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a real quick poll for you. 

so, as i'm sure you have noticed...the podcast is coming out about four times a month, and as we discussed long long ago, i'm charging for it every time it drops, instead of monthly. we at team AFP thought a LOT about that and whether or not it would alienate or exhaust people. who knows? we guessed.

but meanwhile...as long as the podcast is going, we don't need the ultra-reliability of the althing (for you newbies, that's the monthly round-up blog that we charge for). there's also going to be art and music projects coming out...songs, videos, all the usual, I STILL MAKE MUSIC...there may be months with 6-7 things if the althing is included.....gahhhhh.....

BUT, again, on the other hand, hopefully everybody has CAPPED THEIR PLEDGE where they are comfy (if you haven't already, you can learn how to set a monthly maximum to cap your pledge here). 

but then AGAIN, the podcast isn't evergreen and may come to an end. the althing is also a great way to keep track of everything, but i'm not sure how many of you actually need it, or read it, and it takes me, the team, and especially hayley a full few days every month to pull it together. 



this is a hard one, and every time i get to a point in the road where i'm flummoxed, i do the easy thing and come to YOU with my shoulders shrugged, trying to figure out what people think.

we have discussed maybe turning it into more of a news-like AFP-reads-the-latest-like-an -anchor video update - as a LIVE WEBCHAT that the webchat tier can access, and the rest of the patrons can access after - instead of gazillions of photos and so much text....would that grab any of you as a better idea than the VERY LONG ALTHING.....? $10+ people, would you dig that? i need to get back in the habit of doing more $10+ webchats anyway, and this might be a good excuse to do them monthly NO MATTER WHAT, if they be THINGED....and i could buy a news anchor suit.

we are making all the rules up as we go along, as you know.

tell me what you think. vote in the poll, leave comments, we're reading.




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1. if you’re a patron, please click through to comment on this post. at the very least, if you’ve read it, indicate that by using the heart symbol. that's always nice for me to see, so i know who's reading.

2. see All the Things (over 100 of them) i've made so far on patreon:


3. JOIN THE SHADOWBOX COMMUNITY FORUM, find your people, and discuss everything: https://forum.theshadowbox.net/

4. new to my music and TOTALLY OVERWHELMED? TAKE A WALK THROUGH AMANDALANDA….we made a basic list of my greatest hits n stuff (at least up until a few years ago, this desperately needs updating) on this lovely page: http://amandalanda.amandapalmer.net/

5. general AFP/patreon-related questions? ask away, someone will answer: patronhelp@amandapalmer.net


Skyeanna Malito

I definitely prefer writing and pictures to anything podcasty. I can read something much easier than I can listen to something with three small children making constant noise in the background.


video update


I read the AllThing pretty religiously because it is something that grounds me in your work. It's nice to know the dirty details of everything in the world of AFP, especially because it's extraordinary and bizaare and so aside from my own... however I'm also thoroughly understanding it's a massive suck on your energy and time (and that of your colleagues, too). The idea of simplifying is grand in my opinion, though I think you may find it tough to stay true to intention. You and yours do tend to invest your all in anything you do, so the process of "cutting" will always be a challenge. It's a hard one... but know that your work and your art is always treasured.


I rarely have the time or headspace to read the Althing in full or give it the attention it deserves considering the time and energy that goes in to it. For me a massively simplified version that's not thinged would work or even just on an adhoc basis, perhaps a full althing to be thinged on a quiet month when there's nothing else going out?


I kinda skim through it; it's too long and detailed for me, and most of the time, I've read all your other shorter posts and so a lot of it is redundant. Certainly, I don't need the break down of finances etc - I trust you, or I wouldn't give you my money my love! I have capped my pledged, so whatever you do is fine with me. Perhaps a much shorter version, for those that "need" it? Myself, I'd rather you and your team focussed on something more fun <3


💖👻✨ just happy to be here ☠️


I'm a school teacher doing virtual learning in the US and I'm so slammed with online things all day, I just don't have it in me to read more things online when my day is finished. I love you and want to support your Patreon, I just can't read all the things and nonthings. I'm not complaining - I just wanted to let you know because I feel bad I don't read them and heart them or comment on them


I totally agree about making it a webchat for that tier and then releasing it later so we can start doing more web chats , especially since I missed the last couple :( . I don't know what that would be a vote for, but I vote for that!!!

Marie ☽

The Althing is great, I love the idea and it often helps me to catch up because I can't read every Patreon news. However I don't read every Althing neither… It's a bit too long. I *love* it when Amanda is reflecting on what happened on an emotional and artistic level. But I must say I'm a bit less interested in team AFP's lengthy thoughts (sorry…). Regarding a Althing webcast, well I probably wouldn't watch it. Right now I don't have time to watch the yummy webcasts with thoughts and music, so… I probably wouldn't watch a NEWS only webcast either. I'm so busy it's insane, and although I love the Internet and work in the digital industry, at the end of the day and in the weekends I want to escape and do something else. Paying for an Althing webcast wouldn't be as exciting as paying for more artistic projects, even more so when there are already a bunch of other "real" projects that month. However, in the "quiet" months where there are no other projects, I don't mind paying at least for the Althing thing thingee. Anyway, if you do some webcasts, it would be awesome to share some subtitles and a transcript, so that those of us who are heard-of-hearing can follow along. For the busiest bees, a transcript would be also a way to catch up later, without spending one hour in front of yet another video. (You asked for honest feedback <3)


I'm for a simplified version, and perhaps charging for a longer one on months without any other content. As much as I like being in the loop, just seeing the Althing in my inbox exhausts me and I tend to delete it right away.


I can't vote, since my option is not there. I am a supporter, but honestly I would say "keep doing the althing & don't charge for it": it's the general update for all patrons and I wouldn't deprive lower tiers of it. Find something else to charge us higher tiers with, if you need additional support? Sorry, I know, not the answer you wanted.

Michela M.

I read the Althings, every month, even if a few days after you post it, while I don't listen to / watch stuff much. Not even the podcast (sorry, I subscribed so I can find it easily but I've barely started the first episode. I'd rather listen to audiobooks 🤷‍♀️). So as far as I'm concerned, you can either keep posting it and charging for it (I capped my subscription, the number of things you thing doesn't affect me), or simplify it and not charge for it, and I'll read it. If you turn it into a Webchat / video /audio file, I won't participate (not at that tier) and I won't open it afterwards either, but it's fine all the same, no hard feelings.