other artists for a small audience - it was breathtaking. God if you toured this kind of thing? - like - intimate shows where everyone sits on the floor around you all while you play? heaven. This reminded me so much of your backyard gigs over here and how incredible and inspiring they were. Thank you for sharing these beautiful gifts with us!

Laura Mecklenburger (edited)

Comment edits

2023-03-22 21:29:59 Yes, more casts please!! This was such a ferocious beam of sunlight into all of our lives, and it sounds like it was helpful for you, too. So, more. More until it stops helping you, at the least. &lt;3 Also, I love the idea of us as Oddkin. It's so hard to find names for the unusual variety of human that we all seem to be, and Oddkin is one of the best names I've heard ever.
2023-03-22 20:03:43 Yes, more casts please!! This was such a ferocious beam of sunlight into all of our lives, and it sounds like it was helpful for you, too. So, more. More until it stops helping you, at the least. <3 Also, I love the idea of us as Oddkin. It's so hard to find names for the unusual variety of human that we all seem to be, and Oddkin is one of the best names I've heard ever.

Yes, more casts please!! This was such a ferocious beam of sunlight into all of our lives, and it sounds like it was helpful for you, too. So, more. More until it stops helping you, at the least. <3 Also, I love the idea of us as Oddkin. It's so hard to find names for the unusual variety of human that we all seem to be, and Oddkin is one of the best names I've heard ever.

Rebecca Ryan

I loved everything about this. Thank you 😘

Michelle DuBois

You have such a beautiful life! Thanks for sharing and letting us follow along.

Tanja Nieminen

I get an error notice when I try to connect patreon with crowdcast and am not able to see the show. :( I'll try and remember to give it another go later...

Stefanie Oepen

I fell asleep within the first 30 Minutes of this (not you, I am just tired), but very much enjoyed watching it later. I needed this. PS: Bought Father Nathan Monk's book and loving it.

Katie Ní Mhaoláin

Fffffff....my patreon payment declined and I forgot and membership lapsed, missed all this!! This would have been fun to have seen live