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Quickie: Don’t forget we have an all-patron recording studio webcast THIS MONDAY/TUESDAY depending on your time zone! We keep upping the production game and this time we are tackling “Surface Pressure”, a goddamn Disney song, with a goddamn string quartet and I really know you don’t wanna miss it. See your local time and RSVP and join the chat here: https://www.crowdcast.io/e/5g4l8eoa

And here’s this week’s Ask Amanda. I ask a favor of ALL OF YOU, since the column has been BLAZING and everyone is writing in such good comments and sharing such good personal stories and their own advice: if you share a comment here, please please please cut and paste it onto the substack so the comment is permanent and won’t be lost to the sands of time. People may come back to this column 4 years from now when they are looking through the whole history and I want the comments to be a vital part of the writing. So help me out and share your comment over there, too. Love.

Here we go ….

Dear Amanda,

How can someone overcome the sadness of a friendship lost?

There is a lot of advice for “relationship” breakups, but I recently lost a friend who I loved who just ended up hurting me badly.

I am still angry for the wounds he made, but I miss him all the time, and I don’t know if others understand because no one ever speaks about overcoming a broken heart when it comes to friendships.

I opened my home to him thinking I could help him and protect him, but he had a lot of demons mostly from addiction, and in the end his demons won, but I still feel sad that he is gone and guilty that he is probably not okay, and yet don’t feel comfortable (safe!) to reach back out.

Thank you for reading,

Someone who wears their heart and soul on their sleeve

P.S. If you have an opportunity to answer this and are moved to do so, I would prefer to remain anonymous. I think my lost friend might read your column, and I wouldn’t want him to feel upset that I think his addiction was stronger than our friendship.

Read the answer and see all of Sarah Beetson’s beautiful artwork here - and also subscribe if you haven’t yet. One more week.


I’ve got ONE more of these suckers to put out officially, at the end of this week…then we will decide whether or not to make this a monthly Thing. I’m on the fence. But dammit there are so so so many good questions coming and so much I wanna write about.

…and I’ll have the Althing coming your way sometime before the end of the month. With the column, the recording studio, and Neil leaving for the UK again this week I’m pretty crunched. Hold me.



PS Ash at the playground yesterday




Held. 💜


Liked your answer. Have nothing else further I'd like to say PUBLICLY at this time, because I am still furious. That's it from me. Love you Amanda. ❤


Thank you ❤️

Angel Rosen

Always holding you! I'm off work for an entire week (with the dogs), so this webcast is my only human contact I'll be having within a week besides my gynecologist. A different kind of lifesaving, but I'll be there! Jotting it down in my calendar as a reason to live.


You got this! Encanto is going to be such a rush, can't wait. 🙏

Len Tower Jr.

A 1) The advice column could give you more book ideas. 2) Do you have the copyright, so you could collect/publish them in a book later? -Len


HUUUUGS!!! Ash is beautiful. The song will be amazing! Yay!


An excellent query Len. My mind ponders a published collection each time I read. The themes they could hang on are many…


Hope all goes smoothly with the medical stuff Angel. And that the week off is restorative in all the ways you need it to be.