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TL;DR: I'm gonna write a big long post. A little of it is cut and pasted from the last few days, but I wanted it all in one place.

1. The pro audio recording of JUST the piano improv track from friday's "emergency soothing piano" session is mixed and polished (well, polished "enough") and ready for you all to download. Mp3 is HERE and WAV is HERE. I hope you enjoy it, deeply. It's perfect in its imperfection, as it was written on the spot in response to .... everything. (See below).

2. So it's all in one place....and if you wanna go down the art-post rabbithole:

-here's the post where I flailed with my booked but empty studio date and took a poll about what to do....
-here's the post where I announced this project....
-here's the post where I asked you all how you were doing, and got my ingredients....
-HERE IS THE ACTUAL WEBCAST ARCHIVE LINK (it's about 2.5 hours long, patron-only)
-and here's the post where I break down in tearful gratitude when it's all over.

3. LAST NEWS THING......there's a $10+ patron webchat/poetry-reading/how-are-we/sing-a-long/cry-a-long in three days (Wednesday night for many of you). There's already a nice loving buzz in the chat. Someone has started the concept that we all wear pajamas. I'm IN...get your time zone and RSVP here, I'll be broadcasting live from the house here: https://www.crowdcast.io/e/frw50tbn


Aie aie aie, you beautiful people. 

You you you.

Jesus. What a weekend.

I went from zero to a hundred....from homebound-lockdown-solo-mother to blinding-recording-studio-piano-slayer in a mere matter of hours.

If you missed the webcast itself (live from Roundhead recording studio in Auckland) from Friday, I highly recommend watching it if you have two hours to kill....just to understand the context of the improv song. There were a few stories that needed to be told for you to understand the meaning behind the music.

It's had 1,111 views as of this morning, and that cannot be a coincidence.



How it felt? 

How it feels?

There's a lot to say.

It was a bit of a tightrope, emotionally; having someone get blocked from the chat a few seconds before I went live didn't help, except perhaps it DID help. Someone was spamming the comments with the intimation that I MUST RESPOND BECAUSE I WAS THE ONLY ONE WHO COULD SAVE THEM...and....I dunno. i think it's the other way around here, people.

i think you're the only ones who can save ME.


Let me tell you something, dear patrons.

I am a strange musician.

But we ALL are.

I know you know that. 

I'm part everything.....part musician, part storyteller, part performer, part therapist. Part therapy patient.

Part pianist .... but kind of hate to play the piano if it isn't going to do anything for anyone.

I very rarely play for "my own enjoyment".

I've been speaking with a few friends lately about the "Love Languages". It came up a few weeks ago when a sweet millennial was talking to me and used the phrase in passing, as if I, of course, knew what it meant. I did not. I felt old. Or maybe, not so much old....just out of the loop. 

You know, she said, looking at me like everybody knew this thing: Love languages. what's your love language?

I did not know. She schooled me.

And...one can google. From Wiki: "The Love Languages are a concept created by Dr. Gary Chapman through his long-time work as a marriage counsellor". 

According to Ol' Gary:

"We all give and receive love in 5 different ways: words of affirmation, quality time, receiving gifts, acts of service, and physical touch."

(You can actually take a quiz here).

I've been thinking about this deeply, pondering it in my heart, and discussing it with friends. 

Looking at old stories and old hurts through this lens....re-examining old, broken-down relationships, seeing things in very new lights.....re-understanding misunderstandings in ways I never quite have before.

I have pinned myself down lately into a sub-category: my love language - the one I like to speak - is Offering of Delightful Surprises. If you do not like Delightful Surprises, dude....just stay the fuck away from me and do not try to fall in love with me. 


I will drive you fucking crazy. And if you don't like surprises in general, maybe also stay the fuck away. It just won't work, buck-o.

I am not saying anything here is right, or wrong. Love is weird.

What's so painful about learning all this Love Language stuff is seeing the tragedy of the missed connections. I've had so many.

I had, for example, a beautiful and beloved boyfriend, named Ad, back in my early thirties. It was a short relationship, but a passionate one. We went fast. During the first few months of our courtship, I went off on a silent mediation retreat for a week. 

Meditating was really especially hard. I'd just fallen in love. 

The new and thrilling passion of ALL AD ALL THE TIME was alive and thriving in my head and loins and wouldn't really leave me be. I found myself shamefully foundering during multiple meditations...I could not stop thinking about Ad, about his music, about his desires, about this new and dazzling THING of ours. I spent the entire week cheating on my meditation, and instead of sitting in Good Zen Mindfulness, I spent HOURS of mental energy concocting the Perfect Plan about how I would surprise and delight him the very night I got back to Boston. 

I went over it in my head again and again while on retreat, and then....I did it. Dear god, I was excited. The very night I got home from the silent retreat, I went out and bought the ingredients for the perfect Apple Martini. I grabbed one of my huge, long, white flowing street performance dresses. I picked flowers. I drove to his apartment building.

I'm probably getting this wrong (this was almost twenty years ago, dudes), but as I remember: I left the lights on my Volvo on to illuminate the scene, and I left the Glistening Green Martini Bouquet for him to come down and find. I waved a Kate Bush kiss and drove off, electric with pleasure. I had Done An Amazing Thing. I had shocked and delighted my new love. AND I STAYED SILENT. IT WAS ALL SO BEAUTIFUL AND MEANINGFUL AND I AM SUCH AN AMAZING LOVER I THOUGHT OH YES, GO ME.

It really did not....seem that way to him.

After we broke up, he wrote a song with the lyrics: 

I didn't need a martini bouquet /
You could've asked me about my day.

It's a pretty goddamn great break-up song, up there with the best of them. And also contains one of my favorite Ad lyrics ever: 

Still, I'd rather hold hands with you / than sleep with anyone.

...second only to his top break-up lyric of all time (from his genius tune Uhauls and Ryders

I have burned all your pots and pans / I have overwatered all your plants.

God, I love Ad. (If you want a primer, go get the album "Mr. Fancypants". Tangent. But a good one.)


Back to the point. 

The way we express love and connection and desire - as humans, as musicians, as lovers -  is so, so very unique.

And the way we want to be loved is so very unique.

And we are human. We do that dumb thing and assume that other people are like us. We assume - well, if we're dumb like me - that other people want to be loved the way we want to be loved.


It's fascinating to realize that artists and musicians also have love languages, with their audiences.

I've been on this path of understanding for two decades: oh my god, not all musicians are like me, and not all musicians like it the way I like it. I have particular kinks and fetishes as a musicians. I really love certain things. 

This came into coincidnetal focus over the weekend as I chatted with an old-school indie musician friend of mine who could not be more different than me: they dislike the public gaze, they do not want to be "known", they do not Do The Internet. 

I, on the other hand, think it's a great idea to get naked and stand on a box in front of a library collecting used books for children. It's, like, a real different kinda pleasure. I was reminded of how very very different we all are. So much of this came into light when I Did The Big Kickstarter and found myself face-to-face with thousands of musicians who were like: Oh... fuck no. Not that way, please. Too much closeness. Too much intimacy with the crowd. Too much direct accountability. Way too much messiness. Not for us.


No, most of them answered. And Shut up, Amanda. What works for you works for you. Now leave us alone.

There are some musicians who really love being public. Some who genuinely hate it. Some who just want to work in the studio, some who hate studio pressure...they just want to perform. Some musicians LOVE hanging out with their communities (hi there). Some just do not wanna do that as part of the job. Some musicians would rather die than be physically touched by some stranger who loves their music. I am not one of those people.

We need an online test to see what kind of "Artist Love Language" musicians speak.


I love playing the piano. Full stop.

I love the act of touching it, finding the songs and puzzles to solve in it, delighting someone with what I can DO TO IT.

And I love, love, love improvising. 


My truly happy place? Seriously? 

The place, as an artist, that I have felt the deepest pleasure? 

I will tell you:

I love nothing more than being at a party and sitting at the piano while a few drunk - or anti-social, or piano-curious - strangers hang around the piano, drinking wine and chatting lightly
- and perhaps quietly crying single tears - while I mournfully and soulfully pound away while the rest of the drunk people are the party ignore what magical breakdown is happening over in the piano-corner of the loft/basement/living room. THAT IS LITERALLY MY FAVORITE THING. I DO NOT KNOW WHY. IT IS JUST MY FAVORITE THNG IN THE WORLD.

But right now...I'm gonna think about why, and try to write about why, because I think it's maybe important to figure out, given what happened the other day.

(If you missed my ecstatic and tearful after-stream post, you may already be scratching your head, wondering why Amanda sounds a Bit Too Excited this week).

Maybe this will help explain.

I have always loved playing the piano. Playing music. MAKING music.

But what I love most, by a factor of millions, is playing music FOR PEOPLE WHO WANT TO HEAR MUSIC. It may sound dumb and simple, but it is not.

I have spent plenty of time in the course of my career playing music for people who did not want to hear music (see: The Dresden Dolls opening for Panic! At The Disco....what a fucking palaver). It is as proportionately terrible to play music to non-listening people as it is to play music to the listening people. It is a terrible, terrible, terrible feeling.

When I booked the "There Will Be No Intermission" tour, which ultimately sold 100,000 tickets, I had some really hardcore conversations with my agents and manager. 

No clubs. No venues with bars in them.

Only theaters, sitting places, venues where everyone there WANTED TO BE LISTENING.

I remember saying to Matt Hickey, who's been my agent at High Road for eighteen years now: I don't wanna sing whisper-level songs about miscarriage and abortion and be competing with an ice machine. I want to be able to hear a pin drop, ALL NIGHT. 

The only venue where we totally failed in this regard was Portland, Oregon. If you were there at the Crystal Ballroom, first show...oh my god. You know what happened. That's a story for another post.

Back to the point.

This is the first time in my career where I felt like I was playing music not just to a nice, random group of "listening people" (I've often gotten to do that, and it's my fave)....but I KNEW YOU.

I had gotten to TALK TO YOU AT THE PARTY before I sat down to play the piano.

This post was the party. 

I asked.

How are you? How are you really?

And you told me.

The cancers.
The chemo.
The joys in the garden.
The lockdowns.
The lonelinesses.
The cats for company.
The deaths in the family.

And I thought about The Pips  - also known as the Greenwich Time Signal.

I tell the story in the pre-amble on the webcast: they're broadcast on the BBC. And RNZ over here in New Zealand, and they have been a lighthouse in my life. A marker that humanity is working.

Beep... beep... beep... beep... beep... beeeeeep.

Here is a SOUND GRAPH of the pips:

Those five first pips are exactly one second long, and then the sixth pip is the exact beginning of the hour. 

That sixth pip is a molecularly perfect fucking quartz crystal sign that somewhere.....the adults are in charge. Somewhere, someone has their shit together. Somewhere: we're keeping track of time.

It's the hourly ball drop.

It's Big Ben.

It's the digital sine wave of Big Ben.

I've been listening to RNZ since I got here, and they broadcast the pips here too. And I started getting really attached to the pips. Because the hourly news broadcast started to be this thing that I was just hanging onto, to tell me that the adults were still in charge, and the world had not collapsed, and everything is gonna be okay because the newscasters are newscasting, and someone has their shit together. And I will know this, because... 

Beep... beep... beep.

Someone is still making this happen. LIFE IS WORKING. It's all good.

When we came to Waiheke and Ash and I moved into this new house by ourselves, the pips became this religious thing in our house. 

If it was 5:40, I'd say oh my god, in 20 minutes ..... I get to feel good! 

And I would call to Ash five minutes before the hour, Ash, come into the kitchen, we're gonna get to hear the pips!

And he would be like We're gonna get to hear the pips!

And I'd be like I know! It's gonna be in three minutes!

And I would attach my phone to the Bluetooth speaker, and we would stop everything, and we would just listen to the pips.

I didn't know that they were called the pips until I happened to be here in Auckland, at RNZ, doing an interview with Jesse Mulligan, their afternoon radio broadcaster, and I was sitting in the foyer of the radio station, waiting to go on the air, and there was a painting behind the couch of the pips.

It's hard to describe. I should have taken a picture of it.

But I happened to be sitting with my friend Cyrus. He's also an American stuck here because of the pandemic, and we were talking about our mutual love and weird obsessive, almost unhealthy attachment to needing to hear the pips, so that we could hear if the adults were in charge and everything was gonna be okay.

This is a roundabout way of saying, I read all of your comments. 

And I was thinking about my attachment to that sound. 

I just was like, ah fuck it, I'm gonna see what key the pips are in.

And they're in the key of B.

And if that's the key of B minor, that means they're also in the key of G.

And the key of G is MY KEY.

Fucking everything I've written in the last 10 years is pretty much in the key of G. 

If you listen to There Will Be No Intermission and you're trying to learn it on piano or ukulele, you will notice there's a lot of G.

G is my jam.


The other thing that occurred to me, as I was reading your comments, sitting at the piano, and trying to figure out the architectural structure of this piece that I'm about to make up for you, was a book that I've been reading to Ash.....

It's called Hello Lighthouse, by Sophie Blackall. 

It's so beautiful. It tells a story of connection that I cannot explain. You just gotta read it.

I was gonna bring the book with me, but in my haste to pack for the ferry to the city, I fucking forgot it. Luckily, Michael managed to send a pdf of the book to me on my phone, so I could read it during the webcast. Michael gets three gold stars for that one.

(You can download the audio of me reading the book, accompanied by the piano, and some of my tearful commentary....here:

mp3: https://we.tl/t-aBzITB5cnL

wav: https://we.tl/t-n8y9vIVZ8X)

NOTE: I want to do a better recording of this, a real one. OH MY GOD....MAY I? SHOULD I? PLEASE ASK ME TO.


So I was thinking about this sad and beautiful lighthouse story , and thinking about the pips, and how they're sort of ....the same. 



I really do believe that.

Or maybe it's just me.


So this song that I made up for you....it's all of these things together.

It's the pips.

It's the lighthouse. It's lots of lighthouses blinking, signaling, waving at each other.

It's us.

It's me, asking you how you are. 

And it's you, answering me. 

But you're not just answering me, you're telling each other.

We are not alone.

We're all blinking, waving, flailing....lost and hoping:






We are not alone.


The end, and I love you.

It has been one of the biggest pleasures of my life to play this music for you.

When I started playing the piano....I felt all of you, all of your comments, all of your stories... inside me. Coming back out of me. Being transformed, somehow, into something more beautiful. 

I felt the joys. And the griefs. I felt the chemo. I felt the loneliness.


I erased my mind, I poured you in.....there were no words needed, and I just got to make music.

For you.

For you.

For this moment.

I don't know if I can really explain.

This feels like everything to me.

I love you all so much.

It feels like I'm getting away with murder, because I am just enjoying this so fucking deeply.

Maybe we can do it again.

More, more....more.





Here's the links:

If you wanna, you can LISTEN on soundcloud:







And just for good measure once again, the links to download the audio of the full stream - this includes me explaining a bit about the process behind the piece, as well as a little Q&A after i finish playing.

mp3: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/z0i5fz09t9z6oaxb348pi/AP-Live-Stream.mp3?rlkey=67acxwa6v9uhl48o2k29qzrzv&dl=0

wav: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/r7tpc79l4t5uynelk5cce/AP-Live-Stream-001.wav?rlkey=krtca5g125az6ve1pgng4xmqn&dl=0

and once again.....the link to WATCH the full archived stream on crowdcast:




Engineer - Steven Marr
Assistant Engineer - Matt Gunn
Recorded at Roundhead Studios, Auckland, Aotearoa New Zealand

on December 10th, 2021.


There's Matt on the left, in the mask, Steve on the right:

Me and Steve...

A huge thank you to Alex for helping to build this post.





1. if you are a patron and new to my work, don’t forget your patronage allows you access to ALL of my patreon releases to date. HERE is the link to download my latest big solo record, “There Will Be No Intermission”, and HERE is a link to download the PDF of the art/essay book that goes with it.

2. if you’re a patron reading this post via an email notification, please click through to comment on this post. at the very least, if you’ve read it, indicate that by using the heart symbol. that's always nice for me to see, so i know who's reading.

3. see All the Things (over 150 of them) i've made so far on patreon:


4. JOIN THE SHADOWBOX COMMUNITY FORUM, find your people, and discuss everything: https://forum.theshadowbox.net/

5. new to my music and TOTALLY OVERWHELMED? TAKE A WALK THROUGH AMANDALANDA….we made a basic list of my greatest hits n stuff (at least up until a few years ago, this desperately needs updating) on this lovely page: http://amandalanda.amandapalmer.net/

6. general AFP/patreon-related questions? ask away, someone will answer: patronhelp@amandapalmer.net



Tanya Miller

Thank you for this powerful work of art. I once read a definition that the difference between art and other works is that it evokes emotion. As I listened and wept I knew this for beautiful raw and meaningful art from start to end.

John Sea Wind

Your read of Hello Lighthouse was very moving. While you were playing the improv piece, you looked like you were going into something akin to religious ecstasy. It felt GOOD to see and hear and FEEL you enjoying what you were doing. You are an amazing, unique person, Amanda Palmer. I love you!

Laura Morland

Dear Amanda, You wrote "NOTE: I want to do a better recording of this, a real one. OH MY GOD....MAY I? SHOULD I? PLEASE ASK ME TO." I *already* asked you to! Actually, I asked you to slice it out as an mp3 or wav file, which you have kindly done. But yes, it would be good to make a "clean" version, without the asides about how the phone is turning out better than the physical book, because how would you hold it.... But... don't you need to get the author on board first? I feel sure that if you shared the video clip with her (not just the MP3 file), she would find it to be a terrific surprise. She would appreciate that "Apple Martini."


About to hit the Calm app on my phone for a sleep story when I saw you had posted. So of course I had to read it all. I feel honored to have shared that experience and to have received that music which you created for us, and which we helped you create. 💕

Bethany Olson

Fuck. That was some heavy ass shit, Amanda. Beautiful, raw AF, fierce and on fucking fire. I feel the emotion and the gratitude and the creativity that flows from true sharing of ourselves. I feel everything you said, but especially the love. So much love it’s terrifying and beautiful and overwhelming and comforting. And it’s real. Halfway around the world, someone who has never met you FTF and I feel the power of it. And I love you back just as fiercely.

Mike C.

That was such a special moment in time. Love the power of asking how someone is, really? When someone knows your really interested and listening it is magical and uplifting. Thanks again - and please record children's book - Hello Lighthouse was beautiful. Much love Mike


Hi Amanda, if you want, would you consider doing another recording of Hello Lighthouse by Sophie Blackall for us? It was really beautiful and moving :) Thank you for what you did. Thank you for explaining everything, it makes everything make sense. Watching you play, I became aware I was watching you do the thing you love the most. Everything about it, the care you took with everything in the studio, how excited you were, it was so loving and lovely. The piece itself is powerful medicine, it works. I'm so happy to be able to support you and your work! thank you thank you thank you. I love and appreciate you so much. Looking forward to whatever comes next!! xxx

Anna McCotter

Thank you. Thank you thank you thank you. Thank you. 🙏 …. Goddamn ! you are good at your job. And at us

Len Tower Jr.

a THING a high quality better (studio) recording of you reading the Lighthouse book. Maybe add in Goodnight Moon. -Len

Thomas Herlofsen

The amount of love you have in you never seizes to astonish me.

Tracey Stokes

"Electric with Pleasure". You had done an amazing thing. And to actually KNOW that & know it so Powerfully without a doubt in your mind is extremely exciting. It must be like realising that you will always be in Love with that feeling that being that energy...that being oneness? That you can be that & that Oneness...will always feel that way about you. That it will never leave you,that you can always turn to , it will always be there if you asked. Perhaps I say these things incorrectly? To know these things for sure, must be such a thrill. No wonder you are excited about it. I would be. I am in any case...I am. You gave a beautiful thing...you gave a beautiful thing. It IS a Special thing, that ONLY you can give because it is you. As unique as finger print, as the iris of your eye. A map of who you were who you are and even who you shall be .in the now. I could be saying this incorrectly I am not telling you I am asking you,yet not. Every cell in my body went to that place. Where huge trees in multi- coloured blossoms released themselves in the breeze yet more replaced the petals that were held on the waves of crests & crescendos. And more. Everything in waves... you gave a beautiful gift in real time. I want to Thank you.

alasdair mcwilliams

BBC did animations of the Julia Donaldson books; Gruffalo, Gruffalo's Child, Zog etc... which were huge hits for Christmas TV (I think I enjoyed it more than the kids!) and of course there's the iconic Raymond Briggs' Snowman (and sequels) w/ Aled Jones singing "Walking in the Air"... An animated Amanda Palmer reading of the Lighthouse w/ piano accompaniment would be beautiful.

Fleassy Malay

Mmmm I didn't have space to read this whole thing today but I skimmed your love languages section and I'm glad I did. I find the concept very powerful and have pondered it for many years. I thought I was multilingual in my love for a long time. Word are (obviously as a poet) a HUGE love language for me...but I need touch, quality time...so much more. The double Gemini I am changes so often that I need a partner who can keep up with it all. But then last year it CLICKED... there was a 6th love Language... and I think it's similar to your one. I call it "premeditated affection". So, love expressions that there thought about beforehand...EXACTLY what you described doing for Ad. The feeling that someone is considering their love for me when I'm not there and then putting energy and effort into expressing that. That could be a written poem...a gift...making the bed...planning a surprise (I FUCKING LOVE surprises and I'm almost impossible to surprise because my over romantic mind constantly looks for clued that a surprise might be coming 😅). The point being that for me, I feel most loved when I feel like time and energy is put into that expression. The little pack I made for you and Ash is a perfect example... gift giving for me feels best when it's a small collection of united gifts that each represent something about my connection to that person. Rather than just quickly ordering something I know they would like online. I thought you might appreciate hearing my take on this as it sounds like our 6th love language is similar. 💗


Heck YEAH do it again…it was Very Special. I was not in an ideal place (mentally or physically) to engage or appreciate such a Thing (or so I thought) but I logged on anyway as it’s so rare for me to be able to do so. For a myriad of reasons. To my surprise, and it’s a measure of how Special a Thing it was, I was…pulled into the moment, and my poor bruised non neurally typical brain was soothed. Thank you Creativity…as with all things, generally speaking, the more we do a thing the better we get at it, the more it flows easily from us, the easier it gets to tune into and fully connect with our subconscious…and our intuition. When we do a Thing regularly, every day, muscle memory eventually kicks in, and I *think* that’s the entry point/key/connection into accessing our subconscious. That’s how it feels to me as a visual artist anyway. Finally. After half a century of flirting with my Muse, rather than engaging with her every day. Brené Brown, says about this (kinda) that, “Unused creativity is not benign.” Intellectually and in that abstract way we have as humans, I know this to be true. And I Know that I feel better when I MAKE time to do a daily meditative ‘doodle’. But time, and energy, are tricksy things, and my good intentions so often evaporate, like my ability to think clearly (I have a neurological illness) and…I don’t do The Thing. Sorry. I ramble. :: AMANDA :: You engaged with your Muse and rediscovered how it feels to combine all the skills you’ve been gathering over your lifetime into an Intentional Thing. Your brain’s chemical response to this magical alchemy is attempting to signal to you that you should do it again. I’m not alone I’m sure in agreeing with your brain. Yes I believe you should do this kind of Thing again, partly because the universe (especially atm), needs these kinds of loving connection broadcast. I’m not managing to express myself clearly right now. But I hope there’s a glimmer of something pertinent in this ramble. Again. Thank you 💖

Isabel Vogt

Ahhh, thank you for including the Lighthouse download! I had never heard of the book before and you piano-reading it brought me to tears ❤️

Gail Gallagher

Thank you for ALL of this. So much goodness. xoxoxox

Abby Lee

Did anyone else receive their email at 1:11 am (I'm in WNC, USA)? I wonder if that was intentional or another coincidence? I absolutely love having Amanda play whatever random, gushing rush of piano goodness that she desires. I've always loved piano. I wanted to learn to play as a kid, my aunt had a piano at her house. I was always messing with it but my family was always shushing me, so alas. I also have a friend/work client, Dave, who sometimes plays the piano when I clean the house (I clean houses) and it's just SO nice. I'll ask him, "what was that you were playing"? And he will tell me "Aw, I was just messing around on it". It amazing to me that people can just "mess around" with piano..it's like a superpower or something. Thank you Amanda!!

Erin Beggs Wilson

Thank you so much again, Amanda, Alex, Matt, Steve. Im still floating on the high of your performance. Yesterday, my daughter had a Girl Scouts event at Busch Gardens, and from their christmastown shoppes I brought home a handmade wooden lighthouse ornament. I got it for this year's addition to my Christmas village. It sits higher up and slightly away from the rest, to give the illusion of distance, but it's just right there. Overlooking my village. ...there were a lot of really cute houses I could have grabbed. A beach house (we live in a beach city). A Big Ben sort of clock I could stick in the center, and the scale would have matched. But this lighthouse (and imagine I'm waving broadly at your beautiful community, THIS beautiful community you've laid before us), is *right here watching over the village* To answer your question; yes, please. Please read us more books. More for me. More for my daughter. More for all of us. More for you!! Play us a pianosong 🖤 Because trust--we are all here, hungrily (but not starving, not selfishly) awaiting the next piece you are willing to prep and feed us. And it's work. Cooking, feeding people is a love language. Cooking is art and art is cooking, because you, YOU Amanda pull together these fantastic ingredients and blend them into a meal that leaves the most divine flavor in our minds. Keep feeding us piano, your Patrons are hungry. ....and finally. A big blog post means big answers, or a lot 😅 re:Ad, whose music has been playing in the background since I reached that bit of the blog; ... Twenty years ago, but such an apt story. And I FEEL it. I LOVE the big wild surprises. For me, personally, it comes from money. Maybe it does for you too, as a statue, as a stripper before Dolls shows. I don't have money; I can't buy gifts, but I have LOVE, so much overwhelming fucking love and SO MANY weird EXCITING ideas and WHO DOESNT LIKE SURPRISES AMIRITE?! ... Ad, I guess. Others, I guess, whose love language isn't bizarre martini bouquets, but hell; can't they FEEL the passion oozing from the gesture, can't you FEEL how deeply I LOVE YOU and how this is the BEST WAY for me to show you that exuberant love? Oh, you don't? .... Ouch. But then you find your people, your pips chirping excitedly back that we love your piano and Hello Lighthouse and pleas Surprise Us More, always, As It Leads You. Stay in your weird ecstatic love, because when you do, it allows all 12k+ of us to, too Oh AFP. Thank you for the emotional back breaking labour you do

Erin Beggs Wilson

Parker, I'm so glad to see your name, and I have been thinking of you often. Re:unused creativity, thank you for putting it into words. The neural haziness; Knowing that there are these Things I can do, They can help if only I were to Do them. If only I could remember to do them, or remind myself they are valid things to do and not ignore the part of my mind that says "hey I might enjoy this, we could benefit from reading/drawing/writing/doodling/playing piano/learning my ukulele." But the energy isn't there, or it's physically far, and when the energy is there, or I finally can move my physical body, the thoughts are muddled and confused, there are other obstacles in the way (which may be as simple as "take my meds/drink my water/oh shit I gotta shit/what was I doing where was I going oh no there's so much housework" We know the creative Things that help us, and yet we push them away. Amanda doesn't play piano just for her, you don't do your meditative doodle, and I don't even know what I want or need to be doing right now but I do know I'm couch locked. Lol. A big hug to you, Parker.

Erin Beggs Wilson

Oh PS, someone had mentioned during the live show that there was a PO Box and if it is still current? I'm going to do some web sleuthing myself but if anyone knows in the meantime? If I don't hear anything I'll edit this with what I find 🖤


Hello lovely Erin (waves) I adore “COUCH LOCKED” Ha! Are we ever… It shall hereby be my go to phrase. Thank you 😊 Such relatively simple things can be such a comfort. The power of connection never ceases to amaze me. It’s utterly wonderful when we realise we’re not actually alone. That the physical and emotional etc frustrations that can make us feel so isolated aren’t unique to us but are actually part of a shared reality. I don’t think I’d have survived becoming ill without the lifeline that the interwebs have provided. I’m sad that you understand the frustrations of a struggling body and mind, but am comforted to know I’m not alone. Thanks for sharing some of your precious energy <3 “Oh shit I gotta shit” resonates a bit too much right now. Wasn’t feeling much like smiling (my body hasn’t liked being vaccinated at all. Not as terror inducing as it’s been for some folks…but still Not Great.) but you made me smile. Thanks Lovely. Sending lots of love and light your way, and a big gentle hug x

Laura Morland

Fabulous! If it were me, I'd send her the current mp3/wav file, rather than just cold-call her. She would be absolutely bowled over by your interpretation.

Laura Morland

It seems she's planning on it! She wrote: "I want to do a better recording of this, a real one. OH MY GOD....MAY I? SHOULD I? PLEASE ASK ME TO."

Laura Morland

Maybe... but IMHO only if Goodnight Moon is in her "Ash-répertoire." Goodnight Moon is so ultra-famous; to me, what's special about "Hello Lighthouse" is its particular meaning for Amanda and Ash, and for all of us in this pandemic moment.


Thank you for this! I missed the full webcast and just listened to the downloadable version and it was the best thing after waking up. It’s like a little boat in a sea, and a storm comes in.. but somehow you know (hope) the little boat is going to make it.. it’s going to arrive to a beautiful shore and everything will be alright. ❤️


yes ma'am, that's why i was asking, because of the "please ask me to" part :) sometimes i take things too literally thanks for your reply, i like chatting with people but sometimes don't have patience for the way patreon scrolls the comments, it's easier with a reply because it sends an email 🙏

Ember Stevens

I was at that first Portland show! It ended up being such a bummer. I had been to many Dresden Dolls and one or two solo AFP shows in the past, so it was...unexpectedly stressful. I hope you get a do-over in Portland someday.

Alessandor Earnest

I’ve thought about the five love languages a lot before. It’s so nonsensical that they’ve been reduced to five. There are so so many ways to love. I’ve determined that my love language is seeing people. Really SEEING them, understanding them, and wholly accepting them. I express this in all kinds of ways, with gifts and surprises and experiences and words and food and money and support. I give creative ideas away like candy! Whatever I perceive they need. The bulk of my love expression comes from listening, quietly observing, cataloguing details, whether blatant or unspoken. I store them up until I find The Thing. I once planned an elaborate surprise birthday party for someone because I found out she had always always dreamed of getting one. I got access to her Amazon wish lists and assembled a gift registry. I made a list of gluten free party foods that could be cheaply acquired at the grocery store so people wouldn’t bring snacks she was allergic to. I contacted the director of the movie she was working on and had him schedule her to work that day at the location (a big outdoor auditorium in the park, all painted gold). I reached out to the cast and crew and all her friends in the area and told them where to be and when. It all came together beautifully. She was so happy. Her face when we all jumped out and yelled, “SURPRISE!” I’ll never forget. I think you said once in the Patreon or in The Art of Asking that the thing people give away the most is the thing they are missing or need the most themselves. Maybe that’s why that millennial thought you were in on the love language idea. To me, what that means is that everyone is looking for a collaborator. I know I am. I need someone to see and know and accept me the way I see and know and accept them so we can do amazing things I couldn’t dream of coming up within my own. After all, that’s what love/collaboration means to me: building on the ideas of each other. What does it mean to you?

Marguerita Tajibnapis

I read the comments before posting and I love the conversation between Parker and Erin so much! I don’t know you but I love the care you express to each other. I wrote after last post that the Lighthouse Pips improvisation is my favorite thing ever from you Amanda. Yes I would love a proper recording of Hello Lighthouse. I’m not sure if my download works properly. I had to get these apps according to my iPhone and mp3 went nowhere. I tried wav and I THINK it went to my Drive app. 🤦🏽‍♀️

Marguerita Tajibnapis

I successfully downloaded the story and the music file as 2 pieces and got them to show up in my Google Drive. But WeTransfer is stalling out on the wav for the full audio stream. Is that because I have exceeded the free terrabite limit for WeTransfer? Not sure what is going on. Alex when you have time could you help with this. I’m using an iPhone 12 Pro.

Toetsie Zwitserlood

Love the Pips story and now will listen to the lighthouse by you.. <3

Michael Sperry

Hello! Hello! Thank you for the livecast, and for the mp3. I'm sitting here at work on my lunch break, looking out the window at the gentle rain, watching a rainbow play hide and seek with the clouds, listening to you open your musical heart to us again, and it's absolutely lovely. Thank you. This beauty is a much-needed balm in these times. You are a blessing.


[still thinking about the power of the all-life hated question "How are you?". Grateful that, once in a while, this enormous power shows to be positive - and if you're a little lucky, you get a piano soothing...even better, you're part of a piano soothing, in some way] Edit mumble, aka the rethorical question: is the Love Language we speak the same we need/like/want to be spoken to? I'm in the "opposites" team, I think...


<p style="color: #008600;">Just like you, I am a person of feelings and emotions, and I also like to present all sorts of surprises! This is all I am!</p>

Erin Beggs Wilson

"everyone is looking for a collaborator." This is beautiful. I had breakfast with a friend this morning, and we talked about the idea of monogamy; not just sex, but how people seem to expect their partner to be Everything. No one can be anybody's Everything. But we can all collaborate. My brains a bit fuzzy rn, I apologize if that wasn't nearly as corollary as I made it in my head 😅 but, I really love the idea of searching for collaborators, all throughout life. Collaboration doesn't necessarily last forever, it's not mad when it ends, and we can look back at the amazing collab and what we made and be proud. We are all looking for collaborators. 🖤

Erin Beggs Wilson

FRIEND 🖤 I FEEL THAT. "I hate that you understand how I feel, it's absolutely miserable. I'm so excited I found someone who gets my misery!!" Lol. I made a friend at my last cancer treatment, she's late 20s, I'm early 30s, it's hard to make friends your age with cancer etc 🤣💀 and it was like, she was a beacon I grabbed onto. "You! You get this!! Let's tough out the storm together!" Hate that we're trapped in a storm but hey at least we can huddle for warmth. I feel that with you, right off the bat we knew the other "got it," and that just comes back around to this whole Thing, the Connectivity, the Conversation. I love it all and I'm glad if we're in an eternal, evidently literal shit storm, at least we aren't alone 🥴🤣 I am sorry to hear about the vaccine; my first two didn't affect me much but the third (I'm assuming we're talking COVID but now I realize it could be flu lol) had me out for seriously, weeks. A gradual ascent back into life, but weeks nonetheless. Allow yourself the rest you need 🖤


There's a word for something similar to what you described as your favourite kind of piano playing. It's not the same thing, but is wonderfully specific. Here it is:


Midding - the tranquil feeling of being near a gathering but not quite, chatting outside a party while others dance inside, resting our head on the backseat of a car while friends chat up front, feeling blissfully invisible yet fully included, safe in the knowledge that everyone is ok, the thrill of being there without the burden of having to be


Maybe you could invent a word for playing the piano at a party with a few drunk / curious / shy people listening and everyone else having a great time partying.

Erin Beggs Wilson

Sent an email to verify, but this is what I found 🥰 PO BOX 8466 Havelock North 4157 New Zealand

Cindy Diver

Loving the MP3 ... Have been playing it on loop while filing the accounts/wages... my heart is light and is soaring...xo

Jonah Poirot

I like what you said about someone, somewhere, keeping track of time. Its comforting. It made me think about how the other side of the world is well into morning. Tomorrow's sun has already risen, I just have to be here to see it. I read all of the comments here, and its comforting to see everyone, understanding and seeing each other. It feels like warmth and safety. And it's real. Im real, and all of you see me. And I love you for it.

Jonah Poirot

Where I am, there is a meteor shower peaking tonight. And me and my roommate sat outside bundled up and watched them fly past us. There were so many, and they were so bright, with long tails. It made me think of us, the lighthouses blinking, streaking across the sky. It made me feel small, but for once in a really nice way. Everything is mirrors. Everything is here. And I want to stop caring what everyone else thinks. I want to live, and wear what I want and put glitter on my face if I want and maybe ill even grow a beard one day. I am on the ground today, dirt between my toes. Stars above me. It is so short and small parts of it are so beautiful. And I want to look at them. The flute playing, the piano, the art, the bright colors, the sunsets, and the sea. And the sunrise. Here. There"s more here, I must promise myself. This means something.

Jonah Poirot

I got wrapped up in my own head. Lihuén, I just meant that im glad you're here, and its nice to know im not alone. Sometimes it is nice to think of how the sun always shines

Margaret Schindler

I wasn't there, and now I cannot watch the recording, I kind of get stuck in an endless loop of "sign in at Crowdcast", "sign in at Patreon". Why? So sad 😔.


I just logged out and in again without any problems. Maybe you didn't use the same email adress for crowdcast and patreon? I'm not entirely sure whether that makes any difference, but maybe? Or you blocked some necessary cookies?

Jonah Poirot

We are in the same darkness, and so we see the same light. I see your point m, I like that, far becomes near sometimes. I have a lot of good friends too, but this time of year, and months coming are difficult for me, too. And I am forever grateful for those that show me such love and kindness, I wish I could get out of the past so much of the time. Looking at the sky always helps me. I saw the lunar eclipse here, it was beautiful. We're all looking at the same moon. I like your writing, thank you for talking to me. It means a lot

Margaret Schindler

Tried all that. Didn't see the crowdcast, so can't REconnect. No cookies, because phone. Downloaded Crowdcast app, created account I didn't have before. Same address. 🤷🏼🤷🏼🤷🏼

Pedro B. Gorman

Dear Amanda, The pleasure is wholly mutual, here! Just to let you know: YES!!!! DO THE “hello lighthouse” READING, to the sound of tinkling, pippy piano, or just you reading, you invent! I find your spoken voice is so soothing, in line with a Cohen or a Reed—a friend whispering heard earned truths into our ears! Love, as ever, Pedro B. Gorman

Josh Pennino

Dear Amanda, Long time Patreon/first time posting here: I just had to say thank you for your amazing Piano Performance last week. It was a special evening together and I know everyone in that chat room felt it too. Your playing is like magic. Your lighthouse story narration, with your haunting keystrokes in the background was perfection. And now this afternoon, I have downloaded the graciously provided MP3 of the performance and am reliving the moment in solitude. I feel so alone but so together with your music, the community you created, and I feel wrapped up in a warm blanket of comfort in this often harsh world. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all that you continue to do as an artist and as a human. You are truly loved and appreciated.

Margaret Schindler

Amanda, why don't you thing (or triple- or quadruple-thing) your reading of "Hallo Lighthouse" as an audio to a film of the illustrations to the story? Doesn't even need to be animated, just a sequence of the pictures (although, why not animated?). I want to share this with everyone I know. I cried. I loved it so much. ❤️


It is so interesting to learn your thoughts regarding love and the love language. Your personal love story is impressive!

Cindy Diver

I'd hope they would think "look at that guy totally nailing being honest & tune with his big emotions" :) xo

Jonah Poirot

I think the connections are truly keeping me alive. I love you, Lihuén, thank you for seeing me.

Regina Holt

More, more, more!! you really felt the cats? ha! service cats deserve kudos.

Ellie Davis

I am so into this love language for artists thing :D

Steve Miles

Here's our lighthouse this past weekend. https://youtu.be/6uP4KG5XGqA

Jas Bevan

this evening, mildly overwhelmed by my workload leading up to the holidays, i realised that it was nearly the top of the hour, and frantically searched for a live feed of RNZ. I live in London, so my default should have been any BBC radio, but I feel a lot of distrust for the BBC these days and spent the 4 minutes prior to the pips hurriedly trying to explain to my visiting friend how the pips were going to feel and why they mattered. They sound exactly like I wanted them too, exactly how you said. I want to say more about the weight of this night we all spent together, but it's 2am and i am, as we all are, very tired. please do this again, and this is me asking you to do that recording of the audiobook thing. i love you (all of you)


Hey Erin 💝 sorry for the delay…the wretched covid booster side effects continue to derail what few plans I’ve had. No sign of Christmas here at home and I missed two sessions with my therapist…and who the heck knows if appointments will still be possible in January? I only managed to start seeing her again in November. Little things i know, but still… Yes, covid vaccines 🙃 not had a flu shot yet. Waiting for my body to stop expelling what I eat before I tackle that one…and then I really need to find somewhere that I can pay to have a pneumonia shot/jab. That’s the thing that usually finishes you off here if you’re unfortunate enough to end up in our wretched local hospital (which had awful mortality rates BEFORE the pandemic. Sigh) I’m a little ray of sunshine right now aren’t I? 🙄 Aye, making friends, and keeping friends is tough when you’re battling anything chronic. I made a wonderful friend on the Pain Management Program I did at the start if this chronic disease journey. (2007) I was 40. I think she’s about 5 years older…not sure. I’ve always had chums of widely (heh. I wrote wildly at first) varying ages from I was a teenager. Probably something rooted in my Dad dying when I was 12. Or it could just be that I’m endlessly fascinated by an infinite number of things and people, and can pretty much (usually. Neuro med side effects permitting) talk to anyone about almost anything. Best hit send before i lose this or forget what i was doing…

Erin Beggs Wilson

I believe the intention is to put it out for $5+ patrons 🥰 I haven't actually checked to see if it's been posted yet or not but I have that notion locked firmly in my head


About to get on my first flight in 2 years. I think this recording will be very helpful! Thank you

Catherine Hannah

Not only should you do a better recording of Hello Lighthouse... You should collab with the author and whoever to do it FOR REALS... Because it is SO beautiful. Maybe even an animated short version...?????

RhiannonKB _ LilithsButtercup

I am only just catching up on this. This is beautiful. This is why art can always be a satellite for all of us. Much love to everyone here, and to you Amanda from me, @thefeministwitchfromoz