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before i say anything...I'm gonna start with this because it's so true:


  • HOW THE PATREON ITSELF IS DOING - this is where we break down the numbers & stats....
  • ART BEGETTING ART - a selection of gorgeous art from around the internets, inspired by my work....
  • THE PATRON COMMUNITY BULLETIN BOARD - news, arts and askings from YOU, the members of this beautiful little community....


Hello Dear Ones. 

I'm going to try to keep the text short, because there's a BIG OLD post to read, RIGHT NOW, over on substack. I'll remind you in a unique post tomorrow....but for now, the BIG news is that my long-promised advice column, "Ask Amanda", kicks off today on Substack. 


You all are going to be the best question-askers, so I entreat you to wander over there and see what I'm up to.



And here's the start of what I wrote....

I’m deeply honored to have been invited by Substack as their Writer in Residence for the month of February! I’m gonna take a stab at doing an advice column, and because I’m me, it’s gonna be different and weird, and hopefully really fun. And mostly: interactive. I want to talk to you, and I want you to talk to me, and to one another.

Subscribe now

I’m taking the job hot on the heels of Jeanette Winterson, one of my literary heroes since teenhood, and she’s such a legit writer compared with my messy, scribbling self that I wanna just stab myself in the head with a goddamn pen, but hey....

If you missed the memo (and the poll we did here), I've been trying to figure out a good place to host an advice column where people don't have to also get the entire backstage barrage of constant patreon posts and music and business thoughts and and and. Then Substack came and asked if I would be their "Writer in Residence" for February. All birds, ONE STONE, people.

There's a $5 tier to get an audio recording (by me) of the weekly post, because substack insisted that I charge for something (fair), and $5 is the minimum, but other than that, it's just free, free, free.

Feel free to do whatever. You're my patrons. Mostly I just want you there, reading and responding. The comments section over there is SO GOOD and fast and robust compared to here on patreon. It'll be a nice place to chat for a month.



ANOTHER WEBCAST IMPROV at Roundhead Studios, and this time I'm doing TWO DAYS.

The last one ("emergency Soothing Piano Music") went extraordinarily well, and I threatened to get into the studio with 1) a better camera crew and 2) more time.

Well, here we go. I'll remind you with a post the day before, but the idea is to webcast for four hours each day live from the studio (from about 11:11 am til about 2-3pm my time) and write in the studio the night in-between.

It could be that we write a song together, or you convince me to do a cover, or we cook up some other plan. DAY ONE is about figuring out what I'm gonna do. DAY TWO is about doing it, or webcasting the recording OF IT, or whatever. 

Maybe we will determine that what we need is a reprise live-stream of improvised music while you all take turns reading poetry. Maybe I will just do Led Zeppelin covers.

I shit you not. I just bought this old fave and it's got me itching. VINYL IS EXPENSIVE HERE. This fucker was $60 NZD.

Anyway.....just come and watch. I'll poke you with posts when I'm going live.

I'm inspired.

And I'm good at this.

And I think we all need it. Some live, WTF, let's just DO SHIT kinda art.

please RSVP to BOTH!!!! 

TUESDAY: https://www.crowdcast.io/e/sj9glppm

WEDNESDAY: https://www.crowdcast.io/e/eaywgp19


And a note to $10+ PATRONS, I'll be scheduling a just-us webchat when this crazy week is over. Stay tuned. 


How am I?

Well...I'm really, really good. I've never been in better physical, emotional shape, and certainly not since the start of this shitshow of a pandemic.

Getting a few FULL weeks off from trying to work over the holidays was a godsend. I spent the holidays with Neil and Ash at a couple of friends houses on the South Island, had a fantastic Christmas filled with food and dogs and pigs and walks and swims....then went on a week-long yoga and hiking retreat. 

I was so happy.

It also scared me.



I have lived with no intermission for a really long time. It's a scary feeling to let go.

But I fucking love it. THIS IS WHAT PEOPLE HAVE BEEN TALKING ABOUT ALL THESE YEARS.  Being a freelance artist will FUCK YOU UP, man.

And yet, meanwhile....I'm also waiting for the other shoe to drop and become a solo mother in lockdown any fucking second now, as Neil may be leaving the country again (but who knows), so I'm counting every precious second that I have to "work", as it all may go away in the blink of an eye. It's not even guaranteed that these webcasts can happen in the recording studio, so close is Auckland to the verge of Omicron Outburst.

If it all goes to shit, I'll just do it from home on my computer with my un-tuned piano. 


I read all your comments the other day, and I have the feeling we will have a lot to talk about during the upcoming webcasts. There is a lot of exhaustion.

There are a lotta feelings.

It's all gonna come together in the music.

I promise.

I know how this works.


Here are some of my favorite photos from the IG last month....

Neil Gaiman's goth stocking in the middle:

Ash's Santa letter....

Here's me feeding a pig a leftover pavlova. Super fucking kiwi.

I babysat Simone's dog, Bruno, for the day and now I want a dog forever.

Lake Wakatipu.

The view from Simone's house....

I got boosted in Queenstown.

And this is a good romping picture if ever there was one.

Here's an average hike view on the South Island, and my new friend/hostess Simone and her daughter, Ruby. 

Ruby is generally off at Uni in Wellington but was at Simone's house for the holidays....and she's studying photography. So I hired her to take the promo pictures for "Ask Amanda" because why the hell not and we had a BLAST.

Here's a reminder again to go read the opening gambit I wrote for "Ask Amanda".



I am not here to talk about Elon Musk.


Well, actually about YOU. About US.

We are in TIME MAGAZINE!!!

Look at little old me, and little old us. 

I spoke to TIME for an article about subscription models - including Patreon, OnlyFans, Twitch... you name it. This is the future. It's happening now.

Full article is here: https://time.com/6124508/creator-economy-onlyfans-twitch-future/

But if you just wanna hear what I have to say....

Writer and musician Amanda Palmer, 45, is intimately acquainted with the challenges of creative autonomy. Palmer, the frontwoman of indie rock duo The Dresden Dolls, extricated herself from an album deal a decade ago, choosing to embrace independence—with all its financial risks—and gather income from her fans directly.

“There’s been a general shift in consciousness, that people are no longer scratching their heads when an artist or a creator comes to you directly and says, Hey, I need $10,” she says. “You’re seeing it in right-wing podcasting. And you’re seeing it in feminist journalism on Substack. And you’re seeing it with musicians on Patreon, and you’re seeing it with porn stars on OnlyFans.”

Palmer started a Patreon account in 2015, where she now posts music, videos and blog posts to 12,000 paying subscribers. The direct, monetized line of communication with her fans has meant she could weather the pandemic storm, when she couldn’t play live concerts. She says she has made over $5 million in subscriptions to support her creative endeavors, although her net profit after production costs mostly just pays rent and living expenses. Still, it has been an effective solution to the conundrum of monetizing fame and artwork for a niche audience.

Palmer’s experience with Patreon is a prime use case for the company: a nonmajor artist finds financial freedom through direct-to-consumer content sharing. “Because of what’s happened over the last 10 years, there’s now hundreds of millions of creative people who identify as creators, putting their work online and already making a lot of money, [who] want to be paid and want to build businesses,” Conte says. Almost 40% of the money that Patreon processes goes to creators who are making between $1,000 and $10,000 per month. “It’s not Taylor Swift–rich; it’s not Rihanna-rich. It’s a middle class of creativity: a whole new world of creators that are being enabled by this,” he says.

Still, even Palmer, who has “very warm feelings” about Patreon, recognizes that it can’t be trusted forever. “I’ve been ringing the warning bells for years about how dangerous it is to get into bed with a for-profit company and use them as the only avenue to reach your audience, right? 

It is dangerous, because at any moment, Patreon could sell to Facebook and decide to change all of the rules of engagement. I really hope that doesn’t happen. But there are no guarantees in this dog-eat-dog tech world,” she says. “In order to protect myself, I always keep a lot of phone lines open with my community.”


THAT'S RIGHT. This is a good time to remind you to SIGN THE GODDAMN EMAIL LIST.




While I was in Queenstown, I made friends with a piano busker, Luke Gajdus, and we ended up live-streaming on Instagram a collaboration-busk session for a little over an hour...

You can see the full stream, complete with gorgeous Aotearoa scenery, here on instagran:


And give Luke a follow at @lukegajdus...we may be doing MORE THINGS together.

I have a fantasy about going to the South Island and roaming around with him and his portable piano and Thinging Music From The Hills.



I also made a playlist for y'all, to act as a warm blanket of stars around your soul. I love that you have listened to and loved it and if you haven't, here it be:

You can find it here on Spotify:


I noted in the comments of the original post, but I made it on Spotify simply because it's the easiest. I really wish I could mail you all tapes.

BUT! Rejoice for the community. Kylie Dawn re-created the playlist on Apple Music for those of y'all without Spotify :) 




I scheduled in one last $10 webcast before signing off for the holidays - including beautiful poetry from a whole bunch of patrons. You can catch up with the webcast if you're in the $10 tier or above here:


AND - in lieu of launching an actual Discord, I kept this webcast chat open over the holidays, to give people a place to check in and chat with each other.... It makes me happy to see that people have been dropping in and catching up. It's still open, so you can still go and check in with each other.



The first Thing of the month was the Emergency Soothing Music piano improvisation... this was something I've never done before, but it nourished my soul in a truly magical way. 

I posted and asked for your comments....who you are, where you are, how you are... and then I went into the studio, and with all of you in my soul/fingers/brain, I improvised a piano piece, for as long as I wanted to. 

It wound up being about 34 minutes.

Here's the post where you can catch up with it all - re-watch the webcast, listen to the improv, and also listen to a lil bonus of me reading a children's book called "Hello Lighthouse":



And on that note.....an update from the desk of 'weird projects on the maybe pile'..... after the "Hello Lighthouse" reading during the improv webcast (linked above), there was major excitement about the prospect of recording it properly, and I've been talking to my long-time soul-brother Jherek Bischoff about adding in some orchestration.

BUT to keep things proper and above board, we need permission to do so. Luckily my friend Maria Popova (of The Marginalian, formerly BrainPickings) is friends with the author, Sophie Blackall, and we're talking....!!! So this, too, is exciting.


The second thing of the month was your regularly scheduled State of All Things. You can catch up on it here if you missed it.




Discord..... SIIIIIGH........ I promise we will get there. I want more than anything for this community to have a place to gather, but I also want that place to be nurtured and tended to, which means it needs to happen when we have time to launch it with the care it deserves..... which hasn't been this month. 

But it will come.



Michael, in Brooklyn, just got Covid for the second time.

He's recovering. Send him waves of love. Understandable that he's not up for writing this month.

And guess what?

Jordan just got....Covid. 

He went to Fiji for the holidays and came back to Sydney and he and his partner tested positive.

They're both doing okay, but the team morale has been coughing.

Here's a picture of Jordan's new puppy, Odie, to take the edge off:


Hayley has been rocking it at her new job at Patreon, but the situation in New York, as I'm sure you may know (or do you?) is back to grim for the moment.

Send her some waves of love, too. She's been helping us out in the background and around the edges as we all try to plod on with our slow, slow work.

But I also wanted to just give her a shout-out as a fellow breakfast lover.

I've been having breakfast three times a day recently. I feel this.



From Alex...

Hello dear patrons.

I am taking a leaf from Amanda's book, and I am trying to approach this new year with a sense of zen. 

I let myself finish working on December 23rd. And then I did nothing. I gave myself permission to ignore the people asking why the postal service hadn't delivered their merch parcels yet (sorry). 

Now I am "back to work", but I've only been "back" for a week, so I have very little to report on. So I guess here is just a report on my self.

I am trying to be kind to myself.

I am not letting myself work for 12 hours a day and burning out.

I am trying to discipline myself and be in bed by midnight every night.

I am trying to read more. 

I am trying to be kind to myself.

Be kind to yourselves too, patrons. Take care of yourselves. You are worth it.


(me on christmas day, staring seemingly unimpressed at a flaming christmas pudding)

{you are so worth it, queen alex. i love you. -AFP}



As of this writing there are about 12,000 patrons pledging about $38,000 for the first Thing each month.

A VERY IMPORTANT NOTE FOR NEWCOMERS: you are welcome to (and encouraged to) CAP YOUR PLEDGE! PLEASE.

I cannot stress this highly enough.

Your pledge on Patreon supports me per Thing that I release, but sometimes it's unpredictable how many Things will come out in a month (sometimes it's just 1, usually it's 2 or 3, we have been known to do 6 or 7).

We know this can create financial insecurity and uncertainty - so Patreon allows you to cap your pledge. This is, essentially, setting a MAXIMUM amount that you want to pay per month. YOU CAN BUDGET. Say for example, you're happy to pay $3 per Thing, but you don't want to pay more than $10 a month. In that's the case, you can "cap" your pledge at $10, and whether I release 4 Things or 40 Things, you won't be charged more than $10. But MOST IMPORTANTLY, you will still have access to ALL the things, even if you cap your pledge!!! It doesn't effect access.

You can read all about capping your pledge here.

I go over this stuff in every Althing, but if you're new to all this: Patreon charges you monthly & retroactively, meaning that you get billed on the 1st of the month for all the Things released the month prior.

Because people have their pledges capped (SEE ABOVE), the first "Thing" raises the most money by far, and anything released thereafter raises less and less. I LIKE THIS! THIS IS GOOD! It means I never feel guilty about releasing TOO MUCH!! So really. Please, cap your pledge if you are on a budget.

In November, I Thanged TWO Things:

The State of All Things: November 22nd 2021, which earned about $45,457 from 12,203 patrons.

Live at Morra Hall video, which earned about $18,308 from 6,692 patrons.

(we say "about" because patreon may be still trying to process some pledges that have yet to go through...we never know, you know.)

Them's the numbers.

And remember: these numbers are gross. Not net. Meaning: it's the money raised before fees were deducted by patreon and is not the total deposited to me. patreon takes a 5% fee (which they use to build and sustain the platform, which is GOOD) and then there's a payment processing fee, which varies on a ton of factors and is usually between 5-9% of the total collected.

These numbers also do not reflect the money I SPENT MAKING THE ART, paying my staff, paying the office rent, paying for crowdcast, getting myself around, getting the team around and fed and slept, all the collaborators, and my actual staff payroll, etc.

I don't share that level of nitty-detail-stuff with you because I assume it would bore you to fucking tears. but you can trust me: paying for a full-time staff, office, manager, accountant, and massive team of art-collaborators ain't cheap. sometimes we barely break even.



My musical heroes, The Legendary Pink Dots have just put out a new album, "The Museum of Human Happiness"...

Here's some words about it from Edward Ka-Spel, one of the most underrated songwriters of our time.

“A cubicle for you, a cubicle for me….but not together…”

The Year 2020 was not a year for a band to 'get things together in the country', or gather in a room to write songs. This statement certainly applied to the Legendary Pink Dots with two members in The Netherlands and one in the UK.

The pandemic reared its ugly head as the Dots’ criss-crossed Europe on the second stage of their 40th Anniversary Tour.

Just a few days before much of Italy locked down the band was in Milan. A few days later, the destination was Cologne where they opted for a hotel in the countryside…it turned out that the resting place was one village away from the most lethal outbreak of the virus in Germany.
The tour eventually finished in a sold-out club with a worryingly low ceiling in London. There were hugs, a real feeling of togetherness with a truly lovely audience.

Then the World stopped.

It was the last time The Dots were in the same room.
Song writing and recording were necessarily deemed to happen in cyberspace for the rest of 2020 and 2021.

As a result, the lyrics are utterly poignant, desperate, yet sometimes bearing a flash of gallows humour. The soundtrack is a purging fire. It’s a fire that still burns, and as I type this I can say I have never been so excited about the impending release of a new Dots’ album.
Never mind the distance, there is a single-mindedness about “The Museum Of Human Happiness.” 

It’s 2022. 

We’ll meet again….EK

You can check the album out here:


(and if this is your jam, this seems like as good a time as any to remind you that I collaborated with Edward Ka-Spel five years ago, on the album I Can Spin A Rainbow: https://amandapalmer.bandcamp.com/album/i-can-spin-a-rainbow )


Some of you will be familiar with Penfriend, aka Laura Kidd... she played at one of the patron-only shows in London in 2018, under her previous moniker of She Makes War... 

She's currently recording a new collaborative album in her home studio, and documenting the WHOLE PROCESS via youtube.

With this vlog series I want to show people how I produce records from my little attic home studio to encourage them to do whatever their thing is too, because we need everyone's art in the world! (Unfortunately, "the world" also appears to need to see women producing their own music to believe it was them doing it and not the nearest available bloke, so that's part of why I'm doing it, too!)


You can see the first video here:


... and while you're here, why not check out the Penfriend album released last year:




This is just a little selection of AFP-inspired work... if you've got art to share and want to see it featured here, don't forget you can always post on social media and tag me (@amandapalmer), or email it to art@amandapalmer.net!

Beautiful There Will Be No Intermission-inspired tattoo on @fragilecitrus on instagram...

A doodle inspired by my streamed collaboration with Luke Gajdus, by Morgan Singleton on facebook, aka @adventuresofagreybike on instagram...

A beautiful piece by patron Joni Augustine...i just posted this to instagram and wrote this: 

i’m putting together the monthly round-up for patrons and just came across this artwork by @j0ni_augustine. i can’t tell you how fulfilling it is to be a muse sometimes, especially when you know the artist and know how deeply the artist feels you. it’s also amazing how a selfie can turn into art.

when joni officially changed her name, i signed the document. we transform one another. art is a circle of love. i love you, joni. you make me feel real and alive. you are a muse to me.♥️🎨

And finally, some Dresden Dolls love from @lady_grayart on instagram...Brian looks extra-insane.



This is a space for YOU, beloved patrons, to share YOUR art, fundraisers, advertise your business, ask for things you need.... think of it as the notice board in your local grocery store :) if you want to include anything in these althings, send an email over to patronhelp@amandapalmer.net 

(and please note, we can't always include every request, but feel free to keep sending things if it doesn't appear the first time!)

And so, this month in the community......


Coin-Operated Press (HEY THAT NAME SOUNDS FAMILIAR) is run by two members of the community - Chloe Henderson and Katie McCann, they've got a call-out for submissions for their latest zine:

A coping mechanism for our poor mental health that we use at Coin-Operated Press is to step outside at least once a day. We give ourselves a task on this small outdoor adventure to take photographs of a different thing each time, and if we can manage it, walking further and further away from our doorsteps each time. It is a small step, but just getting dressed to go outside and breathing the fresh air is sometimes enough to give us a little bit of the clarity we need to continue on with our days

With this in mind, we would love for you to join us on one of our depression walks and submit your art and writing to our zine all about mental health. You can tell us about your experiences, share with us your own coping mechanisms, capture your feelings in pictures or words, tell us about your struggles and wins with seeking out help, share your thoughts about the state of mental health support in the countries that you live in, and anything else that fits with the theme of mental health that you think would fit perfectly into a zine

We are looking for: articles, illustrations, short stories, zine excerpts, photography, poetry, artwork of any medium, posters, flyers, short essays, recipes, comic-strips, reviews, collage, and anything else you can put your imagination to

The finished zine will be A5 in size and printed in full colour

Send us your submissions by filling in this Google form: https://forms.gle/pwRV8RqdBaH9XjeW6

Emailed submissions will not be accepted

The deadline is midnight BST on Friday 28th January 2022

For further information please visit our FAQs https://www.coinoperatedpress.com/call-for-submissions

If you have any questions please email us at coinoperatedpress@gmail.com


This one feels relevant for this month... patron Asha Sanaker has a Substack for you to fill your brains with...


Go read and feast on it at https://ashasanaker.substack.com/


REMEMBER JUSTINE? Ash's first nanny? (Who wound up, of course, starring in most of my projects while she was working with me, because that's.... how art works)?

Well...she's now living in France and working on her Master's in Creative Writing and she just set up a little Ko-Fi page. If you haven't seen Ko-Fi before, it's just a tiny online tip jar, but you can also make a recurring donation. If you've ever hung out with Justine or she ever brightened your day...send her a coffee tip. She's making little art-drawing posts and her spirit is, as usual, infectiously lovely. 



Finally... Laura Richmond is crowd-funding a book on motherhood and mental health...

When I was pregnant, I thought that motherhood would be the making of me. And I was right - but not in the way that I expected.

I bought the books, went to the antenatal classes, bounced away on an inflatable ball… and was entirely unprepared for what was about to happen to me.

My son’s birth was wrought with complications, culminating in an emergency caesarean section that saved my life but left me profoundly traumatised. A month later, I broke down completely. I was admitted into a psychiatric mother and baby unit, where I could be safe and could remain with my baby. Once there, as I was able to rest and begin to recover, I was confronted with some startling truths about my own history.

All My Worldly Joy is a memoir of how I lost my mind and found myself as a mother. More than that, it’s the book that I needed to read in the midst of post-traumatic stress -- something I hadn’t realised that childbirth could trigger -- and in those long months afterward when I simply couldn’t imagine that I would ever be anything but miserable. It’s the book that I wish those around me had read, especially the midwives and doctors who were ill-equipped to help me when I was struggling.

This sounds like such a huge and important thing to be writing about... Laura's using Unbound, which is kind of like Kickstarter-but-specifically-for-books. There's no time limit on the campaign, it just stays up until it's funded.... they're currently up to 79% with 462 supporters, you can go join them here:



That's all I got for this month, beautiful people.

Last but not least....here's the poem I read in the video.

I love you.

I love you.

I love you.

Hopefully see many of you next week on the cast. Don't forget to RSVP:

TUESDAY: https://www.crowdcast.io/e/sj9glppm

WEDNESDAY: https://www.crowdcast.io/e/eaywgp19




1. if you are a patron and new to my work, don’t forget your patronage allows you access to ALL of my patreon releases to date. HERE is the link to download my latest big solo record, “There Will Be No Intermission”, and HERE is a link to download the PDF of the art/essay book that goes with it.

2. if you’re a patron reading this post via an email notification, please click through to comment on this post. at the very least, if you’ve read it, indicate that by using the heart symbol. that's always nice for me to see, so i know who's reading.

3. see All the Things (over 150 of them) i've made so far on patreon:


4. JOIN THE SHADOWBOX COMMUNITY FORUM, find your people, and discuss everything: https://forum.theshadowbox.net/

5. new to my music and TOTALLY OVERWHELMED? TAKE A WALK THROUGH AMANDALANDA….we made a basic list of my greatest hits n stuff (at least up until a few years ago, this desperately needs updating) on this lovely page: http://amandalanda.amandapalmer.net/

6. general AFP/patreon-related questions? ask away, someone will answer: patronhelp@amandapalmer.net



Join the web's most supportive community of creators and get high-quality tools for hosting, sharing, and streaming videos in gorgeous HD with no ads.



Thank you for this video. Thank you for all the love.


1. Thank you for saying "I love you. and I see you." 2. Uh oh guys... if she gets too happy we might not get that delicious angsty content... 3. I closed my eyes to listen to the poem. Its quiet here and I could see it in my mind.


Amanda your posts bring me so much joy. Thank you. X

Kathryn Drew

"I have a fantasy about going to the South Island and roaming around with him and his portable piano and Thinging Music From The Hills" .. YES YES YES YES YES PLEASE DO MORE STUFF WITH LUKE!!! BRING HIM TO ROUNDHEAD!! I honestly could listen to you two improvising for a whole dayXXX

Kathryn Drew

your video made me cry too. when you said something similar in the recent voice ramble, about me (everyone) doing a good job and being proud of me, yep, I really did need to hear it that day, and even though you don't know what I am dealing with, it still was effective in providing comfort and care.

Kathryn Drew

also, yep you are STILL putting out a ton of content and offerings even though it feels the least ever for you. thank you. self care and kindness are contagious and when people see you being more gentle on yourself, it inspires them to do the same. ALEX i see you too, being kind to yourself and prioritising rest and spaciousness. It all feeds in to the whole system. Rest is not passive. Rest is deeply dynamic and nutritive and restorative. xxxx

Kathryn Drew

Amanda I have one more comment for you for now. Please know this is an offering of love. Something made me think this could be a good time to offer this feedback. You were talking about the act of looking into people's eyes through the camera. Which is so beautiful to do. Your hair is often obscuring your eyes when you record videos. I find it distracting from the ability to see your eyes clearly. I also know it is a super sensitive thing to make comments on someone's appearance and that hair in front of eyes can be a form of protection and comfort, so please know that I am in no way demanding you change it, but wanting to offer this feedback in case it is useful for you to consider. I love you. I can still see your eyes. Hair in front of eyes or not, You are more than enough xxxxxx


I will never forget you inviting us to call upon the power of screaming “too sad Amanda” which is a power that carried me through birth, through death, through these long last two years. You all are my lighthouse, a reminder not to throw my flashlight into the future. Thank you and just know there is a silly someone in San Francisco loving you right back and receiving every word and loving thought.


Breakfast are the best meals of the day, period! It's almost 11am here in Sweden and I'm still in bed, procrastinating... and ignoring the reminders from the self-care app I installed and paid for just before I went to bed. I might have made a mistake there. It feels pretty good in a way, though; consciously and deliberately taking my time to gradually enter the domain of the awake and - in due time, hopefully - the outside. I just realized I don't have the Elephant of Apathy and Lethargy sitting on my chest right now; I'm simply choosing to enjoy the comfort of my bed a tiny bit longer. Love


Amanda, Kate Nash is new to TikTok and talking about her challenges getting her new indie album to the public. You’ve been there. Maybe you could help her? The post is here. https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMLR5WGMC/ Sending love.

Kirrabelle Lovell

Subscribed! Can’t think of any questions of course now it’s happening. Thanks Kylie for the Apple Music playlist. Hope the crew recover from covid soon. Alex your Christmas jumper looks cute and I’m glad to hear you took time off. Your live video streams always seem to be when I have work on, so will have to try and catch up later, to at least listen to It’s Just A Ride. I also want to get a pet dog this year.

Esteban Montemayor

I wholeheartedly acknowledge your acknowledgement. It helps me. I'm proud of you, too. You continually make me laugh, cry, dance, and fucking SING!!! I love you. We support each other, period.