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dear ones

it’s been a second.

i have no time to write anything big. i have had no time to work. i am with ash, holding it down solo in lockdown, and finding childcare has been really unexpectedly hard. i’m figuring it out.

but -

i just wanted to take 3 minutes to remind you all that i love you, and that i’m taking care of myself and my child, and that this - the hardest chapter of my life so far by a long mile - will probably produce some of the best art i will have ever created.

i will have to be patient. i have had to be patient. we all have. this is the most patient i have ever been.

i am proud of myself.

i am so grateful to all of you, for hanging in there while i think of art all day, but cannot take time to create.

this is the apex of patronage. it’s real support for an artist who’s worked hard - almost non-stop - for twenty years without a pause. the pause has come. i still have a job, a salary, a way to cover my rent and staff and not go under. it’s a massive miracle.

i hope you all understand how massive.


more soon, i hope.

for now, here’s a random dump of this week’s lockdown photos from my phone, barely curated. i hope you all appreciate the very Jean-paul Satre “Huis Clos” reference at the end.

it’s pothole season.


ash is going back to school.

i’m fucking relieved and i’m exhausted and i’m so, so, so behind. on everything.

i have so much i want to make, say to you, affirm, reply to, give back.

everything can wait.

everything has to wait.

everything has waited.

it’s the season of extreme submission, slowness.

it is all a me understanding of life, parenthood, friends, family, hardship, community, love, time, values and priorities that i never, ever, ever would have fully understood - for better and worse - without this pandemic.

i just didn’t understand so much. now i do.

thank you, strange pandemic.

thank you, all my patrons.

you’ve both unexpectedly saved me.





John Sea Wind

Amanda, thank you for sharing your life. You are an inspiration to so many people. I love you!


I love you. I know it’s hard but I’m seeing you enjoy the break - and the child - too which is the best ever. And I’m grateful really really grateful you obviously didn’t have to experience online schooling on top of everything else. Online schooling of a child who hardly knows school is so miserable. I love you ❤️

Tanya Miller

I just want to say that I don’t know you and I support you with gratitude for gifting the art of asking along with some beautiful woodfordia moments. From what I see, I am so glad that Ash has this unique time with his wonderful, energetic, creative force of a mother. In dIfferent circumstances he may only have experienced this from the wings as an observer of your life show but in beautiful Aotearoa he has had the opportunity of intimacy and slow time. Stay sane - parenting is a crazy gig but you are raising the future and we need our future to be guided by awesomeness. Kia kaha AFP xx

Kirrabelle Lovell

“Extreme submission” what a phrase!


These pictures are breathtakingly beautiful! I'm sure this long slow pause is benefiting you and your art almost as much as its benefitting Ash. I'm really happy you have the freedom to pause and to be okay 💜


We'll always wait to see, thanks for always waiting for us and understanding things <3

Catherine Hannah

Holding you, holding Ash in the tiny way I have available: patronage and these paper airplanes of care, these messages without a bottle...we are still here, we are here...take all the time you need. We are still here.

Laura Keenados

Man I feel it. I been feeling it hard.... and compounding it is that heart in a blender of interpersonal struggles. I wish we could all get into a cuddle pile and have some good long deep breaths all together. Remember the cuddle shop in PDX? so rad. I LOVE THOSE URCHINS AHHHHH so so cute. I have a wild good chase for you if you're into it/have capacity. Where did the Making of Do It With A Rockstar video go?? I cannot find it anywhere, and really want to show someone, cuz it really does give the video so much more deeper meaning. Love it And love you. <3


Oh dang, lost my writing. Much love to you from rainy Washington state, from full time grannying and renewed creativity.


Amanda, I imagine being patient and waiting for things to happen is the hardest thing for someone as "now" as you are! We are happy to wait for anything you produce. Please don't feel pressured to do anything. You are doing the hard work and exactly what you need to do. Do that and be at peace!

Marguerita Tajibnapis

wow yes No Exit. So glad to be able to be here for you. This is a good thing to spend money on. I believe you. Incredible art will come from this. Maybe it’s like going through that long pregnancy and then having a new life. I think you will birth incredible art after this long incubation period. ❤️ ☮️ and 🕉