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(public posts, and they all will be). hey dear ones. I'm writing to you from a little cottage on hermosa beach, where Katherine and Robert used to live. now only Katherine lives here. Robert died this summer, at 88, a few weeks after Anthony. he played the ukulele on the beach with me. some of you were there. he loved the ocean. he used to surf on wooden surf boards back in the forties. it was before they knew about sunblock. he got skin cancer like a lot of those old school surfers, and they had to cut his toe off. Katherine misses him. they were married almost sixty years and always lived right here on the beach. we decided to come stay in LA to keep her company for a little while and distract her with a baby. the power went out today, and we went to buy candles but there weren't any and so we called Katherine and she had some so here we are, at her house, with a fire on and a baby in her lap and some bourbon and I'm so glad we came here by accident because when we came she was in the middle of writing Christmas cards but she said she'd gotten too weepy and had to stop and she was so glad we had come over because she had been lonely and now she wasn't. and here I am being a dick a little bit because I should be in there with the fire and the baby but because the power went out and there's no internet at our place I'm writing this to you now, on my phone. this shit is what I love about holiday-christmas time. everybody opens their doors a little wider and gets a little kinder and talks a little more. everybody becomes a little bit more inviting. everyone is a little more generous, an emotional sure before the giant winter shutdown of gloom and doom. it is my favorite time of year not because I'm religious but because, if I had a religion, it would be the religion of everyone talking and being nice to each other. and Christmas seems to bring that out of people, so this is one of my favorite times of year. and I hate the cold so being in Los Angeles for Christmas is a win win, word. AND with that ho ho ho segue: this image is the first of 12 gifty-surprises I'm going to clobber you with for the next 12 days. it just so happens that lovely UK Alex has been in the AFP office for the last week finally cleaning and clearing out loads of hard drives with tons of weird shiitake on them, and what better way to use all these archival gems than to blast them out as countdown-to-christmas gifts to the patrons? we won't be charging for any of this. we are making all these posts public because, you know, generosity. but if you're reading this and not a patron, join up and be a part of our awesome community. (something has to pay for Alex's salary and plane tickets:) some of the things are photos, some video, some audio...there's a treasure trove of little weirdnesses! this first THING is an old show poster I made for one of my VERY first solo shows in 1999...this was about a year before I met Brian and started the dresden dolls. I was doing a lot of performing as the Eight Foot Bride and that's how most people in Cambridge knew me...but I was also trying to start my career as a solo songwriter. so I asked my photographer friend Riessen to sneak into the church where I booked a solo show (how I booked that church show I don't even remember, I think I knew someone who knew someone)...and I donned my street performing get-up and we took the photo. then I snuck into the basement of MIT, used their computers with photoshop to design the flyer, and made 100 or so copies which I left in record stores all over Harvard square...I even put some at the foot of my hat while I was street performing the week leading up to the show. if I remember correctly, about 20 people came. I played my proto-dolls songs like slide, bad habit, and Half jack...IN FULL BRIDE COSTUME. for no reason really. I'm not sure what I was thinking. anyway...I had the flyer saved on an old drive and Alex found it. and here it is. #1 of 12 weird things he's found. and, er, day 12 will be something SUPER SPECIAL :) tune in tomorrow for weird thing number next. you'll get an email every day with a link if you're a Patron. I love you guys. dont forget to click and comment, I'm readin'. and say a prayer that put power comes back on tonight. though...candles and a baby ain't that bad. xxx afp ps did you notice the show was $3? just saying.




You should have more printed... I'd buy one. Just saying :)


Love the photo and the flashback. No I didn't notice the $3 till you pointed it out. Can I just say, as a single woman in her 40s who is unlikely to have children, that the baby photos make me happy and make me smile :)

Darren Robinson

nice! very cool poster and a bit freaky :-s You look very different as the Bride. wish I could have heard that concert. Thanks for sharing all that you have, and can understand when you need to INHALE. look forward to the ride and the EXHALE.


thanks for sharing! <3


After finals, I showed my students your TED talk. I had just pledged my oer-item amount for you on Patreon yesterday and told them so. I teach English and have six books out. But the climate has changed. Sales have changed. Publishing has changed. And so j must change too, back to the way it was, backjng and patronage. And so they suggested I do my own kickstarter for my next book, to pay costs and the illustrator and me too. I have been asked far too many times to work for free. No. Art is valiantly. And so am I. Thanks for the idea. I'm going for it.


Do you have any idea what you've done by joining us all together in a community via the facebook Patreon page? You have created a miracle, that's what you've done. We are all changing day by day, being better humans, putting others first, becoming more creative than we've been in years, loving one another unconditionally, basking in our weirdness, laughing at ourselves and crying on one another's caring shoulder. It's a freaking miracle. The Art of Asking has done this. Be proud!

Megan Rubenstein

This net you've fashioned is amazing, Amanda. Really incredible. I'm sure you know about this, but it seems Sloth Kyle Addamus Kellel was recently saved from a suicide attempt by the AFP Patreon Facebook group. He posted something concerning on the page, then Sloth Scott Moore posted something on his page because he was worried, and that led to Scott calling Kyle's mother, and she called the cops, and the cops brought him to the hospital. So, just, thanks. And wow.


Amanda, Thank you for this. I'm having a tough Christmas season and this started to soften me. I've just been in a mean and grouchy place for that last year. My baby is 2 and we are far from most of our family. I'm feeling a lot of pressure to make Christmas special and I'm entirely missing the point. I just need to slow down and remember to open my door a little wider. Thanks.

Jin N Tonic

my sister is a single mother with a messy break up and in the midst of a new breakup and our family situation is.. less than ideal. She has always put too much pressure on herself during the holidays, especially now for her son. I'll tell you what I tell her - the best gift you can give ANYONE is your own happiness. Be a happy person, take lots of photos and video to share with your child when they are older, and with your family now, and I promise it'll be a much merrier christmas =)


"if I had a religion, it would be the religion of everyone talking and being nice to each other" I'm in!


Yes! I love this time of year. I understand all the reasons why many people are grumpy about it (consumerism, etc.) but it doesn't have to be like that. It can be about talking and being nice to each other. Thank you. :-)


This is wonderful. Looking forward to the rest. Thank you.


When can I take over the reigns as UK Alex? :p