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tonight i descended

exhausted and rushed

to fetch my car

from the bowels of an overpriced

underground parking garage

in manhattan

and while i was waiting in

the cavernous echo

i watched two people

get into a fight.

two cars entered the concrete womb

and screeched to halts

and a woman got out of one car

with a baby in a carrier

and a man in a baseball cap

got out of the other.

and in the muddled hurricane of

their screeching

i pieced together their story.

their cars had nearly collided

and the woman had said


to the man

that he had misunderstood

that had led to him

telling her to fuck herself

and her telling him

to go fuck himself

and before long

they realized

that he had misunderstood

the very first thing

she had said

that had led to this whole conflagration.

but it didn’t help that

he had misunderstood her.

they didn’t care.

they were too angry at this point

and within two minutes of

this shouting match beginning

he was shouting


you need to just calm the fuck down

just so you know

i just lost my father

and she said

yeah well i am sorry to hear that

but i won’t calm down

i’ve got a baby here

and thank christ you didn’t kill her

you fucking madman

and god i missed new york

but i didn’t miss this

in new zealand

with everyone being all

quiet and suppressed

and murmury polite


she’ll be right


she’ll be right

and the man

who’d just lost his dad


as his red faced finale

to the raging lady with the baby


i’m the calm one here


i’m the calm one

you’re losing your shit

and i am the one being calm

and i squeezed my eyes shut

and i cried and laughed inside

and as i drove away

i saw him on the sidewalk

mr calm

who’d screamed

go fuck yourself

and i rolled the window down

and i said

hey i’m

real sorry

you just lost your dad

and he looked at me

with his baseball cap

and his sad sad tired eyes

and i said

my dad’s been sick


i have a little kid

and i understand you both


i think everybody is


on the brink


losing it

right now

and he looked at me

and blinked back tears

and he said

thank you,


thank you




This is so beautiful, words cannot describe. I hope you continue to grace us with your poetry 💜


I like this one a lot better than the first because it radiates compassion instead of (seemingly) glorifying a destructive behaviour.


Heart medicine. Thank you.

Lori Snyder

This is one of my very most favorite things I've read lately. Thank you.

Joanna Lindblad

on the brink and everyone's diving in... calm voice soothing troubled waters (such a simple yet powerful gift)


A very touching story, I actually read it like a beautiful poem. This story proves that we all walk on the edge, no one knows how fate will turn.




Thanks, lady.


Thank you for this story and for continuing to morally support people who need help or just a kind word.

Eric Woodard

This hit much harder than you can imagine. I lost my own father last week. Cancer. He'd been getting better, right up until he wasn't. We had just had dinner with him the day before. My daughter called him from her dorm later that evening, just to say goodnight to him. We got 'The Call' last Monday. No good news ever comes before 7AM... Hard to put into words all the feelings that go through your head trying to deal with something like this. Trying to be functional enough to do all the administrative things that go along with a death. Simultaneously trying to be there for the rest of the family while also letting yourself just grieve. And through it all, the world just keeps on going, and as much as you don't want to, you find that you need to keep back up with it. As much as I didn't want it to, I know a lot of those feelings I just couldn't process wound up getting distilled down into anger. Just a sort of untargeted, blind rage at... everything? Nothing? The ideas of everything and nothing? And it sucks that I know I have probably let that out in some entirely undeserved directions the last few days. I mean, I feel like I've been walking in a fog for a lot of it, so I can't say for sure, but just so... So yeah, this one cut pretty deep. Thanks for sharing. Take care of yourselves everyone, and each other.


alt title: "Poem for the World 2022"


Empathy and Gentle hugs, and a prayer that you’re blessed with what you need to help you get through this.


Blinked back tears too. Unexpectedly. Thank you ❤️