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hola comrades.

here it is. piano is evil.

so, as i mentioned, i'm trying something new with this recording.

i went into FuturePast studio in upstate new york at the end of september and spent a solid week recording the 13 original songs from "Theatre is Evil". i've pressed it into a thin little CD (with photographs by kyle cassidy - including the cover art that you see here) and made a few hundred copies, and I'm currently dragging them around on tour with me for these next 12+ shows in europe and the states.

AND....i'm also sending it digitally JUST TO Y'ALL PATRONS. i'm breaking with convention again and sending this post to ALL PATRONS, including the $1 folks, because it didn't seem fair to leave the $1 folks out of a download that i'm not making public.

when i'm off tour, i'll stick it out digitally on bandcamp, with a pretty project page and all that, the way i've put out the rest of the music. 

the reason? well, first, i'm interested to see what you guys think of it, and i'm on tour with no time to promote it to the rest of the world...not that i was going to do that much. also, i'd like to re-record and swap out one of the tracks. i'm not 100% happy with the way it came out. when you listen, feel free to guess. the tempo drives me fucking crazy. there's time to fix it in december when i'm home, and re-master the tracks, then unleash it on the world. 

why why why? because i CAN. it used to be everything was always finished when it was finished. now that's not true. now i can play with shit until it's truly cooked. and then play with it some more if i wanna. 

so this is the official THING so i can pay off the recording studio and mastering costs and such, and i won't Thing it again when it goes out to the world. it'll just...go out.

aside from the one track that drives me crazy, i'm REALLY REALLY happy with this recording. i put a ton of work and love into it, and it was astonishing to me, revisiting these songs, and basically covering a former version of myself. especially after having a baby. 


if you've never heard the original "Theatre is Evil", you can, here, for free:


the original album has bass, guitar, drums, synths, a horn section, and strings. the full kitchen sink, basically, save "the bed song", which is solo piano and voice, and "trout heart replica", which is just piano and strings and voice. everything else has a ton o shit on it. that's the way i wanted the record. that's the way i heard it in my head.

but this PIANO IS EVIL is the way i wrote the songs, and it's the way i play them when i'm alone.

both are real.

as you'll notice, the track order is changed from the original album. i like this new track order for the piano versions...it makes more sense.

here's the track order.

The Bed Song
The Killing Type
Smile (Pictures Or It Didn't Happen)
Grown Man Cry
Trout Heart Replica
Do It With a Rockstar
Massachusetts Avenue
Melody Dean
Want It Back
Olly Olly Oxen Free


again...i am so, so, profoundly grateful that the patreon lets me work like this, unfettered and unchained by the basic music industry system.

thank you so much for being along for this long, strange, trip, and i hope, more than anything, that you listen to this music and that it speaks to you.

making recordings like this, putting songs into your ears, is why i do any of this shit in the first place.

i'm a songwriter. i write and record songs.

i forget that, sometimes.

*******DRUM ROLL**********

here's your download codes:

....please don't share it on the public internet.

.....please listen with good speakers or headphones. this is a solo piano recording but it was made with BEAUTIFUL FANCY MICROPHONES and was mastered in a high-end studio and it really deserves the hi-fi listen. don't break my heart and listen on your phone speakers.

also...the $3+ patrons will be getting a PDF download of the complete artwork plus some extra photos from the kyle sessions (and a bunch of iphone photos from the week of recording that i took). this might take a second, we're compiling it as we speak.

AND.....the $5+ people are in for a video surprise...hang on.

thank you guys, so much.

thank you for being there and allowing me to make the Things i want.

i'm running out of Things i wanted to do before i died.

i'll have to think up more.



ps: if you're reading this in email form, don't forget to click through to comment, and heart the post to let me know you've read it.

AND....i really want to know what you think of this recording. love it more? less? different? can you hear things in these songs that you couldn't in the produced version? i am a nerd about my own records. please tell me everything.

---------AS ALWAYS....-----------

1. see All the Things i've made so far: http://amandapalmer.net/patreon-things/

2. join the official AFP patron facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/afpland/

3. AFP-patreon-related questions? ask away, someone will answer:




This year has seen new albums from some of my favourite artists - Regina Spektor, David Bowie, Nick Cave, Lady Gaga - and yet this and You Got Me Singing (and Strung out AND Sketches) have been my favourite releases of the year. You're an inspiration Amanda! Thank you.


It's taken a very long time. I can not critique your lyrics, they are from your heart. I can not critique your music, it is forever looping through my brain. Compression. That is what I suggest. I often listen in the car and find myself turning the volume up and down and up and down and up and down. Your heart needs no compression. Your melodies need no compression (I'm not musical, anyway so it's probably redundant) I love your heart. ❤️ I love your music. ❤️ I don't live fondling the volume knob in my minivan.


Also, P.K. Right?? The Bed Song ❤️


Hi Amanda, I can't get the download to work. I did it 2 times and it's coming up as no file. Is there a trick I"m missing? :(


I'm losing my freakin' mind. I can't access the dang MP3 files -- my computer keeps telling me there's an error. and new to Patreon -- do we just get emails of the pdf? Video? or do we log onto our account. Sorry - getting the hang of this.


loving this!


As always, thank you for thinging all of the lovely things that you thing. Love it. <3


Love 💕


Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!


¡ thanks amanda i m thinking of what i gotta do wanna do before i die now too thank you !


I'm listening to this a couple of tracks at a time. I'm really emotional right now, so everything makes me cry right now. The Bed Song caused a thunderstorm of tears. Love to you.