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dear comrades...

thank you so much for the beautiful feedback on the purple rain track. jherek and i are over the moon, again, that y'all liked our work. we love it. the reviews have been stunning all over the map, and we made a lot of people cry, including ourselves, so everybody wins. score yet one more for the patreon, people.

i'm practicing hard today and tomorrow for the london koko gig (which is tomorrow night), and spending time with my dad, his wife donna, and neil, and my sister and her dutch husband, cees....everyone's in london all at the same time, which is rare.


this is something i wrote a few weeks ago, and it just went up online yesterday. it's for a music blog called "my old man" run by Q Magazines features editor Ted Kessler.



it's not that long, but give it a few minutes. it's not short, either.

the photo, by the day, was taken by my mom when i was 9 months old...exactly ash's age, at my grandparent's house on st. croix. yep, that's me and jack, 40 years ago.

i had a hard time writing this piece....but it was liberating. so you know: i emailed it to my dad for approval before they published it...just to make sure. he was okay with it, so there you go. (thanks, also, to Mister Neil Gaiman, who edited the final piece for me).

i've already had a few friends email me about it hitting home.

it goes to show, the harder something is to write, the more it usually means.

i hope you read it. 

(and i hope i see a lot of you tomorrow night in london at the Koko show in camden. my dad will be one of the special guests. full circle, man. if you're here on patreon and you're coming, raise your hands? if there's the right amount of people i might try to organize a patron-only meet up after the gig....stay tuned. and there are still about 300 tickets, the hall is huge: http://www.koko.uk.com/listings/evening-jack-amanda-palmer-03-06-2016)






I enjoyed reading this! Hope you sell all 300 tickets!




Beautifully written! I really really love your writing.




Makes me wonder about tracking down my dad. I've always dismissed the idea before because of the past but maybe there's a future.


Dear girl, best wishes for you and your pa. Surely now must matter more than then, no child is on equal footing power-wise with any parent, and when two adults look each other in the face ...


Hi Amanda. Not sure if you still read these comments so long after the original post. If you're still there, can I take the opportunity to thank you for a great night on Friday. Please pass all our love (well mine anyway) onto Alison. Whilst I realise why she was nervous, she really did not need to be- she was great. I particularly enjoyed her little "I'm going for a drink now" gesture as she left the stage!


Saw this fly by, finally got to sit down and read it. Cried more than once. You making a record with your dad seemed rad anyway; now...I don't even have words, I just feel awed. Music has played a healing role in my relationship with my father, as well, so this piece hits home in a few ways too. Thank you, Amanda. Bookmarking .


You inspire me so.fucking.much


I have a huge backlog of articles and emails I'm slowly digging my way through. Just found this today and...I know you don't have any plans to write another book, but...I would totally pay for your memoir before you even started it. The way you write about your experiences never fails to compell and inspire.


The blog doesn't seem to be available any longer, but it looks like Ted Kessler published the project as a book, "My Old Man: Tales of Our Fathers".