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{patron only}

hallo loves.

greetings from rainy havelock north, aotearoa new zealand. first of all, if you're local...i am sure you're wondering about the status of the upcoming NZ tour. we should have answers on FRIDAY (or saturday), given that there's going to be an annoucement about levels then (i've started calling these announcements "JACINDAVISION"). stay tuned. some shows may get shifted around. it is what it is.

i love you all a lot.

i'm processing a lot at the moment....it all feels salty, bittersweet and manageable. a lot of my friends are going through harder times than i am, and we're all taking turns picking each other up. everyone i've chatted with lately over in europe and the states has the thousand-yard stare. people are just .... the term that keeps coming up is "over it".

people are out of emotional gas. 

i just got off a two hour call with all of team AFP and FUCKIN HELL i think our new website, after (i am not kidding) AN ALMOST SIX-YEAR DELAY, is going to be ready for "thinging" at the end of the month. i'm spending the wholke day hunched over my laptop writing final text for the 1,278,172 sections of the new site. wait until you see this shit. the wait was worth it, it's gorgeous. and took...a lot of time and money to make. whatever. as my friend michael pope and i used to laugh at each other: "we're closer than we've ever been"

MEANWHILE...while i am kicking shit off my desk that's gotta get done....PODCAST!!!!!!


i have a feeling that this podcast is going to be a little bit of an antidote...for me, and hopefully for others.

i'm deep in podcast-reviewing-land at the moment, and there's a lotta tears.....

i used this podcast as an excuse to cut through the superficial blah-blah with a lot of people and dig immediately into the important shit: the tools we need to survive and grow, the things that we need to feel alive, y'know...the SMALL STUFF.

one of the very last interviews i did was with tim minchin, right when COVID was starting up in march...but it wasn't really a "thing" yet. his, ahem, opinionated thoughts about the state of things in america (he just moved back from LA to live in sydney) is still echoing in my head like a choking canary in a coal mine.

it's gonna be good. get ready.

and cap your pledge. it's coming out WEEKLY. and each one will be thinged.


as with many AFP projects, we've gone through several iterations and ideas in the art department and we hit an internal deadlock vote about which of these covers to use....so i said i would bring it to patrons for a vote. 

these are the two finally contestants:


i took this photo & did the hand-lettering myself, and the design was done by fannie cohen, who's producing the podcast....



i took this photo and the design was a collaboration between dana schecter (who made the podcast "trailer" video, which is coming soon!!) and andrew nelson, who did all the art design for "there will be no intermission". 

they are both awesome. i am partial to both.


the podcast isn't due to be launched for another month, but this is a critical decision, as it'll effect the website design, the banners, the socials, and all sorts of other stuff.... 

thanks, loves. and as i've said in the althing a few times...the podcast is due to drop EVERY TUESDAY and then there will be a patron0only follow-up live video chat with the guest, since ALL of these episodes were recorded pre-covid.

when the guest isn't available for the follow-up chat, i'll do a patron-wide webchat just about the podcast and the topics.

there's also a PODCAST BOOK CLUB coming together (wheee!!!!) since about 90% of my podcast guests just ahppen to be authors. i'll be hitting you guys with a reading list SOON. the current concept is to DISCUSS the podcast guests book about a month after the episode airs, to give people a chance to meet the guest and get psyched. obviously a book a week is a lot....but not every guest/book will be up everybody's alley. there will be a dedicated thread on the shadwobox for every book, and i'll be hosting where possible, and also bringing in guest volunteer hosts from the community. i think this is going to be awesome: a co-op book club, basically.

weigh in with thoughts!! and if you want a little heads up about the first guess and time to do some reading....start in on the best-selling memoir "broken open" by elizabeth lesser. it is also a book that may change your life a little bit, especially in these covid times....and it's a great one for anyone who's just been through a divorce or relationship split. elizabeth founded omega institute in NY, and she's my first guest. i love her deeply. it's a good way to start this shit.

hint, though, dear book peoples...she's got a brand-new book coming out that i just got in PDF form (i am salivating) and though we discuss a lot of the themes of "broken open" in the podcast, we'll be centering the follow-up chat and the book club around her book that's due out september 15th, called "Cassandra Speaks: When Women Are the Storytellers, the Human Story Changes"

get this: "What story would Eve have told about picking the apple? Why is Pandora blamed for opening the box? And what about the fate of Cassandra who was blessed with knowing the future but cursed so that no one believed her? What if women had been the storytellers?"

can i get a fuckin' amen?

anyway....go delve into both of these, and i'll have a longer list of books and WAY more about the book club for you within the next two weeks. this is just to whet your appetite.

more soon.

song out soon.

website out soon.

then podcast. and lots of films that have been backed up. i'm working as hard as my little brain can.



p.s. the chickens say HAI



IF YOU'RE IN THE USA.....DON'T FORGET TO REGISTER TO VOTE IN THE NOVEMBER 2020 ELECTION. DO NOT BE CONFUSED!!! help is there: you can register to vote, find your local voter registration deadlines, update your voter registration, check that your registration is still on the books, find your polling place and other important election information HERE at http://headcount.org


1. if you’re a patron, please click through to comment on this post. at the very least, if you’ve read it, indicate that by using the heart symbol. that's always nice for me to see, so i know who's reading. 

2. see All the Things (over 100 of them) i've made so far on patreon: http://amandapalmer.net/patreon-things

3. JOIN THE SHADOWBOX COMMUNITY FORUM, find your people, and discuss everything: https://forum.theshadowbox.net/

4. new to my music and TOTALLY OVERWHELMED? TAKE A WALK THROUGH AMANDALANDA….we made a basic list of my greatest hits n stuff (at least up until a few years ago, this desperately needs updating) on this lovely page: http://amandalanda.amandapalmer.net/

5. general AFP/patreon-related questions? ask away, someone will answer: patronhelp@amandapalmer.net



I voted for blue because you look more genuine in that one.

Mari Avicolli

Clearly in the minority but the blue one looks soooooooo much better - more open, more genuine, and better imo for a podcast that’s deep and honest.


"What if women had been the storytellers?"? I really want you to know that some women HAVE ALWAYS been the storytellers. My best friend is a Druts'yla, a tradition bearer and holder of Jewish stories since those stories began. She learned them from her grandmother, who learned them from hers, and so on. If you want to know what Eve's side of the story was, she will know. Any female character from that tradition, mentioned in passing by the stories written down by the men, will have had her whole story held on the tongue by the women. She has all the stories, thousands of them, in her head, and I just feel not enough people know about this incredible tradition that is rapidly dying out (her grandmother survived Auschwitz; so many other grandmothers and story-holders did not). Sorry to wax on about it, but when people say 'what about the women' I just want to shout 'they're over here! They exist! Keep them safe!' - because this shit is exciting! And not just in the Jewish tradition - there are many women tradition bearers in the world if you know where to look amongst the commercial takes. Amanda you would love this! More here (including some storytelling by Zoom this weekend): http://www.shonaleigh.uk


I hope Amanda sees this. What a wonderful tradition, and how cool it would be for Amanda to interview or work with someone involved in it!

Angel Rosen

maybe a "late to the party" question, but am i able to volunteer or nominate my book to be part of the podcast? i would love love love to be involved. another one of my fav musicians was going to do a podcast & she was going to feature my book on an art-related segment, but she decided to put the podcast on hold indefinitely. i understand, but i was really looking forward to it. if its possible in the future, i'd love to do it!


I love the vibrancy of the first one. The second feels thematically better but the arm angle looks slightly odd to me- I think it would feel more grounded as an image if more of your torso was in the frame. Both options are great though.

Marie ☽

I voted for the #1 option, it seems now more than even we need to connect to the Earth, spend some time on the ground, watching the clouds and listening to outstanding insights from our favourite artists. :) Can't wait to finally listen to it! Love from Brittany, France **

Len Tower Jr.

i suggest you send the offer with full details to the right address on https://amandapalmer.net/contact/


Today it’s no.2 calling


Option #2: you look more searchingy!


Picture #2. There’s a world in that picture.


also, thanks for the CDs. One for each child coming my way!