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i have so much i should post to you. there is all this information...about the dolls, about the patreon, about a million things. but it all feels very small right now.

right now, just this.

to the tired mothers.....

don’t stop trying.

to the tired lovers....

don’t stop waiting.

to the tired zoomers....

don’t stop seeing.

to the tired carers....

don’t stop caring.

to the tired children....

don’t stop playing.

to all the tiredest tired people.

to all the sick and fucking tired.


don’t stop hoping.

don’t stop pushing.

don’t stop holding.

don’t stop praying.

i have been alive since 1976. i’m not aware of too many things. i know what i know, if you know what i mean. and today feels like the darkest day in american history i’ve ever witnessed. but also, ash fed some hay to a horse by himself, and we ate some blueberries with our friend and ash almost but didn’t throw up on the drive home.

there is small and there is big. this next era of american history is going to take everything we have. slow down, take it all in, don’t get thrown off course, and remember to think big. bigger than big. bigger than fear. bigger than trump. bigger than biden. bigger than the supreme court. progress is not a straight line, it’s a zig-zag. and the zig zags towards justice. if you are tired, know you are not alone. the exhaustion is real. and the fight never-ending. i love you with all my heart. i hug you with all my internet arms. may we all have ease of well-being, may we all be safe and happy. now go do what you need.

that’s all for the moment.






It’s just so awful. And next week will be chaos that probably lasts for a while

Laura Wellner

Your message spoke to me completely. My exhaustion is overwhelming...my constant disappointment with humans and their corrupt political games for power has put me into the mode of not giving a fuck anymore, because there are people who will do whatever they intend, fuck all common sense, fuck compromise, fuck science...but in spite of it, I do care, I do hope for better because there are still things to believe in... I voted early. Love n' Hugs!


Thank you for these words. For the first time in my life, this week, I came very close to a point where I felt too tired to keep hoping in a very difficult situation. And both times that I‘ve come close to the hopelessness ledge, words have appeared, almost like magic, out of the blue, to refuel me just enough to keep pushing and keep hoping. The first time, it was a friend. This second time, it’s been you. Thank you for stretching your arms and your voice, all the way across the globe. The words you say, and the hope you put into the universe, truly do make a difference.


I hope you keep hoping too❤️ You are amazing, and this world can be too, I think.


Thank you. I just woke up and the started reading a times article about the Supreme Court confirmation and stopped after 2 minutes, because I couldn't read any more of it. I'll go for a run now. Love to everyone ❤️

Becky Ellen-Johnson

Sending love. To you and everyone who is struggling to find sense where there seems to be none. For me, a very bright moment was finally sitting down in St Peters on Willis Street and engaging in your incredible show. Intimate, raw, comforting, confronting, passionate and powerful... Indescribable, although I can't help but try to put it into words. I handed you my book even though I wasn't sure it was appropriate to give you something like that while in the signing line, and I hope you find some escape in the words. Mindscape 14 was inspired by you. I just wanted to stop by and share the poem I wrote on the way home from the show. I'm writing a Year of Poetry, one poem a day, and your show definitely shaped that day. Day 298 – 24/10/20. It’s a misty night, the lights Are soft, damp-washed and comforting I’m home and you are not So bittersweet… I’ll never forget Your voice as you talked And sang, the notes that rang In the church Full of love And strength Compassion beyond words And grief That could not help but be heard. I am home and you are not So bittersweet… The mist Has swallowed the world But for now at least This home has claimed you For its own.


I can’t even tell you how much I needed this right now. I feel like I’m actively watching my hairs change to gray. Thank you.

Martha Mountain

Thank you. Hugging you right back.


I am a tired working mom. I'll totally take the advice. Thank you for being there. <3


exactly what I needed today


Feeling this so much. Thank you. And this photo needs to be a painting.

