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hey everyone

today i did something actually fun and stupid on the internet for the first time in like, ever.




so, there was a song called "coin-operated boy". i fucking wrote it, and it became a staple of the band's live sets. oh, i was in a band. for many years, the band was called the dresden dolls. my band was fucking amazing and is the reason anything else ever happened to me. if you don't know my band, just go listen to the first album. just go. 

"coin-operated boy" was a silly, catchy song that was so silly i almost considered leaving it off the album because it was, well, silly, and i wanted to be, well, y'know, taken seriously. that's always a mistake, no matter what. 

it became the lead single on our first record. we made a silly video for it. the video went onto MTV and stuff, back when that shit existed. YE OLDE DAYS. that video now has over 4,000,000 views (i just noticed that! go us.)

there have been quite a few parodies of the song over the years.

a week ago my neighbor and friend boudicca, who's 17, starting going eeee, you need to come look at this, because this paraody of coin-operated boy is blowing up on tiktok.

she's on tiktok constantly and i'm like get off my lawn rah rah rah you speak gen z and i lost the plot trying to learn millennial. she was like NO LOOK. 

according to bou: so basically this parody of "coin-operated boy" called "god fucking dammit dave" was created years ago based on a comic called homestuck and then someone ripped the audio of the beginning a few months ago and used it for tiktok but then it became a thing over on an area of tiktok where people have eating disorders but then it wound up back in other areas of tiktok and now it's gone viral.


right, neither am i, totally.

that's because you're OLD.

ok, i'll try to explain.

so there is thing on tiktok that is basically THIS. and this. here a cop doing it. it's so weird, right?

it pissed me off a little bit because the band is credited nowhere, and obviously we will never see a cent from the millions of times this song gets played. because that's how the internet works and THAT'S WHY I FUCKING USE PATREON, because the internet is not fair to musicians and it's like make your own magic people.

i was like 



i do not want to learn tiktok. 

but i felt i must protect my honor.

so i told her we would fight back, and have a tiktok day.

so today was fight back day, and we did it.

i made a fucking tiktok account, and we made THIS.

i obviously enlisted the wise help and guidance of my native and local gen z'er, boudicca faith farquhar, to art direct, film and help me tag my tiktok.







go follow me on tiktok. i'm @theamandapalmer.

i promise you to make you feel like you are ON ACID ALL THE TIME.

for real, though, it looks like a really fun platform. i was futzing with the toys the other night, and it's made for a weirdo like me who loves to perform and do silly shit all the time. i'm gonna have fun on it until it is removed by the government.

so if you've been waiting for a reason to go on tiktok, just do it. download the app and follow @theamandapalmer and i will do silly things for you. and anytime i made anything absolutely worth sharing, of course, i'll post it here for the people who CANNOT BE FUCKED.

and make bou's life too and follow her: @bikkie.faith. (and like, especially if you are into k-pop and BTS, because she is pretty much all k-pop and BTS all the time. 





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1. if you’re a patron, please click through to comment on this post. at the very least, if you’ve read it, indicate that by using the heart symbol. that's always nice for me to see, so i know who's reading. 

2. see All the Things (over 100 of them) i've made so far on patreon: http://amandapalmer.net/patreon-things

3. JOIN THE SHADOWBOX COMMUNITY FORUM, find your people, and discuss everything: https://forum.theshadowbox.net/

4. new to my music and TOTALLY OVERWHELMED? TAKE A WALK THROUGH AMANDALANDA….we made a basic list of my greatest hits n stuff (at least up until a few years ago, this desperately needs updating) on this lovely page: http://amandalanda.amandapalmer.net/

5. general AFP/patreon-related questions? ask away, someone will answer: patronhelp@amandapalmer.net





Following how this plays out is almost enough to get me to join TikTok. Almost....


SO funny! Heh, I've been getting schooled in TikTok by my 20-something daughter and 30-something son's GF. Cottagecore! GoblinCore! Witchcraft and gay TikTok and all kinds of layers-deep subversive stuff. They send me videos and I've explored a little. It's fun. I like that it's short. There's some good stuff, and a lot I don't get. I'm in my mid-50s... keeps me young, I guess!


To be fair, if you're in New Zealand, don't forget to register to vote in the 17th of October! I've been usign TikTok for a while now Amanda! Made my morning to see you on there! ^_^


...I am having so many horrible flashbacks right now. I worked in the convention circuit for years and can tell you that the only fans more unhinged than Homestuck fans are Jhonen Vasquez fans. (I feel very bad for him and you probably would too if you saw what he has to deal with. It's insane.) That being said, I love your response video.


I'm honestly not sure how to feel. Like, totes gratz on the tiktok account! However, there is a battle for dominance happening between 13 year old me who was A Homestuck(I went to the meets, I (f)larped as my fav, I made an tollsona, I... I did so many things.) Past me is having a field day. Past me is shrieking with delight. Past me wants to talk about head cannons and shipping charts and- Present me is confused and honestly a little bit mortified. Not that I ever left the fandom! I still very much and part of the community. I still read the updates, I still play the games- hell, now that I'm a Verified Adult I purchase the official merch. But it's like a light has been shone on the gangly preadult hyper fixated without knowing the word for it childhood me and to sum it up in four words-- fucking YIKES, ma'dude. But it's like the two greatest influences of the hideous gestation of my adult existence came together in one beautifully terrifying amalgamation and I just... Feel the need to defend both of them against each other and WOW was that a feeling I was not prepared to handle ten minutes into prying myself off of my mattress. That's what I get for checking my email the moment I wake up. That being said. Don't... Uh... Look too closely at the Homestuck fandom. I love them, I'm part of them, but... Well, we've come a long way as a fandom. I say this with the utmost respect, knowing where we all went when Homestuck first started doing it's summer and eternally long hiatuses. Were a good lot of us immature? Yeah, but we were also the collective age of eight and three months, all participating in the first BIG THING and, uh. SEE- There I go, defending the past sins of my public library larp sessions. Just. Lay me down in my grave so I can roll around in agony until I manage to gain so much speed that my corpse meat can no longer be contained, causing my body to launch itself into the sun with glorious pirouette. BUH (But no really, grats for getting onto the gen Z general platform. They're great. Kids with too much on their plate, but great all the same.) -Signed, A Millennial

Bruce Cooper

I refuse to use tictoc but I also refuse not to follow you so there lies my conundrum 😳🥰😘


I have been resisting tiktok out of elder spite but it looks like I may have to dive in.❤️

Laura Wellner

Oh my fucking god damn it Dave that's funny! I'm just catching up with this one, my email...fuck. damnit. I never saw this before, I guess Tik-tok the latest internet evil that's in the news...whatever, have fun with it until its gone. Weeee!


I might actually join TikTok now and it is All Your Fault (tm)

Pedro B. Gorman

Oh, Amanda, Amanda... that was a ninja-level riposte! Hahahaa... you ROCK!

Morgan Shaw

Tiktok is actually super fun with amazing communities ^^ people of all ages have flooded it aince the pandemic started so there's a lot of lbgtq+ content, cosplayers, witchtok and kinktok.


We just need to move your overlay caption to the top, so the hashtags and such don’t cover them. I love this, though. Yes, yes, I’m later than late!