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hallo loves.

i thought you'd like this one, and i'm also here with some housekeeping. first of all: i'm just surfacing from the most difficult year of my life. i've put my staff on paid leave for a while, care of your patronage. 

yesterday i was trawling through my files of Yore and i found this beautiful shot. i posted it up on instragram with this text:

there will be no intermission indeed. 

i just found this beautiful b-side photo from my shoot with @allanamato back in 2017....a brief shoot on a polluted lake near LA that was just supposed to supply us with some extra shots for the “there will be no intermission” artbook but that accidentally handed us the cover artwork for my magnum opus album of sadness and hardship and ultimately, peace with it all. 

i was just now sitting outside on the lawn, thinking about how this album, and the decision to tour it globally, and therefore to australia, and hell why not tack on four dates in new zealand....led me to here. 

to now. 

to this moment. to this life in this country where i’ve now been living for almost a year. the album was about survival. i thought i was going to put out this album and then rest. how very little i knew. i was pretending to be a warrior, and then i became one. through dangers untold and hardships unnumbered i have fought my way here to the castle beyond the goblin city to take back the child you have stolen for my will is as strong as yours and my kingdom as great.

you have no power over me.


this is a reminder to all my patrons that your patronage gives you access to EVERYTHING i've ever put out over the past five years. 

irritatingly, the "things" i've released in the past five years are kind of annoying to access....that's something i'm striving to fix with the new website, and it's gonna take some time. (you can always go to THIS page of "all the things" i've made on patreon, http://amandapalmer.net/things

meanwhile, every once in a while, i'm just going to remind you....if you're a patron, you still get this record (and everything i've ever made for patrons) for FREE.

i put my heart and soul into the making of this recording. john congelton's production is world-class. jherek bischoff's strings and orchestrations breathtaking. it took years to write, and all-in, about a year to record, and then i toured it for a year. 

and, well, you know the rest. now i'm here.

and trust me,

it's a good lockdown record. it is an anti-lonely sonic hug

may i recommend "the ride" (the opening track) and "death thing" (the closing track) as fucking theme songs for 2020/2021. 

the link for patrons to download it is here (you need to be logged in).



meanwhile, this is from this morning, and i thought you'd appreciate it.

one of the comments under the b-side photo was this:

"i like you (heart) but sometimes you glofiy yourself just too much....sorry to say"

and this is how i responded: 

dear @isapessoa2021,
i was raised in a culture that taught me to not glorify myself or other women, but instead, to glorify men and their accomplishments. 

i was raised in a culture that taught me to feel shame about my body, my face, my hair, my voice, my desires, my talents, my opinions and my very existence. you’re damn right i’m going to glorify myself, my accomplishments and my fellow survivors every chance i get now that i am out of those dark, dark, dark woods and out in the open fields where we know that glorifying ourselves and other people is not only not “bad”; it’s the opposite. it’s love.

if you get out of those woods, we are all waiting here for you with open arms. and we will glorify you, and the gorgeous, broken, imperfect, perfect being you are all day every goddamn day. 

i love you.


glory be,

glory be,


we are free

your friend in 









1. if you’re a patron, please click through to comment on this post. at the very least, if you’ve read it, indicate that by using the heart symbol. that's always nice for me to see, so i know who's reading.

2. see All the Things (over 100 of them) i've made so far on patreon:

3. JOIN THE SHADOWBOX COMMUNITY FORUM, find your people, and discuss everything: https://forum.theshadowbox.net/

4. new to my music and TOTALLY OVERWHELMED? TAKE A WALK THROUGH AMANDALANDA….we made a basic list of my greatest hits n stuff (at least up until a few years ago, this desperately needs updating) on this lovely page: http://amandalanda.amandapalmer.net/

5. general AFP/patreon-related questions? ask away, someone will answer: patronhelp@amandapalmer.net





Adding my vote to the Please continue to Glorify Yourself, we ALL need to do this!


If you had chosen to reply to her privately, I would not have seen your response -- and I needed to. If you had redacted her name, people who wanted to be brutal would have just scrolled through your Insta to find it anyway. If other people were unkind, that's on them, not you. I honestly don't think you did anything wrong. Perhaps it's not such a bad thing for people to learn that they don't have a right to say every mean thing that pops in their head because the person they're saying it to has some imaginary obligation to be "above it all." You're a human being and this is a very hard time. Why should you have to be gracious about someone being a dick?


OK. The second pictures, the one from the album, has long been my favorite photo of AFP. The strength and power in it, the quiet stillness, are just amazing. But now that has changed. The first picture in this posting is absolutely amazing. How I have not seen this before? The quiet strength is there, but there is more. The sense of movement from the dress. The open hand and the shadow of the sword against the rock, giving the impression the power is still there but it has a purpose beyond the sword. Breathtaking. Beautiful. Brilliant. (And is there a poster of it? There should be a poster of it.)


never stop glorifying yourself. you encourage all of us to do the same in our own lives.




It's great that you shared these pictures taken before the pandemic and this weird time for the whole world. Indeed, we are not clairvoyants and do not know what to expect from life tomorrow ...


It meant a lot to me to read your response to her. I've been seeing some success and accomplishments in my life after years of grind and struggle and the shame of being seen as "shameless" and "too much" for putting myself out there more has been weighing on me. This reminded me to stay bold and stay my course


Dear Amanda, DAMN right -- let's glorify the hell out of all of us, for a change. Again and unfortunately still a quiet radical idea these days...even in the third Decade of this not soo new 21. Century. Concerning the Accessibility of 'Things' here on patreon. So many patrons and other patreon-creators have been asking, begging, asking again, desperatly crying out for these basic function(s) and improvements on Patreon. YOU have a voice that will be heard louder then any of us -- could you maybe try again? Or is setting up a different page for this really the only option? It makes me quiet sad, to be honest. Patreon has changed my life, it really did. Now I can make music AND a living. But the way Patreon handels this is really incomprehensable --and unnecessary.


Dear Ms. Palmer (I love your work but I don't feel like I know you enough to be on a first name basis), First, I hope you never feel that you shouldn't glorify yourself. You are an inspiration. Not only to women, but to men, too -- at least those of us who listen. I think it is more of us than the loud-mouthed "masters of the universe" who tell us all they should be glorified. I believe that most of us mere mortal men are just as undervalued -- if we don't reach those ridiculous, mercenary standards of "value". I hope you know how broadly you speak to the universe.


You are beautiful, you glorious being you ❤️


I love you

Eleanor O'Brien - Dance Naked Creative

Every time I read one of your posts i feel a strange kind of pride welling up. THANK YOU for giving me permission to love myself unabashedly.