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hello loves.

i’m sorry i havent written much about life lately.

i’ve mostly just been spending time with ash. one of the best podcasts episodes of the lot is coming out this week and i wanted to point you all to a song, if you have never heard it before. it’s by one of my favorite contemporary songwriters, tim minchin.

it’s called “white wine in the sun”.

watch/listen here:


these lyrics, right now.

“I'm looking forward to Christmas

Though I'm not expecting a visit from Jesus

I'll be seeing my dad

My brother and sisters, my gran and my mum

They'll be drinking white wine in the sun

I'll be seeing my dad

My sisters and brother, my gran and my mum

They'll be drinking white wine in the sun...”


here i am. in the white wine summer land that he sings about.

without family.

in a moment where so many cannot gather with their loved ones, the incoming holidays are like a freight train of emotional confrontation as we think, deeply, about what it all means, how we gather, when, why...

it’s incredibly hard right now, for everyone i know.

if you’ve never heard the song before, please listen. please also make sure you’re subscribed to the “art of asking everything” podcast. i’ll obviously post here too when it goes up.

and i hope it takes you down a tim minchin youtube wormhole, because all of his songs are pretty brilliant.

tim was the last podcast guest i had in the Before Times, and listening back to the episode is haunting. you’ll understand why when you hear it.

i love you all.

i’m going to go back to being a mom.

it’s our weekly mama-ash movie night.

i’m showing him “edward scissorhands”.

i may cry a couple times.





Gaba Kulka

*HUG* And oh my GOD... Edward Scissorhands! (*screams into a pillow!*) Matylda's 5, but I'm holding this one off a tiny bit longer. This movie's so important to me, and I'm not sure she'll enjoy it as much as she would in a couple of years, but now I'm totally jealous of you guys watching it together. M. loves "The Nightmare Before Christmas" and flawlessly spots an Elfman score, even if it's actually Stravinsky mom's listening to, so... maybe... <3 You need to tell us if Ash enjoyed it.


I thought it was very good❤️❤️


HELLO AMANDA. I've been sharing this with friends from overseas for years. christmas has always been a bit triggering for me. my childhood christmases were often a circus. not in a good way. for me the bit that nails it is the gentle annihilation of the biblical motivation for stealing the ancient the winter ritual at the start. I had occasional good events. Especially when my kids were very small. But when I first heard this song, it was a game changer for me. It felt good to say "I like xmas" but not for any other reason than the bits that mean something personal to ME - and not for all the commercial or religious ones. My future xmases - when I become a grandmother in the foreseeable future, maybe two or three years from now...I think the slate might get wiped clean and I'll have a whole new feeling about the holiday - around my grandkids' joy and innocence. Oh by the way Amanda...I've been wanting to DM/email you, but I know you're taking time off. So I felt this might have a better chance of being read. I just wanted to say I wanted to use The Vegemite song as a sign off for my podcast coming out on tuesday. I'm in the process of editing and recording today. It's a story about a rather miraculous friendship between myself and a fellow feminist crusader in NYC, begun 19 years ago. posting the song will give me a chance to talk about you a bit. I will get around to talking about you a lot. soon. I don't have a huge audience, but the small one I do have, is highly appreciative of what I am doing. You may recall I wrote you a letter and gave it to you personally at the Q and A in sydney. it was all about my struggle to do The Thing. well, I am doing The Thing (linktr.ee/theeloquentintheroom). And in the chaos of the last year (ending with me suddenly moving last week - to pool resources with my kids to reduce our collective rents) - it all seems very fitting in that 'darkly humorous way' to let that song be my melancholy sign off. Your live gig the other week reminded me how gorgeous it is. I'm making art out of your art. So I hope it's ok. Love you and sending you and Ash warm, rocking, heartbeat synchronising hugs. xoxoxox


Edward Scissorhands is one of our favorite Christmas movies. It’s a different kind of Christmas for us all this year. We lost my Dad this fall. Mom is learning how to be a widow. She gets upset over small things. Our post office is bogged down and the cookies she sent us are very very late and very very stale. We can’t be together this year. I’m looking forward to the cookies even if they are stale. It’s strange the things that get to us. I’m looking forward to warm weather and being vaccinated. Here’s to better times! 🥂


Vino 🍷 makes all things better and add Sunshine ☀️👍🏽🎉🎉🎉


Heart warming you have your movie evening together. I feel you. Feel you both. I listened to Tim. Love this song and will go there for more. My family is far away and makes me sad to think about. You give us so much value by sharing what you love. Thanks and enjoy that white wine in the sunshine. My thoughts are with you. In my heart this will be a lonely and sad time. Colder then there. Best will be you gave us many things to do. Grateful for that. Merry Christmas to you and Ash and all the patrons.

Emilly Orr

Personally, Tim Minchin is pretty brilliant overall, and I was hoping you were referring to this song with the entry title!


Also Ash may cry? Tell us how he responds to Edward. My daughter was 9 when we watched it a couple years ago and I'm not sure we finished it. Every kid is different though and I watched sex, lies and videotape at an uncomfortably young age so whatevs. Also how weird is it being a Northerner in the Southern Hemi during Xmas? As a life-long N. Hemi girl, that would feel strange, yet fun to be slathering on sunscreen on a beach in December. I wonder how it is for you? Sending oodles of Solstice love to you and yours, no matter the season. That's the thing about Solstice (and all celestial happenings,) doesn't matter where you are on the globe, it's a little string that connects us all. 💖 oh! P.S. what is the whole Jupiter Saturn aligning like in the Southern Hemi? (for the first time in centuries, I think!) It's towards the south in Canada, is it towards the north down there or how does that work? I don't fully understand astronomy. 😘


Oh my! I just watched the Tim video! This is such a beautiful song! Thank you for sharing, as always. 💞


Maybe it seemed to me, but I felt sadness and some kind of disappointment in this post. And yes, special thanks for getting to know Tim Minchin for all of us, amazing music. However, I wish that your emotional state still became a little better on the eve of Christmas! Celebrate it in the best way, and probably white wine will not hurt)


Thank you. I’m literally on my own, grieving the loss of my little girl 9 weeks ago. We were halfway through, and my body still feels like shit. I’ve now lost my partner, as I had a full on mental breakdown which pushed him off an edge. Neither of us are doing well and we’re not in contact. Thank you for teaching me to ask for help... had to reach out to doctors and admit I’m not coping, getting all the help for postpartum. Thank you for all Art of Asking. I’d do anything for anyone, but hadn’t realised how I had no idea how to ask. Learning, it’s a process 💜 thank you for posting

Elizabeth Gunn

My dad told me, when things got real bad for me, that we can lower our horizon according to need. Maybe a day, maybe an hour, maybe the next five seconds. Sending you all my love.


Elizabeth, thank you. This means the world. Thank you for your time and your words. Sending you all my love 💜


Ioana, my little ones left me many years ago at about that time. May I just sit here with you for a bit? I want you to know for sure you're not alone. Funny how a note from a stranger brings it home again. Maybe I need to sit with you so I don't feel so alone. I wish I could get you a nice cup of whatever makes you feel comforted.


M.T. - God I am so grateful for you, I want you to know what an incredible human being you are. The fact you wrote so kindly means the world. I’d love to sit with you, and give you a huge hug and hold you with our hot drinks. I hear you, and your little ones matter so much. We will meet them again one day when we’re all gone, and they know how incredibly much we love them and wanted them. The midwives said to me, love never dies or goes away - and that is all that matters ❤️ I hear you and I wish we could hold each other with a hot cup of something. You are amazing - thank you for writing 💜 sending you all my love.