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hallo loves.

this is one i really, really want you to hear. especially if you're actively dealing with death...or may someday deal with death. wait. that's everyone. i think.

when i saw BJ Miller deliver his TED talk, "what really matters at the end of life" live in 2015, i wept. openly, in the audience. i had never seen someone so calmly, articulately - so gently - state something that i had felt so deeply but have never been able to put words to.

why are more people not talking about this? it's everywhere:

we are bad at death.

and what's worst: we are BAD at talking about how bad we are at it.

as many of you know, especially if you saw the stage show this past year, i've experienced a lot of loss, death and grief. but in addition to learning how it feels to grieve....i've also learned more than i ever could have imagined about what happens when you do and don't discuss, express, and name certain things.

BJ and his talk about death was one of the more important threads in my life as i navigated the weirdness of dealing with loss, grief, death, anthony, miscarriage....how it all feels so wonky....what it means, and maybe more important, what it can mean, how it can feel, but often doesn't because things get in the way. 

how many of you have felt the pangs of grief, death and loss...and felt like this society just isn't built to deal with the human heart-situation that appears? 

we are all taught so badly; we are so poorly equipped. 

i was so honored that BJ agreed to be interviewed that i almost died of happiness - no pun intended - when he wrote back to a random email from me, and said we could meet up in a recording studio while i was on tour in san francisco. 

we did the interview the day before my show at the warfield in may 2019. (i bet many of you were AT that show...and you may have seen BJ there).

here we are, after the podcast recording, going on a walk.

the walk took us by san quentin prison's entrance.

....how 'bout that?

this is one of the more powerful podcasts of the "art of asking everything" series. i hope you listen to it.


without further chat....i present to you:

The Art of Asking Everything Podcast, episode 3.

Featuring guest Dr. BJ Miller: An Expert on Death Talks About Life. 

it is OUT now available wherever you get your podcasts.




here's my official text for the podcast, which'll live on the website, too:

Why are we so bad at death, dying, dealing with it, talking about it? 

Dr. BJ Miller is a palliative care physician who has spent his whole adult life trying to figure that out. His own traumatic experience has informed his ability to know compassion, see the far grander picture, and help people sort out the blurry lines between care, pain and reality. In college, BJ lost both of his feet and one hand in a tragic accident, and despite becoming a triple amputee, he still returned to university and got his medical degree. 

Now he's a doctor who helps people deal with dying, and he's got a lot of thoughts on the matter....we talked about art and beauty as therapy, mindfulness, coping skills, and a topic so needed right now: how independence is really an illusion. This is a really great episode for people who may be dealing with a recent loss, or an imminent one. Enjoy....



this handy linktree has a round-up of how to tune into the podcast on some of the most popular players. we will have the audio embedded on each episode post on my website: http://amandapalmer.net/podcast

and you can listen on the web, or in app on soundcloud without having to create an account:





the follow up chat with elizabeth was INCREDIBLE, and i imgaine this one will be even more so. COME TALK TO ME AND BJ ABOUT DEATH!!!

it is scheduled for this WEDNESDAY, Oct 14th at 7pm NYC/EDT time (that's thursday, Oct 15 at noon my time in new zealand). 

i'll be chatting with BJ live, bring your questions, stories, thoughts....and get ready to feel.

NOTE, THIS IS REALLY SOON!! MARK YOUR CALENDARS!!! and i'll send a little reminder post before we start. RSVP here and start leaving questions:


(you'll need to log into patreon to access this webcast as it's patron-only).



i've attached a pdf of the transcript of my conversation with BJ to the patreon post. to view it, you can download it by visiting this patreon post on the web at:

it's a hyperlink at the very bottom of the post with a little paper clip attachment symbol next to it - this is what it looks like from last week's podcast with lenny henry:



WE HAVE A BOOK TO DISCUSS!: A Beginner's Guide to the End - Practical Advice for Living Life and Facing Death. available here: https://www.simonandschuster.com/books/A-Beginners-Guide-to-the-End/BJ-Miller/9781501157165

patrons will also get a free excerpt from the book....standby!!!! i'll post that along with the webcast reminder in a couple days. i read the book when it came out...it's really extraordinary. it's very nuts and bolts and extremely helpful for people really coping with actively departing souls. i gave it immediately to two friends who were dealing with dying parents, and feeling lost.

here's the patron-only thread on the shadowbox to discuss the book, the podcast, and, you know, death....


again...the book club is patron-only, and is very casual. we are just pulling it together with a few volunteers. just start chatting and we will get around to finding a good group discussion time for each book when the smoke clears a little.




a friendly reminder, too, to cap your pledge. this shit is on fire.



p.s. quick ash update: greetings from havelock north, aotearoa. it's raining right now, but it wasn't when i dropped ash off at school today.

spring is exploding...and it was "dress like a pirate" day at school today except that it’s not because ash got the date wrong when he woke up with glee this morning and i didn’t bother to double check - it’s actually on thursday - so today is "dress rehearsal like a pirate day" and o well....

he's getting so big and grown-up, so fast....and here's another one of him from a few days ago....he refused to take off pajamas or put on shoes before heading to “kids book club” in napier at wardini's books. ask me how long i attempted to argue...answer: zero long


IF YOU'RE IN THE USA.....DON'T FORGET TO REGISTER TO VOTE IN THE NOVEMBER 2020 ELECTION. DO NOT BE CONFUSED!!! help is there: you can register to vote, find your local voter registration deadlines, update your voter registration, check that your registration is still on the books, find your polling place and other important election information HERE at http://headcount.org


1. if you’re a patron, please click through to comment on this post. at the very least, if you’ve read it, indicate that by using the heart symbol. that's always nice for me to see, so i know who's reading.

2. see All the Things (over 100 of them) i've made so far on patreon:


3. JOIN THE SHADOWBOX COMMUNITY FORUM, find your people, and discuss everything: https://forum.theshadowbox.net/

4. new to my music and TOTALLY OVERWHELMED? TAKE A WALK THROUGH AMANDALANDA….we made a basic list of my greatest hits n stuff (at least up until a few years ago, this desperately needs updating) on this lovely page: http://amandalanda.amandapalmer.net/

5. general AFP/patreon-related questions? ask away, someone will answer: patronhelp@amandapalmer.net




BJ's is one of my favorite TED talks, can't wait to listen to the podcast on my way into work!


What a topic


I saw that book in a bookshop here in Christchurch. I was going to look at it, but was too embarassed to pick it up, because I thought everyone would know I was dying. (I'm 55, acc to doc, I shouldn't expect to make it to retirement). who knows though. I have avoided this topic until know, but when I find I want to talk to the whanau about it, they are so wrapped up in their processes of dealing with my process, that I end up standing in the middle with my hands of my head, wanting to scream, hey guys, this is about ME! so maybe this podcast, this book, and these conversations would help. I didn't intend to clock off so early, but hey, not much I can do about that now I guess, but live well. thanks for this post of yours AFP, timely


Can't wait to hear, I'm just finishing up Niels podcast with David Tennant. <3


It was fabulous. I've just finished, so not quite ready to elaborate on my feelings and responses, except to say that it took me back to the sudden death of my mother and the slow time we spent with my father before he died. Both were experiences I will always remember - those of being so important to be a part of.


Brilliant episode, thank you!

Pedro B. Gorman

Dear Amanda, Lifted from you Podcast, said by You... putting this out into the world... someone please... take it: BAND NAME: "Birth & Death" DEBUT ALBUM: "Who Has Agency?" Oh my Gawd... I have totally devoured BJ Miller's TED talk, and now your podcast with him, and have bought and started to read his book. All because of you, you Wondrous Supernova of Galvanising Truth & Sapience!!!!! I had no idea this book, this wonderful "visionary" man existed (and I put visionary in inverted commas because I now know how he abhors being a "poster-child" or "advocate" for these kind of things)... I only fucking WISH I myself had had access to it last November, and that I could have given it to my mother and sister (though, with their resistance to the topic they might not have read it even if I did) The Bad news? It won't be the last the last time someone dies on me. The Good News? I now have BJ's very edifying, clarifying thoughts on the matter. So much of this conversation is THE VERY ONE I was trying to have with my mother and sister while my father was dying November last year, shortly before your Braga show in Portugal. Even BEFORE I had read his book. I think in much the same way. They just DIDN'T want to talk about his death, they were FAR too trapped in the past, and guilt and "should've / could've / would've" cycles. I have never been terrified about death... but moreso terrified about the way death is PERCIEVED and DEALT WITH. I mean, if it is as MUCH a part of life as Birth is, and the latter is celebrated with. Joy and beauty, then why not celebrate Death the same way. I had to rally against Mum & Sis, when, at Dad's funeral, before his cremation, I insisted on staging a musical performance involving his favorite Cohen song, the lullaby he would sing me to sleep with as a kid, and a spoken word performance of an original piece I had written for him... I did it with great sorrow that I would never talk to him in this world again, but I did it with great JOY and LOVE. To such an extent, that friends and family at that funeral asked me: "how did you do it and not cry?" And all I answered was: "Why would I cry? I was celebrating my father's life!" Which then ran into another conversation, which was: (from another friend): "You could really start a Thing here... you know how they have 'Wedding Singers'? How come no one ever has 'Funeral Singers'?" Yes: How Come Nobody Ever Has Funeral Singers (another song title thrown out into the world...take it, take it, anyone!) Again... Amanda: Thank you for "the hard conversations." If all of yours are Gold anyway, then this one was pure platinum. Yours, as always, Pedro Gorman.


It feels..peculiarly apt in timing. I just learned of the passing of one of my mentors/ my major advisor. Seeking what we need is one thing, but having appear just as you need it is another.


I like it that it is so interesting even when you don't know the person. Thank you.


My dad is dying. We have only days. My sister is in hotel quarantine, only on day 4 of 14. We are caring for dad at home. FUCK IT IS HARD. My beautiful strong amazing father, who never NEVER swore in front of his kids. Who never shouted or screamed at us, is calling us awful names and in such pain and agitation constantly. My sister has just been told tonight she’s been granted compassionate visitation. It is going to hit her so hard tomorrow because while we have been dealing with it in spoonfuls she’s going to have an entire bucket dumped over her head when she sees him and spends time with him. I am scared to listen to this podcast right now. I’m scared it’s just too too close to me but it’s almost 1am in Sydney and maybe in the morning I will be brave. My darling 21yo daughter is on night duty with dad tonight, whilst the rest of us try and catch some Zzzz


I have liked all the of there podcasts so far and all af them have left me with some idea or point of view to think deeper with time. I've been cleaning wild mushrooms while I listen but first snow came last night and keeps still falling. So I'll better find out some other thing to keep me still ;) Thank you for finding these very interesting persons ❤️


Justine, I'm so sorry that you are having so very difficult and unique time going on just now. Do just the stuff that feel comfortable and let the rest of the world cope for now with less of your time ❤️