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hello loves

short story: WATCH LIZZO'S TED TALK:



greetings from hardcore Aotearoa EnZed lockdown day FORTY FIVE!!! WHEEEEEEEE!!!!

dudes. i'm in a really unusual place in my life. 

truly battening the hatches, feeling healthier and more clear-eyed than ever and filled with love for everyone and everything.....and also feeling slightly unhinged with the never-ending lockdown heeb-jeebs knocking at my door. so much weird unpredictability of when this lockdown will end. could be wednesday. could be january. we just....don't know. there's an announcement on monday about whether we'll go down a level. for no, there's still nothing open but the grocery, and no school, and no friends for any of us to play with. but at least we can go swimming in level 3. i've been plunging my body into the cold water and feeling alive, alive, alive. 

lots of contemplative hiking, too...and here are two of my favorite shots from the last few days...


luckily this TED talk just landed in my inbox today and PEOPLE, you gotta watch this. i very rarely do patreon posts just to holler at you about a piece of somebody else's work, so trust be, peoples, you know it's gotta be good when i do.

this one's also bittersweet for me. i had a TICKET TO THIS GODDAMN CONFERENCE. i was supposed to be at TED monterey about a month ago. i had to sell the ticket to a friend.

i would have been there.



but hey, wait.

i'm on an island in new zealand that's never had a case of covid.

i think i'm still a few points ahead.


lizzo knocked her talk OUT OF THE FUCKING PARK.

as a TED speaker who knows the work that has to go into a talk like this...i am so proud she did this and did this so right, from the material to the huge swings between comical and serious...i almost cried at the end.

i definitely stood up, no shit, at the end AND DANCED AND WHOOPED ALL ALONE IN MY KITCHEN (neil has ash in lockdown today) and goddamn it felt good. empowering. truly. 

dance with me, people, dance with me.

watch it here, and share this shit allllllll over the internet, she deserves it:


i tweeted it here.

and shared it on facebook here.


i love all of you !!!

hi ho hi ho back to lockdown cleaning house i go




1. if you are a patron and new to my work, don’t forget your patronage allows you access to ALL of my patreon releases to date. HERE is the link to download my latest big solo record, “There Will Be No Intermission”, and HERE is a link to download the PDF of the art/essay book that goes with it.

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5. are you new to my music and TOTALLY OVERWHELMED? TAKE A WALK THROUGH AMANDALANDA….we made a basic list of my greatest hits n stuff (at least up until a few years ago, this desperately needs updating) on this lovely page: http://amandalanda.amandapalmer.net/

6. general AFP/patreon-related questions? ask away, someone will answer: patronhelp@amandapalmer.net




Jonah Poirot

That level of lockdown sounds very lonely. The pictures you shared seem unreal. It makes me think I should go on more hikes again. I used to a lot. Im excited to watch Lizzos talk, im glad you shared, Amanda.

Thomas Herlofsen

That made my morning. Will probably show it to my music students. It explains cultural appropriation beautifully while being a total delight. Lizzo should be your next president.

Stefanie Oepen

Thank you, just what I needed. I cried!


OMG I love this!!! Thank you for sharing!!! I want to love my ass like this. I’m going to start learning to twerk TODAY!


It's so cool when one artist I admire loves on another artist I admire. I hope you get to at least submerge in the ocean soon.

Kate Michmerhuizen

Lizzo said, “ I don’t know why I’m emotional!” At the end of her talk…I was crying!!!! She was magic on that stage! Thank you so much for sharing!


okay can anyone else share some lockdown/social distance moments of small joy (akin to the hikes, the beauty of cold water swims, etc)? im in nyc trying to stay a little safer and trying to reframe staying in more so that i don’t go absolutely bonkers like i did at the start of this all. my own little piece of lockdown joy to start it off: i got really good at making fresh breads, and as fall sets in, im excited to (literally) bring that to the table with my roommate


Hey there AFP, um, "heeb-jeebs" is antisemetic, which I highly doubt you intended. It's one of those linguistic artifacts that we just need to put behind us. I have caught myself doing exactly the same thing, fortunately friends straightened me out on it. Still love ya!

Taylor Zartman

I have two seen exactly two shows at the Ryman in Nashville and they are Amanda Palmer and Lizzo! Feels poetic.


Really? ‚Heeb‘ is a slang term for a Jewish person and could be meant in an antisemitic way, hence should be avoided. But the way I read it, Amanda just referred to the ‚lockdown heebie jeebies‘ and shortened that term - which was coined in the 1920s and has nothing to do with Jews. I’ve looked in a few etymological dictionaries and couldn’t find anything wrong with it. If you have a link to more information, I’d appreciate learning more about the phrase.


Finally got a chance to sit down and watch this! Lizzo is so awesome. I loved her TED Talk so much! Her getting everyone to twerk with her put a smile on my face.