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hello my loves.

home is not a place. it's a feeling.

greetings from an exahusted amanda, christmas eve, glenorchy, aotearoa new zealand.

three stockings - gifted to me last year but a kind and generous maker - above the pizza oven at sue’s house. 

it's our third christmas away from home - one because of tour and two because of covid. 

we are doing....our best. we are trying. 

we are borrowing someone’s home and tree for the third time. 

it all come around. again, we are the adopted, and not the adopting. i’m so tired and so sad and happy and so grateful and so empty and so full. so lost and so found.

life comes. you do. you just....try. 

you just do what you can with what you have. 

you make it work somehow. 

you love, you live, you love.

tree....that way.

neil and i have spent the last 72 hours wrapping presents, making the best of what we've got, and trying to delight the little boy.

trying to give him memories that will endure in his heart as something beautiful.

i was going to try to get the december althing out before christmas....but it just didn't find time to happen. i know you don't mind.

i'm going to do it before i head fully offline for 9 days on december 28th our time.

may i just say....from the depths of my current exhaustion:

i have never felt gratitude this deep.

for the sheer inexplicableness of life, for the heartbreakingly vast kindness of strangers, for the unfolding of the impossible universe.

for friends. for support, in unbelievable and surprising forms.

for you, all of you - my patrons -  you people all around the world who have held me fast over the course of this pandemic, more than you understand.

for the stories of our lives being a mess, but a beautiful mess.

for love.

for simple, uncomplicated, unadulterated love.

ash is in bed, and he will wake up to an empty plate of crumbs and a nibbled carrot and an empty glass and a full stocking. 

it is enough.

it will have to all be enough.

to you, my dear patrons....may your hearts be at ease. 

may you sleep sweetly. 

may you have compassion with yourselves in a world that is more random and tumultuous that any of us every expected.

may you count every small blessing.

may you know that even if nothing is feeling right....may you know that i love you. i truly do.

i'm going to fall into bed with a smile in my heart, having said that.

that smile is because of so many things, but please know this: so much of that smile is because of you and your faith in me as an artist and as a plain old tired-ass mother and flailing human being.

merry christmas eve from new zealand, all.

may we all just do our best.

i love you all so, so much.

i am home.



p.s i'm reading comments here and on the last post, and if you haven't listened to it yet and you need a goddamn sonic hug...i made you a soul-hugging playlist. 




Merry Christmas you accidental Antipodeans 💜 Saving the playlist for when my daughter is at her father’s and I’m alone on Boxing Day. Cmas eve here, just about to put the goodies out for Father Christmas and the reindeer. Sending all our love to you and to all the Patrons out there! xxx


Amanda, you are a gift. Merry merry Christmas. Love you. ❤


Merry Christmas, Blessed Solstice, Happy Litha, Joyous Yule, Saturnalia, Festivius or I hope you just have a great weekend off. And I am now adopting a Erin's gentle holiday to all. I've just spent a few hours with some good people eating way too much wonderful food - feeling blessed. I made it through a very busy December at my shop, with only 2 days off - tired. Tasmania opened the borders on Dec 15th, and on the 17th we had our first case of Covid and mask mandates came in and the cases are going up. Yeah - opening will be good for business they said. So far they've cancelled the Cygnet Folk Festival and we're waiting to here if Mona Foma is at risk - pissed off. My daughter is in Sydney where they opened to floodgates and took away all the mandates and now they're up to 3000+ cases a day. My daughter caught Covid - but thankfully she's double vaccinated and she seems to be okayish - I'm worried as only a mom can be. But hey! Other than that I'm good. Sending you and Neil and Ash much much love, peace and a gentle holiday. Hugs baby girl.


A few years ago I wrote a Krampus song after a friend's utterly wonderful celebration. I'm happy to share it with you (you all) here now. Thank you for being you, friends. I delight in your company. Enjoy: https://soundcloud.com/ogreteeth/krampus


Merry Christmas back at ya, Amanda! What a beautiful little gift for this holiday season. Thank you so much for sharing with us. Hope you're finding wonder and awe in celebrating the joys of Christmas! May you have blessings in abundance throughout the coming years ahead!!! Sounds like you have a bit of Alanis running thru your veins ... "You live, you learn; you love, you learn...". You are such an amazing person and the world so needs a 1,000,000 more like you!!! Keep up the good fight!


love to you and yours miss amanda. i don't have the spoons for a huge long soulful post back, but thank you for the holiday hug.

Gabrielle Shearer

Merry Christmas, it's so good to love and be loved.


I can't get the Spotify playlist ... it says "Something went wrong"

Peta Tauchmann

I’m reading this a little late. But it reminded me of the first Christmas after Mum and dad moved us from Melbourne to Brisbane when I was 11. We moved right before Christmas so the usual “stuff” was in a truck waiting for the new house that was yet to be found. So Mum and Dad made it up. They found a lovely big old dead tree in the park and painted it white, then we added paper chains and other home made decorations. The family made friends with the caretakers at the unit we were renting and I was given a handmade golliwog as a gift. And we were right next to the beach so nearly everyday we went for a swim. I always remember that as one of my favourite Christmases because nothing was normal and everything was improvised. I hope that’s the way Ash remembers the past three Christmases when he grows up.

Alison Hope Ferrara

Happy Holidays , Merry Christmas , Cool Yule to YOU , awesome Amanda . Hello from the Hudson Valley in NY where we did get a bit of snow . :) And then the rain washed it away :( - You're hellos and check-ins are part of the things that keep me going - JUST like music - I am so excited to jump into this play list . It's needed! I started making more of those in 2020 to help my brain deal - If I'm able to share the link to mind that 's a bit like your hug one , with some fluffy , upbeat stuff tossed it. I noticed that we picked the same PJ Harvey song , and that just made my heart smile.https://open.spotify.com/playlist/7zWvqaj9ZgKwhXAxE2kE55?si=54f18ccc24fa4f45