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my dear ones.

greetings from the south island...where i cannot even start to describe the beauty and the serenity.

after the christmas stress dies down....a breath.

still not home.

but making home here. still. for now.

home without any of my old belongings, without my family and old friends, without so many of the things that made me....me. in a way, it's very liberating...i'm able to be more of a blank slate over here.

i wanted to take this particular moment to just say, again, and from the bottom of my tired heart:

thank you.

i'm about to start day one of a hiking retreat - as soon as a i send this post, i begin: no phone, and no computer for 7 days, just mountains.

part of why i do this is to tune into the gratitude that i sometimes lose track of in the stress and fastness of everyday life.

i'm grateful to neil, for taking ash for a week so i can hike and calm down....

i'm grateful to new zealand, for being so lusciously beautiful, kind and relatively covid-free....

and also: i'm grateful for you. 


without you - my patrons - these last few years would have looked very, very different indeed.

i am really not sure how i would have endured it all.

your patronage kept me from becoming unhinged, untethered. your support. your belief in me as a writer, an artist, a thinker, a mother...it has kept me going in ways i cannot even articulate.

your patronage also - and this is no small fucking deal - paid my rent and all my staff and office bills so that i didn't have to stress the fact that i can't tour right now.

it means the world to me. you mean the world to me. 

all of you.

i am noticing a pattern, a theme in my history, lately.

there have been those in my life who lit the fire, who pushed me to my limits of performance and patience, who screamed at me to stay on the tightrope, make the money, continue the feats of impossibleness. sometimes  - often - that person was me.

there have also been the people who encouraged me to rest. who took me in a loving embrace and reminded me that i was enough, that it was possible - necessary, even - to slow the pace of life and ambition and take deep, deep rest. 

sometimes, that person has been me, but not nearly enough. her voice is getting louder. 

and often, it's been YOU, here in these comments. 

i will tell you.

when you write to me and express not only your understanding of the great cycles of time and energy, but a genuine concern for my well-being...i read you. i hear you. i listen.

i am tired. i am going to rest.

i have to....or i won't be able to do anything good.

so...all of you, thank you. 

as i hike these green green hills under this blue blue sky and try to take the weight off my shoulders, please understand just how much you are helping me, and have helped me.

thank you for being here, thank you for supporting me....just, thank you.

this artist loves and appreciates you...and i'll be back.

i'll be offline for a week, and back around jan 6th or so. i'll read these comments then.

and may the new year shower you back with the kind of kindness and generosity that you have showered on me.

you deserve it. 

go easy on you, baby.





Kate Opanowycz

Amanda, I hope you find peace in the beautiful hills and begin to shed the weight on your shoulders, living out of a suitcase is hard and bringing up Ash in a foreign land. You do push yourself, and I take that inspiration from you. Multi tasking, well us women have it down to a art form ❣️❣️ you are loved Amanda. I'm sure having Neil home for Christmas 🎄 would have been a comfort and the three of you making new memories. I'm sure the mountains will help you find clarity. Wishing all your family a safe and happy new year. 🤗🤗🤗🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹💖💖💖💖Kate


I think, "What a beautiful place to get stuck!" --while understanding full well the grief and longing that come of not being in YOUR home, with your familiar tribe, and your familiar things. And of course you are not "stuck" but geographically. At least it doesn't look that way from here! All the things you are doing are breaking ground, sending powerful healing mojo out to the famished world, inspiring untold numbers of artists to go ahead and become themselves in all their multilayered beauty (myself among them). I only discovered you a few weeks ago, Amanda, and you have already transformed my thinking. It is literally like I stepped outside the Matrix. I am 63 and I finally believe I can rise to my full potential, and more than that, I can see the way. - - - - - But what I really wanted to say was, I'm so glad you're taking the time to get out into that unimaginably beautiful natural world. Be, without too much thinking. Let sounds and smells and fresh air influence you. May it be everything, and may you come back fresh and hopeful. xoxoxo


Welcome back! Thank you for being a beacon of light and love. ❤️❤️❤️


God for you for taking a retreat! I appreciate your words and honesty.


I love you so much and have also been taking time to rest. I feel so much inspiration from you as an artist. Right now I’m trying to figure out how to move back to the northwest. I wish I could be in New Zealand but returning to the inlets in Puget Sound will have to do. I do miss it there so much. Thank you for sharing everything you do with us.

Jonah Poirot

I hope rest and re-centering found its way sweetly to the core of you, filled the air around you, drifted into your lungs. I hope nature wrapped its arms around you kindly, as you gaze up to the stars. I wish your new year to be gentle, tender, forgiving. Kindly. We are living.

Anna McCotter

So very proud of you. I love you. We got this, you got this. You are missed and very loved. Happy new year.

Jana (edited)

Comment edits

2023-03-08 21:31:49 I am so glad that you could and did take this week for yourself <3 Sending love to you and everyone here and hope that we also listen to the advice and love around here xx
2022-01-06 16:07:15 I am so glad that you could and did take this week for yourself <3 Sending love to you and everyone here and hope that we also listen to the advice and love around here xx

I am so glad that you could and did take this week for yourself <3 Sending love to you and everyone here and hope that we also listen to the advice and love around here xx