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greetings from covidland

still tired af

and maybe i’m just very emo and loopy from the covid but aw this picture. it’s little baby madonna, with her mother (also madonna), who died when madonna-the-second was only five.

i think about little madonna and her feelings a lot. i always have. she was such a huge part of little amanda’s own life and development. i still untangle ways she influenced me, angered me, made me struggle, moved me. she still challenges me. i love her.

madonna is 64 today. and look at this tiny baby and this beautiful mama. this moment.

that’s all. as you were.

xx afp

ps here’s a bootleg of me playing “material girl”. i should record it properly one day…https://youtu.be/U7_MrYBy6Qw ….someday i’ll attack a cover of “live to tell” with all my might. that’s one of my all-time faves.




I remember watching interviews with her and Rosie O Donnell when A League of Their Own came out. They mentioned losing their moms when they were young and how they bonded over that similar loss. Madonna has been through some shit... And she is fierce! I have a lot of respect for her. Thank you for sharing this lovely photo. The Madonnas.


I was visiting my cousins the night of the recent church performance. I had to sit in their living room while they watched renovation shows on DIY and had my phone tuned to yer show with my earphones. They watched as i alternately laughed, sighed and had tears roll down my cheeks.. I have been in a very low emotional and health place in my life and needed the momentary companionship of your being. Thank you my sweet musical star! And when i got home last nite from th almost 6 hour drive...I was rewarded with the South Park 25th anniversary concert with Primus and Ween (my all-time faves). I laughed, cried and was keenly aware that I am not the only idiot who has seen every episode since day one and keeps these characters alive in me heartmind! Sometimes, among the aging body pains, memory losses and loneliness.... life is good.

Robyn Pearson

I wore fingerless lace gloves to my eighth grade graduation because of that awesome woman! And tried to learn every dance move to Lucky Star but didn't have a VCR so just had to wait for it to come back on MTV. She's been a huge part of my entire life. We're that age. Hope you're feeling better, love. xoxoxo


Neat. Coincidence or not, I dig it.


I lost my mum at 4 1/2, it definitely changes a lot I think.


This sweet little baby. And what happened to her face now? I would love to see her aging naturally.


sorry for your loss Donna, sending love xo

Catherine Hannah

Hope you are feeling better 🥰🎉 Loves to everyone 😷✨❤️


Have you seen Madonna’s Tiktok? It’s interesting.

Janet in Georgia

Ahhh Madonna. I remember singing on bus rides to field trips Madonna true blue cassette inside my double aux Sony sports Walkman with my bff in elementary. Painting that little mole with some liquid eyeliner and wearing my older sisters lace crinoline from dance class thinking I was AWESOME. She was amazing to me ❤️

Janet in Georgia

Losing your mom is NEVER easy. I lost mine at 22 in 2000, 7 months pregnant and also had a 2 year old. I still cry for my mommy sometimes. It’s never goes away that need and want.

Catherine Hannah

I am reading a lot about post-Covid, and how important it is to NOT overdo it when you start to feel ok: AMANDA FUCKING PALMER THIS MSG IS FOR YOU BECUZ YOU PUSH YOURSELF "People who get covid and 'feel fine' a week later STOP EXERCISING I can't stress this enough. Pretend you went on the mother of all benders and are so hungover that turning your head quickly gives you the whirlies. For at least 6 weeks. Just. Don't. Move. I'm not joking. Includes using your brain too much. " We Love You And Want You Be Well Please Yake Care Of Youuuuu ❤️✨✨✨❤️✨✨❤️


Amanda, please just listen to the Ride and In My Mind on repeat. I love you and will hold you in my heart and mind till we both get through this. ❤️❤️❤️

Rhiannon Crutchley

I remember being attracted to Madonna when I was a kid. During my 3 decades on this planet, I've only ever fancied a few girls (I guess I'm only a little bit queer in that way!) I fancied her, she was SEX. So cool to see a woman so publicly use her body to make the whole world horny. Talk about the liberation of women.. she had it sussed! She did it so well, with such class that it was accepted and on the TV sets of every home world wide. I was raised by being told showing your body in a sexual way may make you a target for sexual abuse or detracted from your intellect... I just love how Madonna broke all those boundaries and the world respected her for that. And I mean, I believe she still is breaking those boundaries... at 64 years of age.... that is pretty out there man. far play.