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hallo loves 

a super quick one on my way to the airport. the second little pub gig at the gasometer last night was divine - new music is taking shape - and yesterday i got a LOOPING PEDAL LESSON from my friend otto from otto and astrid (die roten punlet). slowly, new sounds are emerging from my stuck soul. it's going to be a good few coming years for music and high time. a few quickies:

REGARDING THE "FIX SHIT" SHIRTS - a handful of you asked if you could change your orders if we added a women's cut tee. YES!!!! if you previously ordered a men's tee and would like to change this to a women's size, please email the merch team at customercare@amandapalmer.net to cancel your original order and receive a refund. from there you’ll need to make a new purchase for the women’s fit. YOURE WELCOME AND THANK YOU FOR ASKING.  the order link for shirts and posters is HERE  and we are trying to add stickers by popular demand.


i'm about to fly to sydney. from the looks of the FB event page there's about 70 of you coming. i can't wait to see you. i wrote a song. i'll be PERFORMING and speaking at the end of the march so stick around. .


i opened my email this morning to an alert from a blog by a yoga teacher i love. wisdom came. she said:

"In an offhand comment before class the other night, a student shared this insight. (Thanks, Marina!) Roughly paraphrased, she said:

There is a particular anxiety gripping most of us right now that has to do with anticipating the inauguration this weekend, and the uncertainty of what will follow. After it’s over, we might actually feel less stressed, not because things are going to get better, but because we will be in the difficulty, as opposed to just waiting for the difficulty to begin.

My therapist says that anxiety is an anticipatory condition. Its potency lies in the vast unknown of the future. When we don’t know what the future holds, but we expect it to be good, that’s called excitement. When we expect that it will be bad, that’s anxiety. Lately anxiety has been the constant thrum underneath each thought, each conversation, and each breath of many of us.


I keep thinking of the metaphor of a car crash with a drunk driver, in which the sober victims are badly injured because they braced for impact, tense with awareness, while the inebriated driver walks away unscathed because they were loose with ignorance.

All signs point to the fact that a Trump presidency, coupled with a conservative-dominant House and Senate, is going to be a trainwreck for many of us. For poor people, Black people, queer and trans people, Muslims, immigrants, women, we are all at risk of harassment, financial loss, bodily harm, or even death. This is a terrifying prospect, and I don’t mean to imply that we should minimize it.

I’m not advocating for a lack of awareness. If anything, we must maintain and even increase our resistance. Vigilance is required. My question for us now is: can we find a way to be aware but still loose? Can we anticipate without anxiety?

If we are to survive in the long term, I believe that our strategy must also involve softness. Chronic bracing for impact is a surefire way to drain your energy, tax your nervous system, and deplete your strength. Softness, spaciousness, looseness must all be part of our practice, otherwise we run the risk of burnout...

read the entire post on bear's website:


i love you all. 

stay soft 

stay strong. 

xxx afp 



Amalija Vitezovic

To brace yourself or not brace yourself, that is the question... In my personal experience, when I think back to the most sinister period of my life, the Neverending Nightmare of the Nineties in ex-Yugoslavia, I don't recall I ever braced myself for anything. Even when I tried to anticipate what could happen, the reality always turned out to be different: equally scary, or less scary, or - most of the time - scarier. So I just waited to see what happens and did the best I could.


love this post. Thank you.


So much talking about women and equality the last few days. Chad and I didn't make the March but we are so excited to be in town for your show at The Opera House tonight! Rock! Xxxx


I urge everyone to read "Letting Go: The Pathway to Surrender" by David R. Hawkins as an answer to this complex question. Surely we can by now see that holding fear brings more fear etc etc... stay loose but be vigilant for your OWN negativity! It will surely be there, inside... or projected into the outer world. OWN IT, accept it, RELEASE IT... it is the only way I see available for us at this time. "FEAR NOT!" ... someone with wings once said... no, not Sir Paul!...it was an angel, remember?!! Now may be the opportunity to get practical about this instruction! ?✨?☺


I dont know the statistics but if you add together all the groups that could be adversely effected by all this, dont they equal or outnumber those who won't be effected? And if we equal or outnumber, then doesn't that combined with awareness give us power?


Definately a calming read. Thank you for that.


Hi Amanda. I've supported you for a while but I've made the decision to downgrade my level of support. Not because I like your art any less, but because I still only have a finite amount in my budget (I did ask work for an infinite salary, but they were unreasonable and said 'no'). So in light of western political events lately, I'm splitting the amount I have to spend on supporting art with spending it also on groups that work to defend freedom of speech, human rights, and internet freedom.


This is beautiful. Strength in the softness, there has to be ❤️


You need some MXR on that pedalboard 😋