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hallo loves.

greetings from a coffee shop on waiheke island, aotearoa new zealand.

just a quickie. first of all, a WARM WARM WELCOME to the hundre or so new patrons who have come over from the internet in the past day or two. WELCOME TO THE NICE SIDE OF THE WEB!!! it’s great to have you here, say hi in the comments and tell me/us about you. we are all real cool and don’t bite. everybody old school, welcome in the new folks!!!

so, “surface pressure” update!!

the song was supposed to drop today but a bunch of things got fucked up :D

we are used to that and it’s why we love patronage.

cos sort of …. who cares. we will fix the fucked up and out the final song out as soon as everything is ready…which may be tomorrow but more likely early next week.

i just posted a TINY short clip of the recording studio on social media and i would love love love if you’d all go comment and share. the response to the clip is already over the moon. this is such a perfect song for this moment in time.

a reminder that if you missed the WHOLE VOCAL TAKE stream, it’s here anytime for you: https://www.crowdcast.io/e/take-two--cast-link--the/register


i’m gonna spend the day today working on more internet magic (aura is here) and little tiktok clips for when the release actually happens. follow me over there: @theamandapalmer.

the more i think about and talk about this project, the more i realize you - my patrons - have changed my life.

for the better.

the way better.

god it’s so good. so liberating. so real.

and i love you so much. it’s such a struggly moment in my personal life. this is giving me such strength and such life, to be carried on the wings of all of you. thank you. thank you. thank you my big collective patron-family. you’re saving my life.

here’s the clip, pick your poison and go do your thing. you know the deal; i have no promotional company or PR people doing this for me. it’s me and you. it’s us.

share!!!! and don’t assume people understand the patreon and how this all happened. HELP ME TELL THE STORY OF HOW IT ALL HAPPENED AND HOW AWESOME IT IS. i need you. ok? okay. i’ll go make some video art today if you guys promise to go tell the world how weird and cool and inspiring patronage is.

here are the clips, all the same footage. share share share….

INSTAGRAM (it’s had almost 70,000 views since i posted it, which is amazing):




TWITTER (and….twitter seems to be dying a slow death):







Welcome new people! This is one of the best places to be!


Sounds cool!! Also: welcome all new art friends! We're particularly lovely here~


I am so excited to hear/see it all brought together! It was wonderful to watch you record the vocals (I missed the string quartet). And I LOVE being part of this process, helping make this possible. This feels like the internet facilitating the very best kind of relationship, instead of the worst (on that note Twitter deserves to die - it's really not conducive to the best).


Me: "Amanda Palmer's version of Surface Pressure will drop in a few days time!!" - My 9 year old daughter: "Why does it take so looooooong??" She can't wait. We can't wait.


Just a few weeks ago, someone in 'my' community shared 'In my mind' as one of the songs you should have heard in your life. Thank you Amanda for this powerful song! I've never heard about you before but since then I cannot stop exploring whatever is out there from you / about you. It feels like falling in love, I cannot even find the right words for it. So I am here and thank you all for such a warm welcome. (My English is unfortunately not as advanced as I wish it was - I'm from Germany... )

Rebecca Ryan

Welcome Antje.. discovering music that is ‘your music’ that you didn’t know existed is so special!. Agree like falling in love. enjoy 💜


No pressure, Amanda! I am zen. It will come when it comes. I loved witnessing on the webcast all the magic behind recording a song and it's really amazing the amount of work involved! It will be perfect when released, I'm sure!

Lynn Robinson

Looking forward to it. And a very warm welcome to new Patrons - feel the love 💕


As I expressed on social media, it was SO FUCKING MOVING to watch the whole thing come together, culminating in your vocal takes. Goosebumps baby! I had never heard the song before and I can't imagine it ANY other way. You do it justice. It has been appearing in my mind (there's always a song in there!) regularly since that day. You do what you gotta do, I'm excited to hear it! Thank you. Sending love and hugs xo

Fanny von B

Welcome humans. It really is a lovely place here 🧡


I think I speak for many when I say- we will DEFINITELY be singing along.


Love and positivity to all of my fellow community members... you are not alone!


Oh wow. Just a few seconds into the video and my eyes are already expressing the overflow of emotion.


Wow! I get chills every time listening to this song. Loved it 😍