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hallo loves

it’s been a real strange couple of days, and i’m with ash full time before he heads back to school tomorrow. i just wanted to sneak away and post you my love and this picture i took this morning of the dawn breaking over lake rotorua. beauty is everywhere, especially here this morning. i have exploding ideas in my head that won’t have time to get made for months, years...but the art spigot in my fountain-head doesn’t plug up.

but....admin. i’ve got a new podcast coming out this week with my good friend rachel jayson, plus a follow-up patreon chat with her. i’ve also got a webchat with the $10+ folks to schedule, an art-in-the-mail update for you $25+ folks, and a big long thing to say about the internet, nations, people, kindness and all that sort of stuff. i also have to move out of the house i’ve been living in for almost nine months. it’s a lot.

right now i’m just tired and happy to soak in the confused gorgeousness of this moment.

and...a reminder. i love you.






Can’t wait for the podcast. I hope you have help with the move. Tons o’love!


Totally psyched to hear your conversation with Rachel Jayson. I miss seeing her with jaggery and walter sickert. ask her where she gets those stunning dresses she wears for me.

Laura Wellner

The creative spigot...it's just a constant flow, I know I've had some good ideas go down the drain lately because I didn't have the energy to scribble it on a piece of paper or add it to the ongoing lists on my phone or laptop...argh! But always something better comes along. Best of luck with the move, it's never a fun time. Love & hugs!

Katie Roberts Art

Hugs, that is a lot.... I hope everything’s ok with you and Neill - though I know you can’t say. Sending you love and hugs and wishes for calm joy and love in your heart and family. A reminder: we love you.


This, Amanda, is like ending the day with a kind hug. Kia ora e hoa, go well!

Kirrabelle Lovell

Good luck for the move Amanda! Hope Ash likes going back to school in NZ 🙂




Aw too bad about the place, why do you have to move? Good luck with it all!


Wishing you peace & strength during the move and your next evolution. Hope it's an opening of the chrysalis! Listen, I don't know if you have an iphone and/or are interested but may I invite you to join Clubhouse, which is explained well on the following website: https://www.socialmediaexaminer.com/clubhouse-app-how-to-get-started/ .. Basically, it's a platform I recently joined which lets people chat in real time, share stories, collaborate, and bounce ideas off of each other. It’s relatively new and still in beta form, currently only available for download on iphone (a workaround is that it can be linked to an ipad, and they will release an Android version soon). But it’s "going gangbusters" and as it’s a free platform to join and participate in, I really think your message and music can thrive when accelerated on a platform like this, and being an early-adopter seems important. My sister recently invited me, and I have invited a couple people but still have a couple invites left. And no, I don’t have any benefit from you joining, I just loved seeing you in Antwerp last year and would love to see you be amplified. All best from upstate NY via Brussels!


good luck with moving 🙂 I know how it is to move all your life from place to place 😅

Róisín O'Connor

Massive hug from a fan. Giving love. 🤗🤞🏻


I take that reminder. So low on love. If you feel a thrill you don't know where it's coming from. That was me with hugs and kisses all over. Yes I'm late but it's roaring here also.