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well....oh man. i can understand Lindy West' s feelings (read link, about why she is quitting twitter) but as an early adopter of and lover and recipient of the glorious connections and spontaneous online art-parties of twitter, i can say this: twitter has changed. a lot. recently. it isn't as fun and as smart and as economical as it used to be. having just spent 10 days off twitter while i was in cuba, i really felt something in my soul heal. within 48 hours of coming back i was back on the tips of the internet pitchforks.

BUT...i refuse to give up twitter.  i feel this protective-ness about the platform, like: NO!!! NO!!! IT IS A WONDERFUL PLACE, don't let it die! 

so, even though i do see a few people giving up, i can't. not yet.  it'd have to get way worse. i do find myself posting there less than i used to and looking to this patreon as a better and more intelligent/compassionate haven of communion, but the patreon tools aren't nearly up to par with the twitter and facebook behemoths. if you look at lindy's last metaphor (i.e. Twitter As Beloved Mall Friend Hang That's Turned Fascist), i'm the one who wants to squat in the abandoned Forever 17 and turn it into a pop-up self-silkscreen bathtub gin bar. as we've learned here...i'm an optimist. and there's still nothing like twitter for getting local information OUT and quickly, and for spreading the word about WHAT IS HAPPENING NOW - as a touring artist, it's completely changed and shaped my life. but maybe i was just goddamn lucky, having twitter right when i needed it, when i went AWOL and solo in 2008 and it was this magical tool that wasn't populated yet by the brands and the trumps and kardashians.

so....man, lindy, i feel her pain, so hard. i dunno. how are you guys feeling about The Twitter lately?

facebook is a whole other story - it's feeling more and more and more negative by the day, and yet more and more of the world's population is using it as their default communcation hub. it's so frustrating.

either way....may the communication paths of 2017 lead us all to a more peaceful tomorrow.

i'm here, reading comments...and i'll write a post about what i'm actually up to in the next couple days.



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I've left Twitter. It is unusable for anyone but trolls, robots and dictators | Lindy West

I deactivated my Twitter account today. It was more of a spontaneous impulse than a New Year resolution, although it does feel like a juice cleanse, a moulting, a polar-bear plunge, a clean slate (except the opposite - like throwing your slate into a volcano and running).



I don't tweet. I only signed up for an account so my step son could enter a contest. Anytime I signed in I was following people I'd never heard of. I got repeated emails that someone was trying to change my password. It was better just to delete my account. I feel your FB pain, though. It's awful, with the hate mongering, click bait & flat out false "news".


I've never been a huge twitter user, just because my way of speaking is so verbose that I can't make the character count work most days. I tried, don't get me wrong. I do use facebook quite a bit, too. However, having a personal page I can create my own bell jar of people to surround myself with. On Twitter, if I stray too far from my safe group of friends, I find myself reading the most heinous flame wars, ever. That isn't what the tool was intended for, though. I fear, long gone are the days of tweeting your location and a request and expecting much of a good response. Everyone has their own agenda anymore, and as a result they try to push it through and by any means necessary. My husband and I took a break from all social media for a week after the elections because with all the sadness and discord, we could not think straight. Social Media is fun and all, but I fear that maybe it is affecting us in a negative way.


I've actually only used Twitter for a few months, although I had an account for years. I use it to get political updates and mostly follow acerbic, sarcastic, disenchanted folks like myself. I post my fears and frustrations with government. I use Facebook for positive, uplifting, loving shit. No sense in spreading doom and gloom everywhere!


I think you say it best when it comes to twitter in your article about punk greatness in Trumpland, "...when i read this, all i could think of was how easy it would be, in the next four years (for female artists especially) to resist controversial, or even unusual, topics, even if only *slightly* political. why risk pissing off a person on facebook? why risk getting yelled at? why risk having a bad morning like amanda palmer?"


I'm not on Facebook anymore and leaving was a positive move for my mental health. Just yesterday, a colleague called me a 'miserable feckin bitch' because I didn't want her to take a photo of me while I was eating and then post it on FB. I have a lot of social anxiety and the seemingly endless selfie culture does not help me one bit. I'm on Instagram and mostly find that a positive space. I'm starting to feel like Twitter is becoming a very negative space. When I first joined a few years ago it felt like a fresh new place where ideas and stories could be exchanged. Now people scream at each other over nothing, there's no listening and it's all outrage outrage outrage. I'm probably going to leave by the end of this year. I did have an idea though. Trump seems to love Twitter and the shit storm he creates with every tweet. I think one way we could all collectively piss him off is by starting a campaign to unfollow him on the same day. Imagine him noticing that he's lost thousands (even hundreds of thousands) of followers. Surely that would bother him? I just wanted to mention that I don't actually follow him myself and I've even tried to block mention of his name (unsuccessfully) but I know tons of people who hate him yet follow him. Just my thoughts x


Social media has some great uses, and like anything else there's always going to be a (hopefully small) number of people that just want to fling poo. I tend to use Twitter as it suits my needs, and I'm fine with walking away from it for days or weeks at a time. (And because I'm a brat, I giggled when I read "i'm here, reading comments...and i'll write a pot about what i'm actually up to in the next couple days." and thought good thing that is legal where I live! :-* Love ya!)


I've never used twitter much =X Like i want to but I just never got around to figuring it out. I'm mostly on facebook, but in the last few months my habits have changed. A bit before and after the election, I ended up unfriending some people on facebook. I'd usually go for an unfollow if their stuff was too abrasive but there were some people going out of their way to comment on my stuff with nonsense and just tearing me down. I realized it was hurting too much and it felt like no matter what, I lost. If I didnxt engage, I lost. If I did, I ended up in a conversation with someone who refused to consider logic or evidence. Since coming out as bi, I've seen social media as a place to improve representation and basically get some people to experience exposure therapy and consider new ideas. But it was becoming was too exhausting and upsetting. I had to step back and realize that for me, it was ok to unfriend a few people. I'm in law school trying to gain the skills to help people. I'm already exhausted by that, I don't need to add constant facebook debateswhich I always lose. I unfriended a few people and I could get into some meaningful conversations with the more reasonable people. I fear the whole "you're surrounding yourself with people who agree with you" thing but I also have to recognize that at least some of that is gaslighting (reminiscent of when I came out and a family member said I was brainwashed by my liberal lesbian college professors 😐). I'm glad I've made facebook less stressful for myself. I think how you use social media will change depending on your life work and whatnot, really. I'm really happy you're not giving up on it Amanda <3


I like twitter and a lot of the people I've sort of met by accident there. I started going there more often lately. And I know it's a good place to follow things happening right now - anywhere in the world. Or used to be. I watched the debates there. Mostly I am amazed at twitter because of the things you've done with it, Amanda Palmer! Couchsurfing and getting people to your pickup concerts and all sorts of real current things like that. but I've never figured out how to do that. Sometimes I'll head to twitter to find out what my favorite very intelligent journalist is thinking about something. I'm not a big user, but the way Facebook has gotten lately, I could see myself heading there more often. Like it


I like twitter. Yeah, sometimes people say mean and/or ignorant things, but a) that happens any and everywhere all day everyday, b) even so Ive had a mostly positive experience with twitter. Hell, Ive even resolved some customer service issues through twitter that I couldnt solve through more "traditional" channels. Facebook still feels like a garbage crap shoot to me most days. Even still, I don't get a whole lot of terribleness except for people reacting to it. I dunno, maybe Im just lucky with my little bubble of people on the social medias.

Jerry Peckery

Everyone below said it... I don't use it & although I love Twitters capabilities for YOUR needs & purposes, like short notice machetes, I myself can not in good conscience, use anything that our venting Orange Czar considers "a necessity" and now it appears to be his twisted version of the "Fireside Chat." Also: Wow, after like 15 posts I finally noticed the heart I'm supposed to click on! I wonder if my un-heart-ed posts counted as reads, as I have read & enjoyed every one of the AFP Patreon messages via email. Oh well live & learn. Can you believe Patreon is not in Patreons spelling dictionary! Come on guys! Lots of small issues but still, for non-social-media folks like me, it's the only game in town. I absolutely LOVE that I funded a DD reunion that now everyone can watch on YouTube (my other addiction.)


I used to love twitter, back in the '08-'09 time frame. I found out about lots of great things and people and events. There were amazing tweet-chats with people from all over the country/world. I even found out about you from twitter because I followed Neil there. When the ads took over, and then all the hating, I stopped participating. I couldn't get the good stuff anymore. Just soooooo many ads. And spammers. And bots. So I stopped participating for the most part. Then FB blew up and everyone was there. Now it's the same thing. Ads. Hate-speech. Spam. Silos. I don't see things I want to see, even with the "see first" option selected. FB choosing what I should see is beyond annoying. Maybe I'm just old and bitchy now, but I'm going back to more people-related communications: text messages and emails and direct choices like Patreon or mailing lists. It's annoying, but it's the only way I can manage to filter out all the chaffe to get to the good stuff. So keep sending Patreon messages, please!


I use twitter way more than I used to, and I really like it. I like the stream of small bits of information and the pace of it. Facebook is great for groups, no one uses forums anymore. I don't find facebook toxic at all but its all about who you interact with. I only have 50 friends (most poeple have hundreds it seems) and I'm only in closed groups.