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i am tired.

are you tired?

i’m so fucking tired.





Nikki Mierjeski

I saw a black man walking his dog yesterday, in a bulletproof vest. I don't blame him... this is what it's come to. So disheartening.




I was interviewed recently, and was asked what my hopes were for the future. Had no answer and that scared me.


respect to the tired people - hopefully there is an option to re-energize. Worked in the garden today, physically tiring but mentally uplifting.

Rain DeGrey

EXHAUSTED and full of sorrow, yeah. A constant ache in my heart and head.


It is heartbreaking and does my head in, where is the love.


I live in South Minneapolis, and everything is so heavy here now. We have the Chauvin trial. We have the recent Daunte Wright murder by police (I grew up in Brooklyn Center, on the street where he died). The neighborhood I live in now was the one near the 3rd police precinct where much of the destruction/ burning happened last summer. Now we have National Guard troops stationed each night 2 blocks from my house. This is all very hard stuff on top of an otherwise hard year. Heartbreaking that this is America.


Everyone I know is tired. Myself included. My own tribulations seem trivial. At least I don't live in fear of being shot dead at a traffic stop. USA is a country of so many contradictions, so great yet so terrible.


My heart aches for you, being so close to what is essentially military occupation at this point. Did you see the legislation that they are trying to pass that would make it impossible for any person who is convicted or cited in relation to protesting, to have access to federal aid programs including SNAP (a food assistance program commonly accessed by families with children)? 😓🤬😶


Oh, that is wrong on so many levels! I hadn't heard that yet. The whole system is so rigged, especially against the poor and BIPOC. :-(


Today (honestly, this afternoon, since this morning was a bit of a rollercoaster) I feel lucky to have a bit of peace, and like some folks above I definitely recognize other folks have way more on their plates. Got some garden therapy in, jammed to Midnight Oil, and got the kid-on-Christmas thrill of wearing my new-old Dresden Dolls shirt. Washed my hair finally. Scrabbling to hold on to the metaphorical dinghy, since I'm not sure if the not so distant waves will push me to shore, pull me under, or dump a mystery ocean critter in here with me. And hey, it's a small raft but there's room if anyone needs a lift. We'll swim to shore better together.

Laura Morland

That is just heartbreaking. (Where did this take place - do you mind telling?)

Laura Morland

Sending you hugs from across the ocean. I can't imagine having those events happening in my backyard.


So sad @Alex. Can I get a link? Couldn't find that.


I am. We need to rest, To take rest. We have to hang in. A Dutch Poet once said every thing of worth is defenceless. Neeltje Maria Min. She is right but there's a struggle in me to accept that. You're doing so well Amanda. I mean you use all you have in you to make us aware to make more aware. To see the truth. To believe in truth. To seek to live in truth. New positive page. I found this what many here will know, but it's good to have it spread as an article of this time, maybe it works because it's pretty negative. I hope so. Hang in there. https://www.nbcnews.com/think/opinion/why-humans-believe-most-people-are-telling-truth-even-when-ncna1259456


I feel like the exhaustion of quarantine and living in my small bubble has been replaced by exhaustion and dread at America resuming “normalcy” which is not at all normal and depressing to see.