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hey guys


we are moving the stream over HERE because we hit our four hour limit!!: https://www.crowdcast.io/e/and----bonus-cast---the

the song sounds amazing and that was a beautiful four hours spent together!!!

we had two special guests: mr neil gaiman and ms reb fountain...many photos and stills to come

BUT....we aren't finished mixing!! and we wanted to film this whole thing, in case we cut it together later. 

so if you're still up and and around, we are gonna take a lunch break and crank up the stream again in an hour (4:30 pm NZ TIME!)) and do the finishing mix touches. join in here, and the chat can pick up here where we left for those of you online, i'll head to the last stream and post the link there as well....







Thank you soooo much! This was just a beautiful day. Xxx

Anna McCotter

THANK YOU ! I love you so much. That. Was. Good. Really good


Really appreciate the invitation --- amateur pianist, guitarist, and cellist

Catherine Hannah

Love rehearsal time and studio time is new to me, so really interesting. Very satisfying to watch process! Enjoy your lunchtime! Thank your engineers for us (tho they doesn't like being thanked), and thank you so much for inviting us along. Probably won't be up later... Nite, all! Loves to everyone!


WOW I'm speechless


Just came in at the very end there. It was a good thing to get up to after a turbulent night of reconciling past bulling with present aggression. Turns out we are all just vulnerable people. Take care everyone, have a wonderful day and night. Be kind to yourself, and others. Dont know which one is harder. Love you!


Sucks that I couldn't see any of this site to work and life stuff. Sounds amazing, can't wait to hear what came out of it!

Pedro B. Gorman

Dear Amanda, I said two things in the chat yesterday which, naturally, because you were working, you didn’t read, but I’d like to reiterate them here so you DO get the chance to read them. Around about the time when you were doing the first take that Hugh recorded and I said “Ooooh, look at the dynamics on those waveforms,” it was a little shortly after that. Thing 1) I said “Amanda, this so SO beautiful, you always give us SO much!!!!” to which, naturally, many concurred. But let me expand on this for a moment. When I said this, I was not only talking about the amazing chance to watch you work, and I cannot imagine the bravery that took on your behalf (though, perhaps, as you yourself point out you’ve changed a lot in the past two years, maybe not so much, because, uhhmmm…less fucks given, and you also know we’re your family?). I was also talking about this wonderful community of all of us you have gathered around you. And you are right: as, with the regularity of my attendance, I start to put names to faces, remember people’s stories, the more I feel a part of something greater than me; the less lonely I feel in whatever clusterfuck I feel I’m dealing with and, consequently, by observing your growth, and the growth of others here, the more I am able to extend TO MYSELF the same kind of compassion I unquestionably extend to others. You people—Amanda, and all of you—make me a better person, both to others and myself. Also, watching you in studio last night reminded me of the time when, in 2015, I had reached my all-time Heroin low, and decided to go into rehab, because it was high time I address MY needs, instead of just being the eternal people-pleaser. There were two things which saved me at that time (and when I mean saved me, I mean saved me from the gnawing, post-addiction emptiness). One, was having discovered a music studio just around the corner from my house, via a customer of the restaurant I was running at the time, who had also been a former heroin addict and had been clean for 15 years, and who Immediately included me in that music community. Watching you last night reminded me of that studio enthusiasm time. The other, was your book “The Art of Asking.” It changed me as a person, and instilled in me the belief in my own creativity, and gave me the strength to work at my craft and begin producing the work and, step by step, putting out there. A huge thank you to all, for a beautiful night, and for also making me feel coddled in my “sick-bed,” and for making me almost forget I was sick. Thing 2) I fell asleep during the crowdcast out of sheer bodily exhaustion, I think more or less around the time Neil showed up, as that was the last thing I remember…and I slept almost right until the end, a deep slumber… and the dream I had as so beautiful: of existing/living underwater, able to breathe and live in the ocean, almost a kind of lucid dream, because I could still hear your music and your voice, and Neil’s voice. So thank you, Amanda, thank you all of you, for a night I will NOT forget! Gonna watch the rest of it, as I’m super curious to see what I missed. Also, after I switched off and went to sleep, during the night, I dreamt I was David Bowie’s friend, and I was in hotel in London with him, where I was helping him prepare an art-installation on how London had been “devoured”/ruined by its own children…so I ask… while I was sleeping, was there any mention of Bowie by you that might have entered my subconscious? Haha! The feeling of being a personal friend of Bowie’s was very comforting, by the way. Love to all, Pedro B. Gorman


My first crowdcast with you and it was awesome!! Thank you so much for sharing this with us!! My kid walked in the room and said “wow, she sure uses a lot of f-bombs, even more than you, mom” 😬😂🤘