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hallo loves.

THIS WEEK'S NEW PODCAST - season 1, episode 2 - is here. 

the feedback from episode #1 with elizabeth lesser was glorious, and thank you to everyone who's been subscribing, talking it up on social media, and especially to those of you rating and reviewing the podcast everywhere possible. it helps!! a lot! we aren't advertising on the net. it's just y'all spreading the word.

yesterday we charted on the apple UK podcast charts, and that made me beam. thanks for that. that was you guys.


greetings from havelock north, aotearoa new zealand.

i am tired. i wish i were writing to you in better spirits, but i'm just generally mega-exhausted and out of spoons. i get through each day, but find it hard to do much but the basics; the news from the states is almost like a physical assault on the soul.  i did press all day today in the backyard and kept weeping. my life is such a strange accident. sometimes i just can't handle the poetry. 

on sunday night i turned my phone off and didn't check anything for about 20 hours. it was sobering that a) i felt so much better in so little time and b) my addiction to news and connection, espeically being here so far from all old friends and family, is so hardcore. i took it as a sign that slowing down, personally, for me, is going to have to be on the cards. i've been drawing from an empty well for too long, too much is falling apart, and i need a physical and emotional reset very badly. more on that later. 

meanwhile, for fuck's sake, i hope you're getting ready to vote.

this is insane.

i mean....it's insame.


and now the weather. if we can do anything, we can talk about the hard shit.

and this episode does just that.

the second episode of The Art of Asking Everything Podcast is out now, TODAY. episode 2 features guest sir lenny henry - british comic genius - and the episode is called "Lenny Henry: Humor, Trauma, and Flipping the Cosmic Spatula".

i did an interview on melbourne's ABC radio the other day, and the radio host told me that he loved this particular episode, and that he'd never heard anyone get quite into lenny's heart and story as i had. FUCK.

that really meant the world to me. that's the idea. i don't want these to be "interviews" .... i want them to be conversations. i want you all to be flies on the wall as i talk real human talk. i am so happy that i get to do this.

it is now available wherever you get your podcasts. 





this is a BIG reminder to patrons to CAP YOUR PLEDGE, PLEASE.

you've all been really good at doing that and i just wanna hassle you to cap if you're on a budget. these podcasts are fucking great, and they were very expensive to produce. BUT they are also coming out once a week, and i want to make sure you stay within your budget if you're used to me only "thinging" 2-3 things a month, especially if you're at a higher tier. we are going to be thinging 4-7 things a month, which means CAP, CAP, CAP!!!!!so i never have to give things a second thought as i blast content out - music, podcasts, althings, writing, poems, videos, the works, you know me. 






this handy linktree has a round-up of how to tune into the podcast on some of the most popular players. we will have the audio embedded on each episode post on my website: http://amandapalmer.net/podcast

and below is a link to listen on soundcloud, because you can listen to this on your computer or on your phone without the need to sign in, hoorah:




on thursday, at 4pm ET (new york time, EST) i'll be hosting a wbechat for patrons only on crowdcast. lenny can't make this chat - no surprise there, he's a busy dude and the UK is not doing great - so it'll just be us. i'll answer your questions and talk about the episode with you, we'll have a nice us-yarn. the cast with elizabeth was WONDERFUL, and i've missed seeing many of you on the regular. so...come.

RSVP AND START LEAVING QUESTIONS in the Q&A using the link below, you'll need to log into patreon to access this webcast as it's patron-only.


this is me, lenny, and our wonderful engineer, christo squier on the day of the recording. it feels like a lifetime ago. but it was only in december.

check out those croissants.


SHOW NOTES: The Art of Asking Everything, Season 1, Episode 2

"Lenny Henry: Humor, Trauma, and Flipping the Cosmic Spatula"


Lenny Henry is one of the most successful British stand-up comedians of all time.  In 1975, at just 17, his career took off when he was a repeat winner on the weekly TV talent show, New Faces.  He hosted sketch comedy program, The Lenny Henry Show, starting in 1984.  Lenny stared in the 90’s BBC sitcom. Chef!  Lenny is a founder, front-man and a creative force behind the charity Comic Relief. 

In this episode we talk about the paradoxes of celebrity and social media, how The Internet is a buffet, starting a career in entertainment in Working Mans’ Clubs, using humor as armor against racism, the history of minstrelsy in the UK, making your work the structure of your life, giving your loved ones fair warning when you publish a memoir, the beautiful meld of words and images in comic books, the power of masks and fiction and why giving advice to younger artists is so important.  

Lenny Online 






This podcast is 100% fan supported. There are no corporate sponsors or restrictions on speech. 

No ads.

No sponsors.

No censorship.

We are the media. 

if you enjoyed this episode, please consider joining the patreon.



i've attached a pdf of the transcript of my conversation with lenny to the patreon post. to view it, you can download it by visiting this patreon post on the web at: 




we are going to talk about this book, because it's amazing.

you can more info on lenny's book on his website: https://lennyhenry.net/my-book/

as the podcast book club ambles together, we will be setting a date to discuss it for about a monterh from now. if you're interested in this book, GRAB A COPY, start reading, and we'll start talking here on this patron-only lenny-henry-book thread on the shadowbox. again, this is very informal and just an invitation to connect with other patrons about the book, ideas, and everything....let's just keep it going:






IF YOU'RE IN THE USA.....DON'T FORGET TO REGISTER TO VOTE IN THE NOVEMBER 2020 ELECTION. DO NOT BE CONFUSED!!! help is there: you can register to vote, find your local voter registration deadlines, update your voter registration, check that your registration is still on the books, find your polling place and other important election information HERE at http://headcount.org


1. if you’re a patron, please click through to comment on this post. at the very least, if you’ve read it, indicate that by using the heart symbol. that's always nice for me to see, so i know who's reading. 

2. see All the Things (over 100 of them) i've made so far on patreon: 


3. JOIN THE SHADOWBOX COMMUNITY FORUM, find your people, and discuss everything: https://forum.theshadowbox.net/

4. new to my music and TOTALLY OVERWHELMED? TAKE A WALK THROUGH AMANDALANDA….we made a basic list of my greatest hits n stuff (at least up until a few years ago, this desperately needs updating) on this lovely page: http://amandalanda.amandapalmer.net/

5. general AFP/patreon-related questions? ask away, someone will answer: patronhelp@amandapalmer.net



Damian Masterson

Ah splendid. I just finished his book yesterday. My long commute and audible’s generous return policy has been coming in handy. It was a great story well told, but interestingly one I don’t have any pressing questions to follow up with him on. Every time I had a ‘I wonder what that was like’ or ‘what was he thinking there, thought, he ended up going into it. It also ends in a place where I’m genuinely interested in hearing what comes next and will likely check out the next book when we that happens. Looking forward to hearing the interview, will miss the chat though. Was able to pop in and out while getting kids ready for bed last time, but 4pm EST is prime time child wrangling.


Ah, what a fabulous interview! I don't have any special words right now, but just to say I loved every second. Thank you for interviewing Lenny Henry Amanda.

MT Dailey

Wonderful interview. Thank you❤️❤️




Amazing interview being old enough to remeber Saturday nights watching the minstaral show, opportunity knocks and the casual racism or the 70's and 80's britain. I had one non white friend who was as tough as old boots and it never dawned on me why! it didnt even occur to me she may have problems! rural devon was not a very multicultural place, my heart goes out to him growing up with the hash north, we may be south but my mum and dads familys were both northern! my gran hit me for not moving quick enough, and hugs were birthday things! so glad we have changed, while today is hard and wrong more is right now than then <3


This was fantastic. I had not heard of Lenny before, but this conversation was really helpful. The podcast is gorgeous, Amanda. Well done. Thank you for often providing exactly what I need to hear when I need to hear it. <3


Having grown up watching TISWAS and Trevor McDonut and Theophilus P. Wildebeeste :D I adore Lenny Henry. He's been part of my family since New Faces, as my parents watched him win and have cheered him on ever since. This conversation made me cry, big fat ugly tears and before it had finished I ordered Lenny's book. I also teared up when you were talking about Neil, I hope you're all going ok? I've come off facebook for a bit, I've stopped reading the news for a bit because I'm seriously worried about my MH, the constant inanities and dangerous behaviour from Trump, the constant sycophancy is wearing me down. I'm not sure I have the words to be write more, I am so damn tired of everything being about money and profit first, people second.


I'm just listening to this right now...I loooooovvvveee Lenny! So excited about this conversation. Your conversations with Elizabeth, both on the podcast and the crowdcast are amazing. I've also listened to Cassandra Speaks and she is talking about ideas in that book - far more eloquently than I could - that I have been mulling over since uni. And the self-help authors and books!!! a lot of things I connect with in that part of the convo. I have so many things I want to respond with and talk about. I'm hoping to make space for the book club and will get into that. Also when I get some time I'll jump on the Shadowbox and start to engage properly there (I'm looking forward to that), but I'm with you on the low spoons. I'm exhausted! It's a good reason to be exhausted for me at the moment. We have an event on Monday for all staff and it has been pretty busy getting it all organised. May your Sunday tech-free days become a lovely ritual xx and thanks so much for these podcasts, they're amazing


This is really a response to your post a few days ago: Musical Beds & Unsafe Spaces....There will Be Some Introspection part 4 {official thing} ........................... Many years ago, I wrote fiction book about a girl who becomes a vampire. It is a very "self discovery" sort of book and was always meant to be #1 of a trilogy. I have been working on Book 2 for four years. The beginning of the book is a fun escapade of the main characters plays a LARP game to while away the nights (before shit gets real). I wrote you in as a character she meets during this LARP. I have begun working on the story again (writing is a winter thing for me) and this bit of it resonated somehow with what you wrote in that post:..........................................................................................She jams the blade down into the table, plops into the seat and thunks her arm down towards me. I plunk mine down and discover that my outfit make this ritual a...challenge. The Queen does not hesitate. She daintily takes up the blade and cuts one thread at a time in the fishnet sleeve between the leather cuffs on wrist and below my elbow until she has a fist size hole. Then she slashes her own arm. She is neither hesitant nor slow and the blade is sharp. She offers it out to me like a three year old with a boo-boo. Her body doesn’t know it has been cut yet, the blade was too sharp. So I suck at the cut, gently lick it apart with my tongue. She gasps and the shape of her thoughts, the music of it changes and I know that she is all these things, all these pieces, unstructured. She exists truly and without reservation at the whim of the universe. Memories and dreams and music and idols and fears, they are all of her. There is no core. That is the core. Glimpses float around me and through me pieces combined until they become one thing. It is unlinear, it is deeply personal, and somehow it is impersonal. I can taste the vampire blood in her, but it is not hers. As though she were waiting for that revelation, pieces of her flow together and converge on me and I know some of it. Enough of it. I see her beloved that will never age and I see the child that keeps her from joining him. And I know that she doesn’t really want to. But she looks now only a few years older than she did then, when she met him. The skin under my tongue is closing. She isn’t really human, but she is close enough to be a mother. I wonder, as the connection between us fades if it is motherhood that shattered her thoughts and made her personal and impersonal until you are of her tribe, within the know and vetted and trusted. Somehow, I don’t think is is motherhood. I give her arm one last lick as I look into her eyes, drawing out from within and feeling skin touching skin. Two people with the space between them. .......................................................................sometime, if you like, I will send you the whole chapter. You are an amazing inspiration. Even though you never respond to me personally, though we've never met, though we have no relationship, I continue to draw inspiration from you in different ways. Thanks. Keep being you.


Also, am willfully choosing not to cap...while I can, I will


Amanda, you are such a sincere person that you penetrate each person to the very depths of his soul, you are able to understand and help in a purely human way! You are great person!


yes Birthday things when I was little less so in teens and gone by late teens, but they did hug my kids when small...