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hello my loves. dear friends. 

greetings from hastings, new zealand. i have been meaning to write for a few days; i've been moving house for the past 48 hours.

these are dark times. america is in pain. deep, deep pain. i hope and pray that these pains are growing pains. 

racism is a deep wound in america that has never stopped bleeding, and now it is gushing.

i know there is so much work that we - especially white people - have ahead of us to cauterize, to mend, to heal this wound. and as an artist, i am trying really hard to listen, to understand what to do. i'm trying to figure out how i can do things better. 

i'm horrified by the murder of george floyd. and breonna taylor. and ahmaud arbery. and and and. and the countless other victims of police violence, and racist violence - of all kinds - in my country. horrified at the way our government is treating black people; at the way our government is dealing with the unrest; at donald trump's lack of humanity and compassion. at the fact that black lives in america continue not to matter.

i am committed - and my whole team is committed - to helping. i am committed to learning how i - as a white person and musician - can help dismantle racism and the systems built upon it. 

i feel that if you're here on my patreon, chances are you are here to support this cause, and you will help me as we work towards some answers. 

in addition to finding good charities to donate to this month (we will), i'm going to slow down my output and spend more time listening as well as elevating the voices of black artists.

starting with the comments here, especially if you have something productive you want to share.

it is easy to be confused. progress will not be a straight line.

god knows i haven't gotten everything right in the course of my life and my career; not even close. 

and sometimes it is good to just slow down and listen, and that is what is needed right now.


i've been having conversations with everyone on my team all week.

our whole team is committed to doing the work that needs to be done, which includes being active and standing up for our beliefs as well as being introspective and challenging ourselves to be better.

nobody here is afraid to have the hard conversations, and to do the hard and necessary work. 

i feel incredibly grateful that my team cares deeply about black lives and doing what's right.


there is a lot of information circulating all over the internet right now;
i'd like to share these two links:


this post - called "what white people can do for racial justice" - was written in 2017 but is continuously updated.




this is a living google doc called "RECLAIM THE BLOCK" that has a list of donation links:


please look through and, if you're able, make even a symbolic donation to one or more of these causes. i'm working on finding a good place to send patreon money this month, and i'd also love to take ideas for good causes below in the comments, especially if you work for a local cause that needs our help. 


the conversation can continue here in the comments, and there is also a dedicated area of the community forum for discussing all of this; you will see that threads specifically about black lives matter have been posted by people in the community. 

the conversation must be ongoing. this is a good place we can start and continue more conversations (and i do feel it's important to start and hold conversations right now in places that are not facebook):



i am here, i am listening, and i am learning.

if you are out there physically protesting: team afp is proud of you. 

stay safe.

and if you're hurting in any way, for any reason, know that i love you.


to be continued.






Hey all, Governor Cuomo is talking about 'say their name' police reform https://newyork.cbslocal.com/2020/06/05/ny-cuomo-say-their-name-police-reform-agenda/ I truly think he's a compassionate person who is doing a lot to make things right. Unfortunately by choosing this name he is mixing up the movements and potentially erasing #sayhername. @Feministajones says it better than I can on the link below, but he probably chose this as a less incendiary version of black lives matter. https://www.instagram.com/tv/CBFFmafgRln/?igshid=dzam62xixqwl Let's contact him to suggest a different name?


I think your fear and action are well meant but not so realistic. An online force remains an online force. And if they get interfered the solution will be there at an instant. Your intentions are praised.

Elizabeth Gunn

Yes, read the books, yes, follow people on instagram, yes, donate, yes, share and promote Black artists and Black voices. You know what else? Talk to your Black neighbors. Talk to all your neighbors. One of the weirdest and most internally damaging pieces of whiteness is that it is deeply isolating. I've been noticing and understanding this more and more as I get older, white people who are scared to talk to their neighbors, scared to talk to their families, white people who are scared to seek out help from their own friends, white people who are scared to engage with their IRL community. And it's me! I'm scared of those things! It's that white fragility talking, afraid that an exchange will go poorly, that someone won't like me, that I'll FAIL. God, and it's FINE if you fail! Talk to your people, don't let white fear dominate you. You don't have to say profound shit, just be there. Love you all.


Hey all, this conversation is one I think is important https://www.instagram.com/tv/CBJtxctMEwe/?igshid=iawqppm9t7h0


No one’s gonna soothe my pain and No one’s gonna say I’m held And no one’s gonna tell me I’m worth loving.




This white chick is trying to do better. This voice helps. Somehow listening and crying at the injustice helps.


Just a question. How much of your team is BPOC or POC? Not to advocate tokenism, but I do think that we need to take a look at how are our communities organized. I work for a multinational corporation, and our leadership is all white with a smattering of non-white people in other regions. North America's and overall leadership are all white.


As a recently returning patron, I'm happy to see you post something and that you and your team are having discussions on how to help in this time. While you have mentioned donating, provided resources, plan to amplify black voces... have you had any discussions in how you can make your spaces more friendly to POC? This is something you've been (I think rightly) criticized for over the years. This patreon is a safe space to learn and grow but it can also be an echo chamber. You are an expert at building community, so why not try to be more inclusive in what you're building? I'm sorry if this sounds harsh. Im showing my respect for you through honesty. We all have a lot to learn from this movement, myself included. Its time to reflect and ask those tough questions to our white friends and to ourselves.


I am not normally known for posting here much, but I am having a bit of a conundrum at the moment, and even though I honestly believe that we should all stand up against racism and I am an adamant defender of the protests in Australia against racism. However, I stumbled across an interview on Sky News with Jacinta Price who is a member of the Indigenous Community in Alice Springs. The interview is called “People only care about Indigenous deaths, if there’s a white perpetrator.” This interview details one of the major issues in Indigenous Communities today, in the form of domestic violence and the sexual assault of Indigenous women and children by family members and emphasises that there were twenty three thousand child protection orders issued in Alice Springs alone, that has a population of two hundred and seventy five thousand people. The interview states that many Indigenous people incarcerated are women of domestic violence situations who were fed up and retaliated, and men who have committed sexual and physical violence offences against members of their own families. Here is the link: https://www.skynews.com.au/details/_6162207311001 As a woman I find this rather alarming that this information has been swept under the rug, yet I remember hearing rumours of this and dismissed it as propaganda and inciting further racism against Indigenous people, as it was mainly by white people who were saying this. Now having seen this interview, I am not so sure and my dilemma is that I know that the Black Lives Matter movement is important and needs to be addressed, as there is definitely an inherent racism problem in Australia, and not just directed at Indigenous Australians, but people from a wide variety of cultures from around the world. I feel that as a woman who is proud of the achievements that generations of women who fought for the equality and freedom that we now have in our everyday lives, (although we still have a long way to go), that white women have forgotten about these marginalised women in Indigenous communities and haven’t done enough to stand up and fight for these women and children. I see so many posts on social and mainstream media about the rape and genital mutilation of young girls around the world, yet this is the first time that I have seen this topic raised. I understand that domestic violence and sexual assault is an issue in all cultures around the world, as I know all too well from my own personal experiences. However, having seen many emotional pleas about racism from several prominent Indigenous people on social media, I have not seen anyone except Jacinta Price raise this topic and it concerns me as to why? My question is that if we call attention to this issue, is it taking away from the importance of the fight against racism, as it isn’t only Indigenous Australians who are faced with this issue, but all minority groups within Australia, or is it going to incite more racism against Indigenous Australians and has this topic only been raised now to discredit the movement and all it stands for by people from the far right. I am very confused right now and that is why that I am posting this here as I know that this is a safe place where people will voice their opinions with honestly, love and respect.


Hi Deanne, my feeling is that yes it would confuse things even more especially in online platforms where complexity and nuance cannot be held. We have same issues in South Africa. I am likely to be killed by a fellow black South African. The confluence of internalized oppression and patriarchy is a painful mess for indigenous people. We are having that conversation in safe spaces here. Trying to have them on open online spaces is just too traumatizing.


My preschoolers and I did our own mini social distancing protest on the bridge that goes over the busy street next to our school. They all made their own (barely legible) signs saying stop, no, listen, and pictures of black people with hearts and broken hearts and tears. They screamed ‘BLACK LIVES MATTERRRRRRRRR!” At every car that drove under us. We got a handful of honks and the kids got to feel a bit of release from their anger because quote (from the mouths of 4yos) “ I like all black people even ones we haven’t met” “I don’t want any of my black teachers to get shot” “firefighters don’t have weapons and they save people all the time” “the white people and police officers need to stop hurting black people cause they never even do anything wrong” Having the kids brainstorm ways that they think they can help has helped me immensely too. We’re all processing together. All the teachers are reading ‘what if all the kids are white’


Look up George Soros re:BLM Then let me/us know what you think....I respect your opinion


No, why should someone else look up what you are trying to convey? They might find something completely different than what you have found. If you have an opinion on a subject and want others to know it and discuss it, YOU have to supply text or a link to something. That is the only way to do this.


Wooow! Thanks for sharing. If this ain't coming in, nothing will!


Best way I can thank you with. Song from Common "Letter to the Free" https://youtu.be/ane9zmxrkbk


Thank you so much! Like this and will share in the Shadowbox. See if it gets attention there.