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Hello my loves.

This is a Thing. It’s…an arm warmer? A leg warmer? I found it in my woods. I asked Coco if it was hers. She had been shooting a music video in the woods the day before, so it seemed like an obvious match.

This is not her thing. What is this thing and who does it belong to and how did it get in the woods? I may never know.

It is a beautiful Thing. I know, like many Things in my life, do not know what to do with it. Throwing this Thing away seems criminal. It’s a beautiful, possibly hand-knitted, Thing of beauty.

Since I am Amanda Palmer, I am tempted to ask here in the community if anybody needs or wants this thing. I would mail it to you. But that would mean adding one more Thing to Do and Mail to my now catastrophically long list of Things to Do and Mail.

This is a good note on which to open what I wanna talk about right now.

I have a Thing backlog that is very, very, very long. The pandemic and my waylay in New Zealand destroyed my work flow, and my capacity to organize (which was never top-notch to begin with), and my release schedule (and my brain, and many parts of my heart).

There's a beautiful video recording I did about a month ago - of a live sunset four-handed piano performance I did at the top of a mountain at sunset with Luke the genius street performing piano-player - with the intention of maybe Thinging it. I'm getting good at making things again but worse at relasing them to the patreon. I get overwhelmed.

The Thing-shoebox Explodeth.

Now I am home and truly confronted with the Things that never got finished, or put out. The podcasts, the video projects, the half-done ideas, the old recordings….it’s all THERE.

I have no anger at myself. My god, none.

It has been such an arduous few years.

I spent many months just surviving, digesting, mothering, keeping my head above water. I forgive myself for starting things and not finishing them.

It's okay. I say it because I need to say it to myself.

Meanwhile, as the Things confront me, I am putting together a team for the Dresden Dolls and all of the work that I made five years ago seems like a distant dream. I am not sure what has value anymore - to the world, or to me.

I asked and received permission and am seriously thinking about Thinging a poem this month. Alex and I have also been working on a kind of “Best Of” Thing-retrospective, and I’m also spending time with some new musician pals in Woodstock who have great gear and I’m wondering if it might be nice to just MAKE some music, some cover songs, some beautiful sounds. I also wonder if it isn’t time to just rent the gear and do a long piano session - like the “Emergency Soothing Music” session / webcast that I did in New Zealand, which everybody seemed to love.

I have a lot on my mind and heart, and I’m exhausted. I am still trying to catch up with the friends and family I haven’t seen for four years. I’m trying to mother my culture-shocked kiddo. I am trying to empty, empty my brain in order to figure out what the next right decisions are: and I have many huge life decisions heading my way. I am trying to SORT. It's so hard.

So I do what I usually do in these situations, and I come to you, the patrons, the denizens of this backstage haunt.

What do you ... need?

What would pacify your heart right now? I mostly just want to ask and see what you say. It may not change the nature of what I release - and how - too very much. But it helps to ask, as I want to be more in dialogue with the world. I've missed the world. I don't want to music and art into the void. I have so much to put out, and so many questions, but I also want to cast my eyes around the room and see who's here, and who's listening, and what it is that you crave. This is why I love the patreon so much.

Because you're real, and you're here.

So I supposed I'm not asking a very direct question, and I suppose I often know the answers deep in my heart, but like with many things, I need to talk out loud with my pals to understand what's going on.

So talk to me about Things, and I'll be listeing, and slowly, I'll start the long haul of excavating the Art Pile.

What do I do with this Thing?

I'm reading comments for the next day or so.

Talk to me, dear ones.

Love from the woods...




Lindsay Rickman

This post is what I needed. Exactly what I needed, thank you. I feel like we're all going through similar... uh... things...lol


I just enjoy reading your words, seeing your pictures, and hearing your music. I can’t afford to give much at all for it, but I do enjoy these things you share with us.


Love you Amanda. As so many others have said, let the old half done thing shoebox explode. Don't try to pick up threads of the old - let yourself do some tiny new thing, small and fresh. Doesn't matter if it's a bit squashed. Newborns often are. In writing this I realise that I need to do this myself. So many hanging threads here too. But incomplete is okay. It's the way of things 🌻💛🌼


I think others have probably already said it better but I’d suggest leaving the backlog behind. Start fresh. Free yourself. And if there’s something in the backlog you can’t bear the thought of leaving behind then it’s no longer in the backlog. It’s in the Now, it’s resonating with you for a reason, so claim it and keep moving forward. I also love the voice rambles.


I am here for the pieces of yourself, your life, your authenticity and your creative process you so freely share. I’m learning (so late in life) how to be vulnerable, creative, how to ask and feel worthy of receiving. You are showing me how. I want to be reminded of the hardness and heartbreak of it all while still being firmly oriented towards hope and love. Just keep showing up and so will I.


What do I need? No one asks me that- that’s what make you so special to me. I need for you to be free to be you. Your art helps me find the unspoken parts of


One thing that I only recently realized I needed was community outside of my family and friends. Tangible events where everyone is in a space and ready to receive what’s to come. That really came into focus when my fiancé and I attended your Home Alone screening this winter. You handed us mulled cider as we walked in, and it just felt so comforting to be recognized and shown kindness in that way. Often, I feel very transitory in daily life when I’m not at home or work. Event excursions for events take place in a bubble between my friends/fiancé and I. Despite being an introvert, I’m nourished by meaningful and intentional interactions with people. That Home Alone screening felt like I was part of a community for almost two hours, and I can’t even describe how much I needed something like that. Thank you for that, Amanda. Community is an action, and it was nice to be reminded of that.


I need you to wash that thing, amanda.

Timothy Kreuter

Exactly! If it’s important/necessary to be Thinged, it’s not really backlogged. I mean, a lot of us were waiting for ages to hear Dresden Dolls perform again or release more music, and we stuck around. Staying power isn’t at a deficit with this group, so if it takes a month to complete, it takes a month. The only things (not Things) we all want is for you to keep engaging as best you can, and continue being gentle but badass with yourself.

Jerry Peckery

I'm wearing a pair right now !

Charlene Tarsa

I’m late to the party as usual, but yes to all of this.I joined the patreon when I realized i missed you perform at the O positive festival and have been trying (and failing) to “catch up” since then. Not. Possible. You have made so much! And I love knowing I’m supporting one of my favorite artists, and it’s worth it to me to know I get to see you perform in April. In addition, I just took a trip to a very red, very anti abortion rights part of the world to support my grieving aunt. I love my aunt but vehemently disagree with her on politics and religion, and being surrounded by the , ah, EXTRA right wing American Catholic community, and biting my tongue practically in HALF… knowing I’m supporting you really helped me get through it. Thank you. Please be kind to yourself and let go of that capitalist mindset. Much love