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(public post) 

my dears.

surprise: webcast tonight. for every-every-body. i've been having a rough couple days, and i know y'all have been too, especially in the states. i just did a webcast for the $10+ patrons (the archive is public, though, here) but i wanna talk to everybody so here we go....i  will be doing a live webcast tonight at 11PM tonight because fuck it. here is where you do the time-zone math:


set an alarm, write it on a post it note. lets meet up right here at 11: https://huzza.io/amandapalmer/live-stream/live-webcast-june-15th-2016

i'll go for an hour-ish? who knows.

bring love.

i need a hug.



ps: in happy news...today was SINGING SAW on the record I'm making with Edward Ka-Spel!! I just posted a little live video to Facebook ... go see

(facebook is being silly and not allowing the direct link so just scroll down the page a bit, it is there!)



Michela M.

It took forever to start working and still not really working again ... Going to sleep, next time maybe! Hugs.

Laura Wellner

Missed you by an hour and 45 min...been b-i-z-z-y! Sending hug tho'! Here it is ((((((HUG))))))


I missed the webcast, but know that I am always holding you and yours in love. *HUGS*


The Webcast was so beautiful! I was lying in bed with my boyfriend sleeping beside me, looking through my laptop into one of the good parts of the world. It was funny, exciting, raw, real, peaceful, magical. Thank you. <3 And thank you for the music! :-)


The public archive link for the 6-9 webcast (ending with /authenticate) goes to a non-working page. Tried from both Chrome & Firefox, direct from email link as well as clickthrough from Patreon site. No JS console errors. There's a small image & title, but no body of the page beyond that.


Thank you so much for taking the time to do this webcast, even though you were exhausted (I hope you slept well BTW!). It was wonderful to discover new songs, and be part of your life for a while. I was especially touched by the fact that you're just like any mom, exhausted at the end of the day, finally able to get your whole brain back for yourself once Ash was asleep – but at the same time just exhausted. And putting your child first, and loving him so much (and it's true that he's really cute, and looking happy, and apparently trusting his mom with all his heart). You're such a great artist and a great mom, all at the same time, thank you for being you!


Sad to have missed this webcast. Could really do with SEEING you right now.


i miss everything … damn. i just wanna aks you sumphin lol… peace, our lady of awesome…. hoping alls well with fams.. and u … be safe and happy!


So disappointed to miss this, but I was having a horror movie night, with lots of giggles, with my housemates. Sending hugs to you and everyone else. Loads of love is needed right now.


Oh and will it be archived anywhere?


Missed it! Hope y'all had a nice webcast