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Good Morning My Loves.

Greetings from Waiheke Island. It's 4:58am here. 

Happy Sunday.

This above shot is of me a few minutes ago...in the kitchen. The sun's not up yet. I'm cleaning. Now writing.

Ash and I had a spontaneous gathering last night for some of our new, beautiful, random Island friends. Twenty people, mostly parents and kiddos, flooded into my kitchen and brought food. The party was planned by inviting whoever I ran into at the Market in the morning. 

(The Market being back is huge. The Market isn't quite a farmer's market: it's a stuff market, and it's the social hub of Waiheke Island. There are 20-30 food and sale stalls...it's where the Island meets itself once a week. Ash adores it and there's always gaggles of kids running around. He merges.)

Here's the mushroom that Susi (who some of you saw giving a powerful speech in the new live show I just posted) brought to the gathering.

 Danika cooked it in butter and garlic and it was one of the best things I've ever tasted. 

I love this photo. 

The mushroom is a like a newborn baby. 

The photo is like a Vermeer. 

That's Susi in the lower right corner, Danika in the flower dress.

But mostly this is an amazing photo because there are PEOPLE IN MY HOUSE.

Auckland is - as of yesterday - pretty much out of lockdown. 

Restaurants and gyms opened after over 100 days of being shut. People can now go into one another's houses. We can hug. We'll see what happens. I hope, I hope, I hop it holds. In other news: Neil Gaiman is coming back into our lives on Monday which means Ash will get Dada cuddles and I will finally have a break from being with Ash 24/7 when he's not at school. This means one thing and one huge thing to me: I can work.

Many weeks ago, I booked a recording studio - Roudnhead, the same place I recorded "It's a Fire" and "The Man Who Ate Too Much". I thought I was going to need the studio time for a newer, fancier version of "The Ballad of The New York Times"...but I've decided to leave that song as the live version it is (we're working on the vinyl pressing and making artwork as we speak, HOORAY).

So now...I have a studio day booked and nothing to fill it with.

I haven't been writing, as you know. I haven't had time...so I don't have any new material to record.

I have been doing very little but taking care of a house and a kid.

So I wonder....what would be the best use of this day in the studio?

It is beautiful there. I feel wonderful there. Here's a picture of there:

I have an engineer booked. I was talking to Michael yesterday morning, and I told him that I was thinking of just cancelling the day it. It's like...I have too much shit I haven't done. I should get my old work done. The podcast is lagging. There are all these film projects that need time and attention that haven't come out for 18 months. I'm so, so, behind. Why add something new? I cannot. I should not. But also...I should. For me, and also because it's really bad form to cancel on a studio and engineer less than a week out.

We mulled.

Then I thought what I often think.

I'll just go ask the fucking patreon.

So you tell me. What to do?

I have a few ideas. 

1. I could ask you guys to pick a song for me to cover, and I could choose it that morning and spend the day webcasting for you guys as I work on and record it & Thing it.

2. I could write a song from scratch from blog comments, like I did with "The Ride", "Drowning in the Sound", and "Voicemail for Jill"....with some kind of prompt that I'd come up with and hit you with Thursday morning.


3. I could literally just play calming improv piano, for a few hours, for you....and webcast it. We could chat, too, but I could just hook up all the expensive gear and just do a full-on Amanda improvisation that goes on and on and also record and Thing it. I'm up for that.

Or....anything else you can think of. The only thing I'm not in shape to do right now is a TLR type thing. I'm so rusty, my own material is in poor shape after so little playing and practice....and I don't have much time to rehearse. That'll have to be next month, or February. I'm too tired, dude.

Any thoughts?

Seriously.....WHAT DO YOU NEED?

Musician for sale. Child not Included. Ok Condition. Nds some work. :)

Talk to me. I'm reading all comments (til this is deleted).....and here live for the next hour or two. This is why I love patreon.

Your call, audience. Tell me how I may be of service.



P.S. I'm keeping comments open on the live show post....https://www.patreon.com/posts/59240784, and plan to do photo dump to $5 folks of all the extra photos from those show days.....and to all of you who caught the typo and mistakes in the post....thanks for editing my posts. WHO NEEDS AN EDITOR. This was one of my fave comments....from Jessica: 

"I spent my Friday night with my kids (boys,14 & 8 years old) in the living room, hanging out on the couch. We had your show on in the background as we played video games. Eventually it turned into all of us putting the controllers down, shutting off the TV, and watching you with rapt attention while singing along to everything. We needed this. So much. Thank you, Amanda.  We all laughed and sang and cried and smiled and sang and cried and now it's over and this was probably one of the best nights we've had as a family a while."


Thanks Jessica. 

P.S. I just closed the comments on the Controlled Burn post. I love you guys, Fuck you're all so smart and heart. https://www.patreon.com/posts/59299836




I was totally thinking: 3. The room is beautiful, you could clear your head and play and record and practice and improv and that would be fun to have at hand. Wow, that is the most beautiful portrait of a woman holding a mushroom. That is no ordinary mushroom, it is a work of art and she is aptly holding it like a beautiful sculpture. I chopped and cooked a few nice (plain) mushrooms yesterday myself, in great scramble, for friends. That's the note! :) :o)


I agree with the people saying go there and do want you want! You give us so much Amanda. Take the time for you and thing things that you want to thing


So, I commented this on your insta, but just go play.. anything old stuff, Improv.. new titbits that come to you while playing, it's all great I bet any money that 1. Something happens that will make you excited 2. That it will sound different as you are a different person now....we all are 3.


3. There is value in process, and recording that process. 4. Be like a painter . We save stuff, we paint over, we start again. None of it is lost or wasted.


Just looking at that gorgeous polypore with adoration 😍 Maybe there should be an improv song about that! I vote for 2, second choice 3. I feel like good things always come of semi-constrained creativity

Anna McCotter

2! Is my first choice. I love it when you write impromptu music. I feel like it’s what I need at the moment. But 3 is just as fantastic. Anything really, I am more than appreciative of you just existing and considering my voice. Thank you for asking. Love you Amanda. Ps- sorry it took so long to fix my payment. I’m in a bit of a jam but it finally went through. 💚🎢


I am so happy with whatever you end up doing. It’s lovely to flow with your process and your timeline. Any of the three suggestions would be great, or anything else that you decide to do. Others have said this—I want you to enjoy this time and do what feels good to you. If a structure helps, I like the prompt-like nature of 2. But honestly, if you get into the studio and decide you want to do covers or improvise, or take a nap, it’s all good.


#3 calming piano improv and chatting sounds nice ☺️


You're amazing. You're you. And that's fantastic.


Seeing that badass ballroom or whatever it is with piano and drums within makes me long to have enough of my brain together to make music. I shall spend the evening with pliers and crazy glue working on the grey matter. If it refuses to comply I will pound it with Sleigh Bells (the band not the holiday noisemaker) until it behaves.


play write perform...pound on the piano, scream in the studio, sigh, sing, stream. It's all good.

Jerry Peckery

Wow after 3 days it let me verify and log in instead of sending me an expired verification link !