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....day 4 in the fancy ass studio. 

i'll tell you what i'm doing as soon as i get over being overwhelmed by the piano-based feelings in here. meanwhile i'm about to quickie periscope a take or two, and i'm going to set up a webcast for y'all $10+ people on tuesday with huzza. tell me when's good. i may also stick the phone on a table for a facebook live cast as well. keep an eye on things. xxx a 



Charli Renken

I have class until noon mountain time and then a school thing at 7pm so either afternoon or later in the evening would be awesome. Can't wait!


9 pm Europe pleaaaase :))))))))) Thank you, you're amazing :D


I do love your piano work

Rebecca Starodub

We know what you're doing. You're finally recording piano only versions of Theater is Evil songs!! At least I hope that is what you are doing.


Tuesday is my work and school lab day so what ever time works for the other lovely patrons is great! I'll watch after :) can't wait to hear more about these evil things!


*Presses finger to lips* Move along now, nothing to see here ... yet ;)


Missed the Periscope and will be out on Tuesday too unless it's after midnight (or even later) UK time. So as late as possible would suit me. Really looking forward to hearing the results of the sekrit projekt. We haven't worked out your evil plans at all, no no no :D


Tuesday? Before 8am, or 12-1pm, or after 4:00pm PST

Amalija Vitezovic

Dat stained glass... wicked! I mean... evil. ;-)


Any time that is not the middle of the night for us UK folks would be fab xx


After 5, Eastern daylight time


After 5pm EDT should work for me. This would be my first time as a $10 patron! Very excited.


After 5pm EST would be fabulous!