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hallo loves!

**LAST UPDATE, monday, 1pm NZ time....event is over...and it was AMAZING. time to write a whole album of wake songs for toy piano. it also makes me wanna do a full-patron NINJA ZOOM....stay tuned. thanks to all who came over.**

live update/edit!!! it's almost 6:40 am here and .....this was supposed to be live at 6am but the event got badly hacked so i'm updating watch info here, live. see below and pray for us! 


here's the new zoom link. let's hope it doesn't get hacked. give it a try: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86445428111?pwd=VWZFTWQ1SmNURkVHNlJnSG5sbWxRUT09

i'm doing something wonderful and sad and weird with my irish friends....talking about grief and covid. i have a piano and a uke and it's a WAKE:

awake for the wake? 

here's what's happening:


KEEP REFRESHING THIS POST! i'll put up a zoom link as soon as i have it.

(edit/update 6:05 am) : it appears we've been hacked. good lord. hold the phone.)

(edit 6:20 am HOLD FOR A NEW LINK. i'll publish it here in a few minutes when we get it)

(edit:  6:23...we will be back at 6:30am / my time. here's the EVENTBRITE LNK....if you want to come, for now, respond to that and you'll be sent a new zoom link:

NEW ZOOM LINK! you may be put in the waitng room for a second to make sure you're not drawing pensises on the wall!



will come back with a zoom link in a second.





It feels good to commune with people who aren’t covid deniers like the majority of Tennessee. Thank you for this ❤️


Hope Amanda will be able to come back. This is such a nice surprise. Thank you Amanda and if you can't we'll understand. I love you! 💜


umm, "you may be put in the waiting room for a second to make sure you're not drawing pensises on the wall!" - this from the woman who was gleefully drawing said appendages in everyone's art of asking books when it came out? (insert crying cat emoji here) : )

Len Tower Jr.

Amanda is playing toy piano right now !!!


Next album - toy piano You don't write for toy piano.....yet


This was such an incredible get together. I was in for part of it and you guys saved me today. Thanks everyone involved ❤❤❤

Gaba Kulka

Thank you so much for an unexpected oportunity to be with people. It's such a joy, even through zoom. The first part of the pandemic, last year, the novelty of distanced meetings like that seemed to have made them more common. Now either nobody seems to find the time, or they said "fuck it" to distancing and came back to a scaled-dow social life. They probably just accepted that those of us who still try to social distance, have temporarily vanished. Except it's not nice to feel vanished.

Gaba Kulka

I'm all for a ninja zoom, oh my god, it would be fantastic.


Missed it );


It was incredible. I miss people just being authentically human. I didn't realize how upset I was about COVID. It's very hard with family in countries that are doing well, while we're in the states. It's a blessing to see them safe, but it's hard knowing things don't have to be this bad. It's hard hearing even with a vaccine, we might still need to quarantine for 2 weeks, making a trip very difficult. It's comforting knowing that it works though, that our absence is keeping our Aussie family safe. It's hard not being present though. A funeral, a wedding, and the birth of a nephew. I think there will be more before it's over. It was so good to hear other people's words and experiences on the call. There's so much unnecessary solitude with COVID. The wake showed me we can all be much more connected, even distanced, if we really do care, and try.

Laura Morland

It was a wonderful experience... I stayed on the Zoom for a while after Amanda had to leave. It opened my heart to all those who have been more hurt by the pandemic than I have. (And Amanda gave them a lot of joy!)


Missed the live but caught it on the rebound! Thanks for sharing the love ❤️