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.....because WHY NOT?

i have a half hour free and i'm about to go to a SUPER BLOOD MOON ECLIPSE PARTY and i have my nice dress on and why not kick it off with a little piano concert! i am pouring myself a nice glass of wine, getting the candles lit, tuning the ukulele, firing up the piano amp...and.....



starts in just a few minutes.... at 7:30pm new zealand time (that's er, 3:15 am new york time, you weirdos!!), use the crowdcast now to see what time it is in your time zone, start chatting and get ready....

it'lll be here for all to watch in archive form when it's closed. 

i'll probably be on for about a half hour!

i love and miss all of you.

to the moon and back.






Register now for Amanda Palmer's event on Crowdcast, scheduled to go live on Wednesday May 26, 2021 at 7:15 pm NZST.



Thanks for this. It was a lovely way to wake up.

Len Tower Jr.

Thank You. My wish is we each show compassion to all that lives.

Katrina Pavlovich

So amazing ! I'm on the wrong side of the world to see it, but I remember seeing one as a kid. Thanks so much for sharing.


I loved your wish, also playing Astronaut made me really happy. Quote of my life, “Of course my wine looks like blood! I am gOth.”

erica munhoz

Amanda dear, this is just to say that I was having a really shitty day and trying to work at my thesis when I went to check my emails and found THIS. and then a watched just the first 6 or 7 minutes so for (because fucking thesis) but I smiled SO MUCH. I smiled like you don't believe. I love you to the fucking moon and back, you are the patreon of my happiness. that's it.


Thank you so much. You’re amazing. Such an awesome artist - such an awesome time to do it. Notice what comes up. What have you outgrown and are done playing small with. You know. That’s why we love you. Thank you 🙏🏽💕✨


Thank you 🙏


That was awesome! It's good to be here, I've been a fan for 15+yrs!!


So much fun! Thank you! ... I agree with others that those moments were so lovely, seeing your biggest smiles while you visited with an old song friend. Fabulously kind of you to invite us. Much love to you and the community.


Oh I wished I could play the piano... 😍❤❤❤


I just watched it and I loved it so very much! It was so touching.