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hallo loves

i haven’t had time yet to read your comments on the althing…i’ll have time tomorrow to read everything. (it’s here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/58935124

i’ve been in full lockdown motherhood mode the last 3 days and today i’m having a handful of people - including some american ex-pats i’ve befriended here on the island - over to my backyard for a slapped-together outdoor lockdown thanksgiving feast…such as we can make it. i’m up at 7am and roasting veg. we got a turkey. im pretty proud of this veg. i nailed it.

i posted this, below, to instagram and facebook, and the comments were so so good. and it appears that i’ve found maggie on instagram. if she reaches out to babysit, my life will become complete. i love you all so much.


auckland lockdown diary day #99. some young teenagers from waiheke high school stopped me in the supermarket. we were all wearing masks. one of them called my name. amanda. she said, giggling and by way of introduction, “i heard you’re verified on instagram”.

i wanted to hug her and tell her that it doesn’t matter if you’re verified on instagram. it just doesn’t. being verified on instagram is an illusion. being verified on instagram doesn’t stop you from almost crying in the dairy aisle because they don’t have the kind of cheese your friends texted and asked you to pick up for them and they are the only reason you’re able to be in the supermarket without your kid because they agreed to take him for an hour and this was the one fucking thing you felt you could do in return to repay the favor and now you’ve failed.

being verified on instagram does not mean your second babysitter in a week won’t cancel within 24 hours and the dreams you had of getting some work done have vanished again.

i know you’re out there, maggie the teenager from the countdown supermarket, and in the countdown supermarket wasn’t the time to tell you the truth. i am telling you now and i hope you read this. i am verified on instagram and i have written a best-selling book and have charted on billboard and toured the world playing to hundreds of thousands of people and sometimes it all means nothing, really.

i am just a basic bitch in the supermarket who has not combed her hair in four days and who cannot find a babysitter. ♥️


and just for you guys..

here are the outtake photos from my supermarket selfie shoot. i thought they’d amuse you.

i bet you never knew how much work goes into being a basic bitch on social media. but honestly, taking sad selfies in the supermarket cheered me a bit.





Janet in Georgia

We’re ALL BASIC BITCHES EVERYWHERE. To me, you are just a basic bitch that makes lovely musics I like to hear in my head in the background of everyday life when there’s actually no music on anywhere. You’re the basic bitch that I’ve hugged a few times at MANY different shows and never ONCE thought to commemorate it with photos so I have no proof. Pictures or it didn’t happen right?! you’re the basic bitch that replies to my comments with love and care and thoughtfulness and for all of that and much more I didn’t say, this basic bitch loves you. ❤️


Cool! Loved the "Free Data Nights" sign - could be a songtitle, possibly Free Dates Nights. Keep up the good cheer!


All the hugses((()))


Amanda, I'm happy to help out if you need a sitter for Ash. I work from home 80% of the time, & live nearby so message me if you need a break! Jacki @ Tui St :)


Your veggies look delicious! What did you put on them to roast?

Len Tower Jr.

The link to the November Allthing is still broken. The ")" was only removed in one of the two places. the place that displays above. It's still there when I click & takes me to https://www.patreon.com/posts/58935124) which gets the 404 error page. -Len


Happy Thanksgiving you amazing human! Amanda I am hoping so much for you to find a reliable and wonderful babysitter just so you can feel free to take care of yourself- I remember what it’s like even though my kids are grown, you are doing an amazing job just like you do with everything. This post is so touching to me because I’ve followed you for a long time - since you used to answer us fans on MySpace lol snd you are still the incredibly down to earth beautiful soul that does these incredible things, but you are also grateful and humble and kind. It’s ok that you couldn’t find the cheese for your friend ❤️


As a slightly-below basic bitch: nah. You're spectacular, 'manda. :) Also: really good job on that veg!


Hello Sweetheart. Thanks for all your love and inspiration. You're tha Best! 💕💕💕


I really love those supermarket photos!

Jonah Poirot (edited)

Comment edits

2023-03-08 21:35:46 <3<3<3
2021-11-26 05:39:19 <3<3<3



yes, your veggies look mega-yum. My “thanksgiving” felt really ambivalent this year. 1) I’m grateful Every Day for what I have, so it’s no big deal. But having time off work and seeing people has been great. 2) As you are f rom Massachusetts, and I spent 12 years there (1972-1984), the more we learn about the Real history of European settlers makes me want to mourn, definitely not celebrate. But, I believe this is the time of truth and healing, especially when we all need to face our own responsibility. best wishes from San Francisco